Natives Queries or ODBC with Incremental Refresh in Power BI

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Are you wanting to use Incremental Refresh in Power BI but need to use ODBC, native queries or something that doesn't fold properly? Adam shows you a solution for Power BI Desktop and Power BI dataflows!
Native Queries
Using Incremental Refresh with dataflows
Configure Increment Refresh for Datasets (includes DateKey function)
Want to take your Power BI skills to the next level? We have training courses available to help you with your journey.
#PowerBI #IncrementalRefresh #GuyInACube
Native Queries
Using Incremental Refresh with dataflows
Configure Increment Refresh for Datasets (includes DateKey function)
Want to take your Power BI skills to the next level? We have training courses available to help you with your journey.
#PowerBI #IncrementalRefresh #GuyInACube
Natives Queries or ODBC with Incremental Refresh in Power BI
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