Bow Drill, Perfectly Decayed White Oak Is GREAT for Friction Fire

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I went back over to the woods where I used to live to get some punk wood. I had seen one of Lonnie's videos (Far North Bushcraft and Survival) about Bow Drilling with a punk wood fire board and wanted to give it a try. Entering the back yard, I could see where some decayed White Oak limbs had fallen, about 50', and just exploded into several pieces on the ground. Oh happy day! Nicely degraded, perfectly decayed White Oak is great for Bow Drill Friction Fire. I chose one of the pieces that was about 2' long and 7" in diameter and then went on to harvest some punk wood. Since the punk wood was so wet, I decided to set it aside to dry for awhile and work with the White Oak for Bow Drill Friction Fire, first. Now, I usually only work with 2-3" diameter branches, breaking down this 7" diameter White Oak was going to be different, but some good practice. It wasn't too bad though, the Mora and baton, and a Corona Folding saw made short work of it. Oh by the way, I uncovered a critter deep within the River Birch punk wood. It was 2" long and had some big ol' eye spots on him...I had to look him up, Eastern Big Eyed Click Beetle LOL!!! I love it when nature happens!!! Come see how well the damp White Oak worked for Bow Drill.Please SUBSCRIBE at the end of the video. Thanks!


Bow Drill, My Little EDC Stanley Pocket Knife, EVERYTHING "On The Spot" Made
Introducing The Quick Adjust Bowstring (Never retie your bowstring again.)
Bow Drill Bearing Block... A Favorite Of Mine Crosstie Wood... Creosote's Lubing Action
The Secret To Easy, Ember Ignited Tinder Bundles Revealed... American Beech Bow Drill
Hatchet-Made Bow Drill Set And Fire From Damp River Birch
Using a Paperback Book for a Bow Drill Fire Board
Рекомендации по теме

I think everybody who’s interested in this sort of fire making can learn a great deal from your videos –
whether he’s playing in the bush or in the backyard, doesn’t matter! Great demonstration, thank you again.


Thanks for sharing your wonderful dogs with us. And for the great content you always share in you videos.


David u have a great outlook on life man. U have a great point of view about people, in general & especially when they give u sh*t.


I enjoy watching your videos, very informative and detailed, Thank You


Like you did in this video, I found a broken off limb from an oak tree a couple days ago on my bike ride. I harvested a nice portion of punk wood from it. I will go back and get some pieces for a bow drill set and give it a try. Thanks for the inspiration David!


Nice one David! Outside of you and Lonnie, I rarely see anyone mentioning the state of decay when choosing materials, but it can definitely make a big difference in how a set performs.


I went back over to the woods where I used to live to get some punk wood. I had seen one of Lonnie's videos (Far North Bushcraft and Survival) about Bow Drilling with a punk wood fire board and wanted to give it a try. Entering the back yard, I could see where some decayed White Oak limbs had fallen, about 50', and just exploded into several pieces on the ground. Oh happy day! Nicely degraded, perfectly decayed White Oak is great for Bow Drill Friction Fire. I chose one of the pieces that was about 2' long and 7" in diameter and then went on to harvest some punk wood. Since the punk wood was so wet, I decided to set it aside to dry for awhile and work with the White Oak for Bow Drill Friction Fire, first. Now, I usually only work with 2-3" diameter branches, breaking down this 7" diameter White Oak was going to be different, but some good practice. It wasn't too bad though, the Mora and baton, and a Corona Folding saw made short work of it. Oh by the way, I uncovered a critter deep within the River Birch punk wood. It was 2" long and had some big ol' eye spots on him...I had to look him up, Eastern Big Eyed Click Beetle LOL!!! I love it when nature happens!!! Come see how well the damp White Oak worked for Bow Drill.Please SUBSCRIBE at the end of the video. Thanks!


Bow Drill, My Little EDC Stanley Pocket Knife, EVERYTHING "On The Spot" Made
Introducing The Quick Adjust Bowstring (Never retie your bowstring again.)
Bow Drill Bearing Block... A Favorite Of Mine Crosstie Wood... Creosote's Lubing Action
The Secret To Easy, Ember Ignited Tinder Bundles Revealed... American Beech Bow Drill
Hatchet-Made Bow Drill Set And Fire From Damp River Birch
Using a Paperback Book for a Bow Drill Fire Board


Nice man, very cool video thanks for sharing


Awesome! I have been using cedar, but I will try decaying oak.


Thank u David for sharing such knowledgeable ways to make fire and great experiments


You know I was visiting with Lonnie at his home one time a couple of years ago and he had this partially decayed piece of birch wood he had found. He was able to make a no notch, one hole ember with it. The dust just gathered around the hole until there was enough heat to combust. Now normal birch wood would be the last wood I would try for a bow drill fire. It is normally not a go to wood for friction fire but when partially decomposed everything changes.


Nice one david! You're right about the Mora!👍😉👍


Hi David, does fir tree bark make good char?


Eyed Elater is another name for that click beetle.


Dave you need a real pocket saw! get a Japanese made the best.. trust me.. they cut on the pull not the videos are awesome you are the fire man!


How much abuse has that companion taken I was worried so I got a garberg but that companion seems pretty solid and for the price sheesh that thing is taking a beating


Any survivalist who says he can’t learn from your videos is showing not only his arrogance but his ignorance.


Okay, yes what you are doing as a hobbyists lol can work but, not out in a survival situation. You want the lest amount of weight in your pack for one. You can use red pine as your hand hold because all the sapp is a great lubricant or chap stick or green leafs. I have done survival school and training with people you see on T.V. if the Item doesn't have 3 uses then I will not have in my pack, it just doesn't make sense.
