The Raleigh Chopper Story

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There’s some disagreement about how the Chopper came to be. Raleigh’s official line is that Raleigh’s designer, Alan Oakley was on a fact-finding trip to the US. After seeing the Sting-Ray fad first-hand, he sketched his own version and Raleigh started working on it once he returned. Tom Karen also claims to have designed it. He ran Ogle Designs, the company that styled the classic TR130 Bush radio, Bond Bug and Reliant Scimitar GTE, and claims he also designed the Chopper, starting in 1966 with preliminary meetings with Raleigh.


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The best bike ever on this planet. My mother bought me one after my dad died for Christmas. It’ll always be in my fondest of memories.


I had a Chopper my friend had a Chopper… That was it! We were CHiPs. California Highway Patrol in Norf London. Oh happy days


Hi there, wow!!! I remember the Raleigh Chopper bikes. I used to own one in my childhood days. Great memories riding this bike.


I didn't have a chopper but my Stingray to this day remains my favorite bike EVER. And I'm 65 lol.


My Dad gave me this bike for my birthday in 1974, I was so happy! I was the only kid with a bike like this and more because at that time we were living in Mexico. He sent one assistant to Huston to buy this bike only for me and I was the only one with a bike like this all around the block and probably all the city. This is a great memory for me, you are always in my heart Dad you are my superhero!


I still remember the 'gear shift trick' going round all us chopper kids. The gear changed up one automatically by changing the way you pressed on the pedals. What maybe inspired this was that factory printed label "..not constructed to carry passenger.." on the seat which really means "ignore official instructions and do whatever works best".


My older sister bought me mine when I was a kid.
She had only been employed a few weeks in the RAF and went and got a bank loan to buy me it.
The bank manager had asked her, what do you want the loan for? And she replied because my brother wants a Raleigh Chopper and he has to have one. She said the bank manager smiled at her and then laughed and said I'm gonna give you the money because you're the 1st honest person who's walked through my door all day.
This bike was my pride and joy. I never wanted anything as a kid as badly as I wanted this bike.
God I wish I had it now!! I'd swap my motorcycle for it in a instant.
I loved it and I will always love my sister deeply for buying me it.
My Chopper is my most prominent childhood memory.
A lifetime of thank yous to you Raleigh. You made my childhood superb!!


Gee, I so wanted one of those when I was 7. I smartened up my act, did chores without bring asked dropped hints like crazy. Never even a hint of joy. Now, I’m 62 and I still want one...


My very generous neighbour bought me the Mk3 for Christmas when i was about 10 and I absolutely loved it. Rode it everyday, used the back cargo rack for my paper round and even managed a spectacular frontflip when I (ill-advised) took it on a mountain bike route.

I'm 25 now and it's in my parents shed, I cant bare to part with it as it feels like the last part of my childhood.

What a bike


I had a bright yellow Chopper, for my 8th birthday in 1978, and my best mate a light blue Grifter.... we went everywhere on those bikes, we built ramps, obstacle courses put lollipop sticks against the spokes and towards the end we both had them resprayed a medium blue metallic... by his Dad, who owned his own garage.

We both used to spend hours on his back yard reoaring or adjusting them... I remember my mate getting mad with his Grifter once and taking a shovel to the handle he put a v in the handle bar cross bar that no longer had foam on it... a few years later all BMXs had the v shape on the handle bar cross bar.. lol my mate was an uncredited designer! Lol

What treasured happy childhood memories... they were magical.😊


I was a grifter kid, but my older brother had a chopper.... happy days growing up in the 70’s UK


I dreamed of owning a Chopper when they came out, and even had the poster on my wall. I finally got an orange Mk1 for my ninth birthday in 1970. I was really too small for it, and didn't ride it much for the first year, but after I grew a bit I hammered it. Broke the frame where one of the top bars met seat stays, and had to get it repaired. In retrospect, it really was a pretty terrible bike to ride, but it did make you the coolest kid on the block.


I got given an old Grifter when I was about 5 (much to small to ride it) so my poor mum had to wheel me around the village on it, not easy when the bike weighs about the same as a small truck. I also made her take it upstairs for me one night so I could sleep with it in my my poor mum!


I was lucky and blessed to have owned this bike when I was a kid. Great times!


In the early 80s my grandparents had a smallholding in Cornwall and I'd spend my summers there and they had an old Raleigh Chopper they'd picked up at a boot fair for me to ride around on. I was on that bike the whole time, I loved it. One of the best times of my life.


My dad gave this to me as a birthday surprise when I was 7. That was the second most exciting moment in my life. First was when I became a Dad so I could pass on the gesture.


The bike I always dreamed of getting for Christmas .... Alas it was not to be... Pure nostalgia.... Thanks LittleCar.


Was eagerly awaiting the next car video, then you gave us this gem of a presentation. Thanks.


Still have my Orange mk1 to this day. Still in great condition and totally original including the original paint work. She get ridden round the park a few times a year but hard work now for an old timer. Draws a lot of attention from people around my age group who really appreciate seeing it and ask to take photos of it a lot. ahhh Nostalgia...


Hi Mr & Mrs Big Car! Robin here and I just wanted to let you know that I love the Little Car stories! Thank you so much for the extra treat. Cheers!
