DCA vs Subgroups - On The Behringer XR18 - X Air - Tutorial

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Setup, demonstration, and explanation of subgroups vs DCA's as shown on a Behringer XR18 / Midas MR18. Useful for mixing bands and other live sound reinforcement situations. X-Air Live Sound Tutorial.

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Behringer XR18 on Amazon:

Midas MR18 on Amazon:

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Midas M32 on Amazon:

I've broken this down into overall chapters, although there is some crossover in the information between chapters.

The DCA and Subgroup background information is cross-platform type audio mixing information. Even though they are being demonstrated on an X-Air (Behringer XR18), the concepts of DCA's and Subgroups remain the same no matter the console. The setup examples, on the other hand, are Behringer / Midas specific and shown on X-Air PC Edit software (though Mac, Android (Mix Station), and iPad work as well).

Setup is identical between the XR/MR digital consoles, and their big brother- the Behringer X32 and Midas M32. Especially when using the X-Air Edit software and the X32's X-Edit software (M-Edit and M-Air-Edit for Midas), although V4 firmware has also made the console GUI very similar to the software GUI as well.

The X/M digital consoles do have more busses and DCA's, which is one of the limitations, and differences, between them and the X-Air mixers, but overall concepts for audio uses remain the same.

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0:00 Intro
0:16 Subgroup Introduction
0:50 Subgroups Explained
1:40 Subgroup Setup
6:29 DCA's Explained
6:45 DCA Setup
7:12 Differences Between DCA's and Subgroups
9:14 Bonus Tip: Naming Busses/Subgroups

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5 Typical Mistakes Behringer XR18 and Midas MR18 Users Make:


DCA Versus Subgroups is a live sound reinforcement tutorial featuring the Behringer XR18 and Midas MR18 information. This is a Behringer tutorial / Church sound tutorial & live sound mixing tutorial. Topics include: Behringer Setup (Behringer XR18 Setup and Midas MR18 Setup).

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Рекомендации по теме

I see this topic of DCAs and Subgroups quite a bit. Sometimes it's direct questions, and sometimes it's during service calls for other issues and either the subgroups will be misapplied, or subgroups and DCAs totally ignored by some users because they aren't understood. So I thought I'd make a video explaining them, and hopefully help some users understood them and be better able to realize some ways they can utilize them to help their own workflow and mixing.

While it definitely is directly geared to Behringer users and the Behringer platform and workflow, the concept of subgroups and DCA's as discussed in the video is true of, and applicable to, any console. Analog or digital.

Amazon Affiliate Links-
Behringer XR18 on Amazon:

Midas MR18 on Amazon:

Behringer X32 on Amazon:

Midas M32 on Amazon:

5 Typical Mistakes Behringer XR18 and Midas MR18 Users Make:

Tech Videos Playlist:


As far as I’m concerned Alan your videos are the definitive go to for all things X-Air. Even better than what Behringer puts out. In fact they should endorse your videos.


For those who still doesn't understand DCAs, it's just a general offset for seleted channels. So if you assign channel 1 and 3 to DCA1 and increase 1dB on the DCA1 fader you are increasing 1dB on channel 1 and 3 BUT you will not see the faders of the channels moving. That's because the DCA are not a "remote controller for multiple channels" but a variable offset to each output signal of the channels in the DCA.


Really like your vids on this unit! I'm an old analog sound guy and have recently bought this unit for it's enormous simplicity and no need to lug all the outside effects etc around with me. So this is a learning curve for me. Your vids are a fantastic help in getting me up with the digital age and I thank you for your vids!


Your videos have been so helpful in helping me get my XR18 set up for my band. Thank you for your hard work in putting these out!


Very informative and well explained video in simplistic language. Well done Alan!


damn you saved me some headache. I've been trying for the last week to figure out how to mute specific channels from the Main LR out without muting the channels themselves or their buses on the Aux out so i could have total control on what is heard on Aux out and Main Out separately without losing access to the DCA's. Turning off "Main Stereo LR" button in the "Main" tab saved me some trouble, thank you so much!


Thank you very much for this great walk through info on the xr18


Nice little tutorial - clear, concise and useful. Many thanks.


Your videos are the absolute best! Keep up the good work sir.


Great stuff! Thank you for posting these!


I've had this mixer a year and am still learning. The Behringer vids are helpful but inadequate overall. Thanks for leading the way and making it easier on me. Mainly I just want to play. This wonderful mixer has been a counterintuitive obstacle course for amateur/wannabe sound engineers. Make a vid about every feature PLEEZE. I use Reaper so channel fits my poorly executed projects.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge, very helpful info


Wow thank you sir. Just leaning this for the first time.


Absolutely brilliant videos. Thank you.


Your video editing skills are as solid as your mixing skills. I'm jealous.


Yet another great video. I think I would have figured this out on my own IF the channel faders would adjust along with the DCA fader.


This was a great tutorial, thank you. Now you've got me wondering about the other uses for subgroups: can you do a tutorial about that please.


Thankyou, very thorough and easy to understand tutorials.

2:49 this is why I never use the Global button, I have no idea what it does or doesn't change. Here, it does change Bus to Sub group for each channel but only activates the selected channel.


Very clearly explained. I'll subscribe and watch some more of your videos later 😁👍
