The 72 Kings of Hell: The Most Powerful Infernal Demons: Ars Goetia: Lesser Key of Solomon

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The 72 Kings of Hell: Ars Goetia - The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) | The most powerful and worst demons of Judaeo-Christian Mythology: Demonology 1:

In this video, you shall know about The 72 infernal spirits of Solomon and the 4 principal Kings of Hell: The Hierarchy of the demons of hell: The Most Powerful Infernal Demons of Judeo-Christian Lore.

Featured Demon Categories and Types:

The Kings of Hell,
The Princes of Hell,
The Marquises of Hell,
The Dukes of Hell,
The Earls of Hell,
The Presidents of Hell,
The Knights of Hell,

Featured Demons:

King Bael (Baal, Beelzebub, Beelzebul),
Duke Agares
Prince Vassago
Marquis Samigina (Gamigin)
President Marbas
Duke Valefor (Valefar)
Marquis Amon
Duke Barbatos
King Paimon
President Buer
Duke Gusion (Gusayn)
Prince Sitri
King Beleth
Marquis Leraje (Lerayou)
Duke Eligos
Duke Zepar
Count/President Botis
Duke Bathin
Duke Sallos
King Purson
Count/President Morax
Count/Prince Ipos
Duke Aim
Marquis Naberius
Count/President Glasya-Labolas
Duke Buné
Marquis/Count Ronové
Duke Berith
Duke Astaroth
Marquis Forneus
President Foras
King Asmoday (Asmodeus)
Prince/President Gäap
Count Furfur (Furtur)
Marquis Marchosias
Prince Stolas
Marquis Phenex
Count Halphas (Malthus)
President Malphas
Count Räum
Duke Focalor
Duke Vepar
Marquis Sabnock
Marquis Shax
King/Count Viné
Count Bifrons
Duke Vual
President Haagenti
Duke Crocell
Knight Furcas (Fureas)
King Balam
Duke Alloces
President Caim
Duke/Count Murmur
Prince Orobas
Duke Gremory
President Ose
President Amy
Marquis Orias
Duke Vapula
King/President Zagan
President Valac (Valak)
Marquis Andras
Duke Flauros
Marquis Andrealphus
Marquis Kimaris
Duke Amdusias
King Belial
Marquis Decarabia
Prince Seere
Duke Dantalion
Count Andromalius
Principal King Amaymon,
Principal King Corson,
Principal King Ziminiar,
Principal King Goap
#Mythology #Demonology

Ars Goetia: The 72 Infernal Spirits of Solomon ( The Lesser Key of Solomon or Lemegeton)

All images used in this video are for education purposes. All rights go to their owners.

Dear Artists! If your artwork is used in this video and you would like to be given credits in the video description, do not hesitate to let us know. This video wouldn't be a success without your beautiful artworks to illustrate each of the demon kings mentioned. Thank you.

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0:00 Introduction

1:21 Christiann Mythology
1:54 Baal (King)
2:15 Baal - Beelzebub
2:36 Agares (Duke)
3:08 Vassago (Prince)
3:30 Gamigin (Marquise)
4:23 Valefor (Duke)
4:39 Amon (Marquise)
5:07 Barbatos Duke
5:45 Paimon (King)
6:18 Buer (President)
6:39 Gusayn (Duke)
7:00 Sitri (Prince)
8:12 Leraye (Marquise)
8:32 Eligor (Duke)
8:56 Zepar (Duke)
9:16 Botis (President)
9:43 Bathin (Duke)
10:06 Sallos (Duke)
10:25 Purson (King)
11:23 Ipos (Prince & Earl)
11:43 Aim (Duke)
12:18 Naberius (Marquise)
12:59 Bune (Duke)
13:23 Ronove (Marquise & Earl)
14:14 Astaroth (Duke)
15:43 Asmodeus (King)
16:41 Gaap (Prince & President)
17:21 Furfur (Earl)
17:46 Marchosias (Marquise)
18:33 Phoenix (Marquise)
18:57 Halphas (Earl)
19:20 Malphas (President)
20:58 Vepar (Duke)
21:22 Sabnack (Marquise)
21:49 Shax (Marquise)
22:24 Vine (King & Earl)
22:54 Bifrons (Earl)
23:56 Haagenti (President)
24:20 Crocell (Duke)
25:21 Balam (King)
26:17 Caim President
27:18 Orobas (Prince)
27:41 Gemory (Duke)
28:52 Orias (Marquise)
29:25 Vapula (Duke)
29:42 Zagan (King & President)
30:05 Valac (President)
30:27 Andras (Marquise)
30:55 Flauros (Duke)
31:41 Andrealphus (Marquise)
32:05 Cimeries (Marquise)
32:33 Amduscias (Duke)
32:54 Belial (King)
33:48 Decarabia (Marquise)
34:43 Dantalion (Duke)
35:17 Andromalius (Earl)

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Dear Viewers! We hope you enjoy watching this one as much as we enjoyed making it.

Dear Artists! If your artwork is used in this video and you would like to be given credits in the video description, do not hesitate to let us know. This video wouldn't be a success without your beautiful artworks to illustrate each of the demon kings mentioned. Thank you

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Time stamps, hope it’s useful:

1:54 Baal / Beelzebub
2:36 Agares
3:08 Vassago
3:30 Gamigin
3:55 Marbas
4:23 Valefor
4:39 Amon
5:07 Barbatos
5:45 Paimon
6:18 Buer
6:39 Gusayn
7:00 Sitri
7:29 Beleth
8:12 Leyare
8:32 Eligor
8:56 Zepar
9:16 Botis
9:43 Bathin
10:06 Sallos
10:25 Purson
11:09 Morax
11:23 Ipos
11:43 Aim
12:18 Naberius
12:39 Glasya Labolas
12:59 Bune
13:23 Ronove
13:45 Berith
14:14 Astaroth
14:52 Forneus
15:19 Foras
15:43 Asmodeus
16:41 Gaap
17:21 Furfur
17:46 Marchosias
18:14 Stolas
18:33 Phoenix
18:57 Halphas
19:20 Malphas
20:02 Raum
20:25 Focalor
20:58 Vepar
21:22 Sabnack
21:49 Shax
22:24 Vine
22:54 Bifrons
23:26 Vual
23:56 Haagenti
24:20 Crocell
24:53 Furcas
25:31 Balam
25:54 Alloces
26:17 Caim
26:54 Murmur
27:18 Orobas
27:41 Gemory
28:04 Ose
28:19 Amy
28:52 Orias
29:25 Vapula
29:42 Zagan
30:35 Valac
30:27 Andras
30:55 Flauros
31:41 Andrealphus
32:05 Cimeries
32:33 Amduscias
32:54 Belial
33:48 Decarabia
34:15 Seere
34:43 Dantalion
35:17 Andromalius


What I think is interesting is that most people think demons are associated with night but the ones in this appear during certain phases of the Sun.


With all these Legions under the command of these demons, it only goes to infer that there are Kingdoms and Wars amongst these kingdoms. There's more to Life than we already know


It's crazy how these demons have been cast in Soo many movies, cartoons and TV shows


Does anyone potentially remember a time where these demons of the Ars GOETIA fought against the world’s historical and mythological figures like King Arthur, Emperor Nero, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Cu Chulainn, Sir Mordred, etc.? Good times


18:15 - To summon Stolas, you must center yourself in a place of nature, far away from civilization. Light the candles and invoke his presence by saying this magickal incantation:



Beautiful voice over - sounds like Rosamund Pike. So many great videos on YouTube are rendered ineffective because of poor voice over - this is so professional and a pleasure to listen to.


Time to unlock the 72 parts of my Brain . This is beyond appreciated. This is essential. Thank you


1:54 scaramouche's mama
5:07 toneless bard
5:45 your teyvat guide and emergency food
6:18 baby nahida
11:03 osmanthus wine
17:46 stove god
20:25 hydro archon


Best mythology page I’ve found yet. Love you keep it up!


Love this Data, on the 72 Kings and, Fallen Angels, Continue create More Hidden Knowledge of the Celestials, Certainly, I Love these Hidden knowledge., Continue!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹💎👑.


I have a couple questions. Some of these demons seem to have dominion over things you might consider good (making men witty, reconciliation of enemies, ect.) Is this because they were angels that fell? So like they maintain their angelic dominions despite being cast out?
Also, what books are these demons in? If Solomon bound them then would accounts of them be in the book of Solomon?


01. Ba'al
02. Agares
03. Vassago
04. Gamigin
05. Marbas
06. Valefor
07. Amon
08. Barbatos
09. Paimon
10. Buer
11. Gusayn
12. Sitri
13. Beleth
14. Leraye
15. Eligor
16. Zepar
17. Botis
18. Bathin
19. Sallos
20. Purson
21. Morax
22. Ipos
23. Aim
24. Naberius
25. Glasya Labolas
26. Bune
27. Ronove
28. Berith
29. Astaroth
30. Forneus
31. Foras
32. Asmodeus
33. Gaap
34. Furfur
35. Marchosias
36. Stolas
37. Phoenix
38. Halphas
39. Malphas
40. Raum
41. Focalor
42. Vepar
43. Sabnack
44. Shax
45. Vine
46. Bifrons
47. Vual
48. Haagenti
49. Crocell
50. Furcas
51. Balam
52. Alloces
53. Caim
54. Murmur
55. Orobas
56. Gemory
57. Ose
58. Amy
59. Orias
60. Vapula
61. Zagan
62. Valac
63. Andras
64. Flauros
65. Andrealphus
66. Cimeries
67. Amduscias
68. Belial
69. Decarabia
70. Seere
71. Dantalion
72. Andromalius


Loved this video. This is not the first time I’ve heard that King Solomon was master of the demons. Also I have heard of the ring of Solomon. Thank you. 🙏🏻


The ring was made from brass and iron, and the two parts were used to seal written commands to good and evil spirits, respectively.


Excellent. A lot of content that can be used in books, movies, music, and videogames.


Hello could you be kind to say where you get this information from? How do you know about all these demons? Thanks.


Love the voice reading these, I haven't read the Ars Goeta myself, but a lot of these Lord's of hell seem to just be very virtuous in nature, which makes it odd to think about.


So basically, Demons are like Pokemons, and Solomon caught them all?
