What We Can All Learn From Islam & The Quran | Hamza Yusuf | EP 255

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This episode was recorded on December 28th 2021.

In this episode, Hamza Yusuf and I discuss the core beliefs of Islam, Hamza’s conversion, the importance of bridging religions, and the problem with our culture now.

Hamza Yusuf is an American neo-traditionalist Islamic scholar, co-founder of Zaytuna College, and the author of seven books, including Purification of Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart, Agenda to Change our Condition, and The Marvels of the Heart: Science of the Spirit.


(0:00) — Intro
(1:01) — Religious upbringing
(5:09) — Community & freethinking
(7:03) — The glue that holds things together
(9:59) — The problem with our culture
(10:01) — Arabic word for disbeliever
(13:00) — Gratitude despite suffering
(17:02) — Jacques Lusseyran
(20:53) — Repentance I
(30:11) — Cleanliness, prayer, discernment
(32:48) — Repentance II
(33:55) — Hamza's conversion & near-death experience
(40:24) — Preparing to die
(45:38) — What drew Hamza to Islam
(48:30) — Obedience to God—practically & conceptually
(50:29) — Islam vs. collectivist philosophies
(53:20) — Differentiating religious beliefs
(54:48) — Aurel Kolnai
(57:23) — The idea of evil
(1:00:49) — Religiosity, atheism, values
(1:07:04) — Creation, evolution, consciousness
(1:09:26) — Islam in practice
(1:16:44) — Importance of bridging religions
(1:18:57) — Summary of Islam’s core beliefs
(1:22:20) — Commonalities among religions

#Islam #Atheism #Values #Gratitude #Religion



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Around 15 - 20 years ago I worked security at a building in London where this man once held a talk. A lot of people had turned up for his talk and he was obviously very popular with a tight schedule. He still took his time shaking my hand, greeting me, very friendly and respectful. Usually people wouldn't even look or notice me. I had forgotten his name until I saw this interview.


Hamza yusuf helped me discover Islam way before I became Muslim. This is such an amazing video! Every second was interesting!


When there's no interest to win the argument an interesting and enlightening conversation can be had. Thank you, gents!


This genious man, Hamza Yusuf, says profound sentences that go deep in the hearts like "the scent of death is almost in every verse of the Quran" and " I am not completely convinced that i chose Islam, in some way Islam chose me". Honestly he reminds me of professor Jeffery Lang when he said that when he started to read the Holy Quran he found out rather that the Holy Quran IS the one who was reading him actually. Oh my God, what beautiful and deep phrases these are.


“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” —Malcolm X


I greatly appreciate this discussion. I am an American white male Christian that served in the military. I have learned to stereotype Islam from several sources throughout my life. Being an American, I do believe in freedom of religion, including Islam. After watching this discussion, I have opened my mind more clearly to the Islam faith and would like to research more about it. All religions have people that are bad examples and do not properly represent their faiths. I agree that moving forward towards peace should start with our similarities rather than our differences. Peace to all.


“Studying without thinking is blindness, thinking without study is dangerous”…what a jewel of a quote


I was born a muslim. I used to take Islamic practices as habits, but the more I learned about Islam, the more I became convinced with my religion and practice Islam sincerely with no suspicion or doubts. I think if Islam wasn’t in my life, I wouldn’t have gone through all the hardships in my life so peacefully. Truly I’m grateful for this blessing. Alhamdulillah.


We had the pleasure of welcoming Mr Yusuf and his wife into our home last year not knowing they were our neighbors with their university around the corner.
It is a gift to meet people you know nothing about and gently start to unravel the mystery of another. I’m grateful to come across this conversation at this time to continue that journey.


Sheikh Hamza mentioned in this discussion!! 0:01
▪️Edward Gibbon English Historian
▪️Charles Taylor Canadian Philosopher
▪️Jacques Lusseyran French Author
▪️Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari Malikite Jurist
▪️Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Andalusian Sufi
▪️Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Theologian
▪️Raymond A. Moody American Philosopher
▪️Richard M. Weaver American Historian
▪️Friedrich Nietzsche German Philosopher
▪️Aurel Kolnai Hungarian Philosopher
▪️Robert Frost American Poet
▪️Jack Bridges American Actor
▪️George Y. Kohler Jewish Thought
▪️Ignác Goldziher Hungarian Orientalist
▪️Thomas Aquinas Italian Priest
▪️Averroes Andalusian Polymath
▪️Aristotle Greek Philosopher
▪️Plato Greek Philosopher
▪️Jacques Maritain French Philosopher
▪️Maxim Rodinson French Orientalist
▪️Mansur Al-Hallaj Persian Poet
▪️Diana Darke English Author
▪️Ivan Aguéli Swedish Artist Author
▪️Thomas Cleary American Author
▪️Meister Eckhart German Theologian
▪️George Vithoulkas Greek practitioner
▪️Confucius Chinese Philosopher
▪️Mohammed (pbuh)
▪️Jesus (pbuh)
Books :
▪️The Quran
▪️The Bible
▪️The Talmud
▪️The Hadith collection
▪️The Varieties of Religious Experience
▪️And There Was Light
▪️The Criterion Of Action
▪️Life After Life
▪️The Fall Of The Roman Empire
▪️The western Canon
▪️Stealing From The Saracens
▪️Unlocking The Zen Koan
▪️The Nicomachean Ethics
Essays :
▪️The Three Riders Of The Apocalypse
Poems :
▪️Fire and Ice
▪️Accidentally On Purpose
Films :
▪️Fearless 1993
▪️Surah Al Mulk Ayat 2 (67:2 Quran)
▪️Surah Fatir Ayat 24 (35:24 Quran)
▪️Surah Al ikhlas (112 Quran)
▪️John5:14 (Bible)
▪️Matt18:30 (Bible)
▪️Sahih al-Bukhari 6307 (Hadith)
▪️Sahih al-Bukhari 528 (Hadith)
▪️Sahih al-Bukhari 5671 (Hadith)
▪️Sahih al-Bukhari 7394 (Hadith)
▪️Sunan Altirmithi 2007 (Hadith)
▪️Sahih al-Bukhari 6604 and Muslim 2891
▪️Sahih al-Bukhari 50 (Hadith)
▪️Sahih Muslim 2818 (Hadith)
▪️Aristotle : Either a beast or god ...
▪️Aristotle : Plato is a friend Truth is ....
▪️William Shakespeare : Tis mad idolatry....
▪️Confucius : Study without thinking ....
▪️Dr George Vithoulkas : on atheism
▪️Robert Frost : Fire and Ice
▪️Robert Frost : Accidentally On Purpose
▪️Abu Al-Abbas Almursi : All of the world is four conditions 1- Blessing response is gratitude 2- Tribulation response is patience 3- Obedience response is humility 4- Sinfulness response is repentance.
Using all these references through out the discussion was mesmerising its like a research article in a speach mode. Many thanks to Dr. Peterson for the discussion and hopefully he invites Dr. Timothy Winter ( Abdelhakim Murad) Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah and other scholars on his podcast. Salam Alikum


I'm actually amazed by the mutual respect they gave each other. No one was talking over another or trying to imply any intellectual superiority. Wonderful conversation.


Islam is a complete and mesmerizing way of life. I thank Almighty, God for guiding me and my loved ones to-this beautiful religion. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm a newly revert to Islam as well who was preaching Christianity last year to Muslims, Atheists & to everyone.
May Allah guides us all.


Brilliant conversation...i have recently ordered a copy of the quran and can't wait to make a start on it myself.


This was a lucid conversation, both intellectuals appear to have reached the same level of maturity and clarity. It’s like they are in a state of flow. Love it.


Highest levels of Islam is gratitude. Suffering makes you stronger. Quran was there for me when no one could give me answers. Speech of God, The Most High.


Hamza Yusuf has such a calm, unassuming, introspective intelligence that really speaks to me.


I worked for almost 11 hours, then came home and was so happy to see this video. Although I am exhausted, I could not stop watching it. Thank you Dr. Peterson and sheikh Hamza for your amazing talk. I really look up for both of you.


Hamza Yusef is literally a walking library. My lord this man is so well read! This was an amazing dialogue between two great minds of our times!


Coming from Catholicism and having reverted to Islam, I must say Islam saved my life.
