EV Bikes - Supersoco vs Maeving vs Piaggio | Fifth Gear

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Grace samples three very different bikes, which all cost £5000. First up, the contemporary Supersoco TC Max...then the retro styled Maeving RM1, and finally the Piaggio Active 1 moped.
In the last series motorbike lover Grace Webb experienced her first ever EV motorbike – and liked it. However, it cost £20,000, double that of an equivalent petrol model. So, is there a cheaper way to get about on EV power, and still have a bit of fun?

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The Super Soco comes with a 10amp charger, which will charge the battery from 15% to the green fully charged led light coming on in 4hrs.
The battery can be left in the bike to charge.
I've managed 55mph but it takes an age to get anywhere after 50mph. With all my gear on I'm probably 95-100kg so not the 75kg rider weight that all of the range and top speed figures are based on.
Range very much dependent on type of roads, weight of rider and how fast you accelerate and constant use of top speed. As a complete newbie to motorcycling I think it's a great start in to riding. Twist and go ease!


Coming from an eBike perspective (as opposed to full-on 'biker) I do like the look of (original) Maeving. Apparently they're bringing out an RM1S with more powerful motor/higher speed, improved brkaes/seat/suspension/storage, albeit for extra mullah. For rural/A-road stuff (which is where I currently venture anyway), looks about sorting that CBT 🙂


They still don’t tick the boxes of what I need for my commute. In theory their range is enough but throw in some Yorkshire hills and cold weather and I’m going to be walking home.


One day hopefully, an EV manufacturer will build a bike around a battery, rather than building a bike that fits the traditional look of an ICE machine. The Maeving looks amazing and has the space for a much bigger battery. Maybe the lack of sales will encourage them to build machines we can actually use for more than 50 to 80


Im a biker now for more than 30 years and I didnt even wanted to hear about electric bikes. But last weekend I borrowed one from my friend - it was Zero SR street- and I was surpised. But i’m still sticking with my ICE bikes for now. My three Yamaha’s will not leave my garage yet 😊


Thanks for the test! I love my RM1 but looking forward to ride the RM1S in summer this year. In german we say " Das Auge isst mit " ("the eye eats too") .. the Maeving ist sooo beautiful. Greetings from Berlin


my tc max takes about 4 hours to charge and easily makes it to 65 and pushes 70, however when the battery is below about 25% it maxes at around 55-60


Had the first TC Max when it came out. Had it 3 years 5k miles. Quite plastic but parts are cheap. No real servicing required. Just brakes and the drive belt. Really cheap to run. As an urban commuter it was great. Realistically 30 miles range tops.
The charger will fit in the compartment which is handy. Very rarely did I take the battery out to charge. There is a charger for the socket on the side.
Loved it no regrets at all. A really good fun 125 equivalent.


The Piaggio’s battery is also used by Honda and Yamaha so it might be easier to service, replace or get a spare.


The newer model from Maeving, RM1S, has some nice improvements over the original RM1. Just wish it was not quite so expensive and doesn't allow a pillion.


It's a shame that those bikes don't have a good amount of power, a 125 is fine but if you have to take the freeway on the way to work they can be dangerously slow


I test rode the Maeving and loved it. Would have been great for city commuting. But getting it insured in Birmingham was a nightmare, and ultimately priced me out!


[1:45] How is the speed "limiting for the city" when city speeds average 10mph?
[5:35] Do they not have lifts in buildings with eight floors?
[5:45] People who carry cakes on motorbikes usually have a dedicated cargo box.


Didn't mention how long any of them take to charge? Which I would think is a major factor you should have mentioned.


i stick to my 2006 Suzuki bandit 1200 much cheaper to run and never runs out of battery


The Piaggio appeals to me but I would really want a true 125/200cc equivalent (i.e. 65mph + top speed)


It would have been good to compare them against the Honda PCX 125 to see if electric has any advantages over petrol.


Check engine light was on that last bike through the cones 😅


Anyone know what helmet she's wearing?


I choose Gadiro e125 in Germany but the government works are so slow I have to wait 3 months just to get my Indian driving license checked by german funny part is I could have used that for first 6 months in germany without an issue....😂
