Adele Looks Unrecognisable! | Greatest Celebrity Glow-Ups Marathon | The Graham Norton Show

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It's time for another throwback marathon! Look how far these celebs have come! 👏

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Who else is living in the never ending loop of The Graham Norton show.


Brilliant.I always say no matter who`s sitting on Graham`s sofa, they gel, and it takes a great host to know when to interview his guests and when to just sit back and let them entertain the audience.


I've been in the audience twice. It's soo much fun. There are lots of fun things edited out ( cos of time etc). It's sooo worth queuing up to be in the audience..


Just discovered Graham Norton and I am addicted! SO funny! Brilliant.


I had a coworker who married right out of high school, and his young, insecure wife had beautiful red hair she was very self conscious about. She was a very cute girl, but she didn't know it.
She had a baby whose hair was unbelievably beautiful, and every time I'd see him (which wasn't that often, ) I would tell her, "I love his hair! It's glorious!" and she thought I was making fun of him and quit speaking to me.
I was completely sincere. I would have loved to have his coloring. He had that luminous, translucent skin some redheaded people have, and that fabulous hair....


I remember the Keanu commercial, (grew up in the 80's) never thought that Coke drinking bicycle riding kid would be Neo and John


These shows are incredible. He had so many different people at the same time. It's unusual and so cool. I really need to catch up on his show. Fantastic.
Elton John and Ben Stiller! Etc.


I know now why Sharon has to "translate" Ozzy every so often. 😵‍💫


Oh my goodness! Tina Fey! Me too! When i was 9, my teacher called my mom to recommend she take me shopping for a bra as the boys were teasing me. So she took me down to JC Penneys! She told the sakes woman i beeded a bra. This grey haired grandmother, put her glasses up on her nose, compkete with chain around her neck, andcsquinted at my chest. "Well, uncross y9ur arms, dear, cle5s see what size i should bring." She spun me around, then she reached out and cupped my breasts! I was mortified! She walked off and returned with two Playtex bras, stating she was pretty sure i would need the B cup. I'm sure i was beet red, But went into the dressing room and put it on. I had no idea what I was doing, or how a bra should fit. Luckily this over friendly grandmother came right in, adjusted the straps, and declared it perfect! So ky mom bought three, then repeatedky told ne i wore a bigger bra than her all the way home. Ugh!


0:00 ADELE was a SPICE GIRLS fan as a kid
4:33 TINA FEY & JOSH WIDDICOMBE’s childhood photos
7:48 DAVID SCHWIMMER & MARK RUFFALO worked at same restruant chain
12:20 JESSICA CHASTAIN was made fun of in ENGLAND for being ginger
13:46 ELIZABETH BANKS had ‘70s hair as a kid
15:38 KEANU REEVES at age 16
17:28 JANE FONDA’s mugshots
21:01 JACK WHITEHALL’s wore lots of costumes as a kid
22:16 OZZY OSBOURNE as a kid
24:24 GARY BARLOW’s band photos
25:17 WILL SMITH’s father’s reaction to INDEPENDENCE DAY box office
26:55 CHARLIZE THERON wasn’t a pretty child
28:36 JON HAMM in high school
29:19 CHARLIE HUNNAM’s breakthrough role
34:06 MARK RUFFALO and AMANDA HOLDEN were “sporty” in high school
37:24 BEN STILLER was a drummer as a kid
38:26 MATTHEW MCCONAGHEY’s mother entered him in a poetry competition as a kid
40:37 THE ROCK, LIAM HEMSWORTH, and JEFF GOLDBLUM in high school


Ok well, Will Smith's story about his father cracked me up


Thanks, Norm Graham all of my favorite comedian actors and singers are on this panel today. Love it.


I hate to admit it, but I need subtitles for Ozzie.... I got the gist, but I missed most of the words.
They found him in the garden with a 24" television crushing his chest, but idk what "guff aff the wallin" means at the end. And I did try.

(Guff: took off, maybe?)
"half the wall with it."


Thank you Anna. What a lovely surprise to hear you chatting so soon.


Love you and your hilarious celeb guests Graham ❤


Younger folks won't know but older ones will remember the student marches of the 60's during the Vietnam war. "Hanoi Jane" sided with the North Vietnamese. It was a slap in the face of the veterans returning home from war after fighting for our country. Regardless if the war was misdirected or even outright wrong, the veterans didn't need to be shamed and hated for their participation, considering that many were drafted into it.


Good Lord! John Hamm was always a looker!


The Complicated Story Behind Jane Fonda’s ‘Hanoi Jane’ Nickname

When the actor Jane Fonda was arrested in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 11, during a demonstration for action on climate change, it was part of a long history of activism by the actor.

Fonda’s activism also made news last year, with the debut of a documentary about the subject — as well as when then-Today host Megyn Kelly called out the actor for an infamous moment in her past, one that has a complicated backstory.

The feud between Kelly and Fonda began in September of 2017, when Fonda appeared on NBC’s Today show to talk to Kelly about her film, Our Souls at Night. During the appearance, Fonda shut down the host for asking about her history with cosmetic surgery. Fonda has since criticized Kelly for bringing up plastic surgery that day, saying in a January 2018 interview with Variety that Kelly’s question showed “she’s not that good an interviewer.” Fonda also joked about Kelly during an appearance on Today in early 2018, when her Grace & Frankie costar Lily Tomlin made a crack about knowing Fonda before her “first facelift.”

Kelly added fuel to the fire Jan. 22, 2018, in an on-air monologue, saying she is not “in the market for a lesson from Jane Fonda on what is and is not appropriate.” She then attacked Fonda for her history as a Vietnam War protester, bringing the actor’s patriotism into question. “After all, this is a woman who is synonymous with outrage. Look at her treatment of our military during the Vietnam War. Many of our veterans still call her ‘Hanoi Jane’ thanks to her radio broadcasts which attempted to shame American troops, ” she said.

Kelly dug into this part of Fonda’s past, as well as her refusal to discuss plastic surgery, for more than three minutes on Today.

“By the way, [Fonda] still says she’s ‘not proud’ of America, ” Kelly said. “So the moral indignation is a little much. She put her plastic surgery out there. She said she wanted to discuss the plight of older women in America. And honestly, she has no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive.”

The past to which Kelly referred can be traced back to 1972, at which point the Vietnam War had been raging for roughly a decade.

Amid what was widely perceived as a lack of progress in the war, its continuation prompted widespread protests in the U.S. It was around that time that Fonda focused her political activism solely on the antiwar movement. By that point, she was a prominent movie star, renowned for her performances in critically acclaimed films like Klute, Barefoot in the Park, Barbarella and They Shoot Horses Don’t They? Having worked on behalf of Native Americans and the Black Panthers in the 1960s, Fonda dove into protesting the Vietnam War, first with the formation of the “Free Army Tour” (FTA) with actor Donald Sutherland in 1970. FTA was an anti-war show designed to contrast Bob Hope’s USO tour, touring military bases on the West Coast and talking to soldiers before they were deployed to Vietnam.

Read more: From ‘Hanoi Jane’ to the Workout: A Brief History of Jane Fonda’s Activism

In 1972, Fonda went on to tour North Vietnam in a controversial trip would come to be the most famous — or infamous — part of her activist career, and led to her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” While in Vietnam, Fonda appeared on 10 radio programs to speak out against the U.S. military’s policy in Vietnam and beg pilots to cease bombing non-military targets. It was during that trip that a photograph was taken of her seated on an anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi, making it look like she would shoot down American planes.

At the time, Fonda’s public criticisms of U.S. leadership caused massive outrage among American officials and war veterans. According to the Washington Post, some lawmakers saw her protests as treasonous, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars called for Fonda to be tried as a traitor. At one point, the Maryland state legislature considered banning her and her films from the state.

On the other hand, the antiwar feeling Fonda came to embody was relatively widespread among the American population at the time, and, as filmmaker Lynn Novick put it in discussing recent documentary series The Vietnam War, some veterans “think she was courageous for going to Hanoi and taking a stand even though they didn’t agree with everything she had to say.” More recent scholarship has also emphasized the ways in which the idea of “Hanoi Jane” has grown far beyond Fonda’s actual actions during that tumultuous period.

Since then, Fonda has apologized repeatedly for the “Hanoi Jane” photo, and clarified that her actions during the Vietnam War were in protest of the U.S. government and not against soldiers. She addressed the photo in her 2005 memoir My Life So Far:

Here is my best, honest recollection of what took place. Someone (I don’t remember who) leads me toward the gun, and I sit down, still laughing, still applauding. It all has nothing to do with where I am sitting. I hardly even think about where I am sitting. The cameras flash. I get up, and as I start to walk back to the car with the translator, the implication of what has just happened hits me. Oh, my God. It’s going to look like I was trying to shoot down U.S. planes! I plead with him, “You have to be sure those photographs are not published. Please, you can’t let them be published.” I am assured it will be taken care of. I don’t know what else to do. It is possible that the Vietnamese had it all planned. I will never know. If they did, can I really blame them? The buck stops here. If I was used, I allowed it to happen. It was my mistake, and I have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it.

Nearly a half-century later, some veterans still aren’t pleased with Fonda’s actions in 1972. In 2015, about 50 veterans protested her appearance at the Weinberg Center for the Arts in Frederick, Md., holding signs that said, “Forgive? Maybe. Forget? Never.”

Fonda told the crowd she tries to maintain open conversations with veterans, according to the Frederick News-Post.

“Whenever possible I try to sit down with vets and talk with them, because I understand and it makes me said, ” she said. “It hurts me and it will to my grave that I made a huge, huge mistake that made a lot of people think I was against the soldiers.”


Yes my late husband and i have both lost fragments of our soul ~ I'm now fitting the pieces back together ❤️


Love your videos, you have really helped me, you are very clear and you always make a difficult subject seem easy. Your videos have really taken the pain out of teaching B2 and C1 exams!🎉🎉🎉🎉
