ZOOM R12 Preview Thoughts: Comparisons to the R8 and R20 from an experienced Zoom multitrack user

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Zoom announced that their new 8-track multitrack recorder, the R12, is scheduled to be released in late October 2022. The R12 is slated to be the successor to the old R8 unit. Building off the recent R20 model, the R12 has a lot of things going for it - namely the color touchscreen that allows users to perform basic editing procedures without ever needing a computer or DAW.

I haven't seen or used an R12 unit yet, but I've used the R8 for over a decade and I've had the R20 since it was released nearly 10 months ago. Those experiences enabled me to summarize my thoughts on this new multitracker and compare it to both the R8 and the R20.

UPDATE: Since this video was published I was able to purchase an R12. Here is my unboxing/first impressions video:

And here is a screen comparison with the R20, in case you are debating buying an R12 or R20:
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I just ordered an R12 and one of the main reasons I ordered it is this very playlist and how you cover the entire learning curve of using it… thank you so much for putting all these videos together.


Thank you for the time you took for making this video. You went way beyond specs, and shared a lot of practical, useful experience, in an interesting way. Great work.


Looks like you're the go to guy for the Zoom R20. I know for sure you have helped me out a lot navigating the unit. Thanks...!!!


I just ordered the R20 today I've had r8 a lonnng time while really use it to record my own vocals zero latency while sitting in my car then import into Ableton to mix.


Excellent reviews.
Thank you for helping all of us to see a difference between them. Very detailed helpful explanation. Greatly appreciated 🙏


Dude thank you for this video I've been looking everywhere for info on the r12


Superb detailed overview of these units. Simple effective presentation. Very helpful content. Nothing to criticize! Thank you


The portability of the R12 makes it way more fun than the R20. Sitting on the sofa makIng beats and editing recordings is a joy. Plus you can take it into the bathroom for vocal takes with ease.


Outstanding video!
Smart and substantive insights and opinions. Balanced and fair. FYI - The R8 can sequence projects or songs to play back as a song list. One comment, and generous "confession", is the admission of touch screen fatigue. No doubt the R20 and R12 are substantial next steps. But for a little project recorder, I think you fairly and rightly stated how feature rich and relevant the R24, R16 and R8 STILL are. I have R24, R8, Boss BR-800, Boss BR-600, and Boss Micro BR-80. You really can't go wrong with any of these. (Check compatibility and features first - they are different!) To me, they are all amazing BUT, and a big BUT, you need to take the time to learn and practice their features and settings. That is not an impossible but also no small task. Great video.

It will be interesting if Boss gets back into the game and tries to leap Zoom. For my old eyes, I think the R20 app to use a bigger screen may be important to me.


Just got my R20 and in my couple of hours playing with it I am quite enjoying it. That said, I was disappointed to have purchased the BTA-1 only to find there is no iOS software available at this time. Hopefully with the release of the R12 that will be rectified. I appreciate your videos and have quite enjoyed them thus far.


Must say great information 👍👍👍👍👍, as an owner of the R8 and now the R12 I will add the unit can be powerd via usb to your usb connection in your vehicle ( I have a Honda Pilot so while sitting back I can use my Denon DJ Prime Go with the R 8 and R 12 and record my mixes to the the R8 and R12 very SOLID for getting your mixes together. The R 16 and R 24 are battery powered like the R8, wish the R20 was.


Thank You Gaz !! You've done it again !!!


Preamps quality is what puts me off with these audio interfaces have much better preamps, I wanted to go DAWless, but not with these cheap preamps in this kind of product.... Very nice video, and very well narrated. Thanks


ZoomR16 is still a classic. Battery powered and all 8 inputs are XLR- 1/4 inch combos. Great for recording a band and throwing the unit in a backpack for a weekend jam.


My R20 has been perfect for my dawless set up. I mainly used it to record final mix down, but as I get familiar with unit, I’m able to do allot more. Adding a midi controller really made it possible to do fun dub mixes.


Zoom R8 Sequencer has the track sequencer too where you can manual sequence your tracks to arrange your song like a DAW which is amazing.


Great video. Your R8 looks still brandnew haha


Great video Gaz, clear and to the point.. Another Youtuber recommended your channel as the goto place for all things Zoom. I was torn between the R24 and R20, but I think from watching your videos the R20 is definitely the one to go for - I ordered my R20 this morning. The cost of adding a Bluetooth chip to a recorder is negligible - probably a lot less than installing the socket & trap-door the R20 has (does anyone really still do that??) - I wonder if the proportion of users who opt to buy the BT dongle makes it worthwhile. Zoom have in fact missed a valuable opportunity with the R20 - the few pennies it would cost to add BT (and support for Android) would encourage most users to use their app, and an app is a platform for selling plugins & instruments, providing firmware upgrades and reaching out to customers. It can also be used to capture anonymous information about how their devices are performing, how they are being used etc. It wouldn't surprise me if the R12 contains a "free" BT chip they haven't told us about yet..


One weird thing I've noticed is that the amp simulation in the Zoom R8 effects section sounds vastly superior to Zooms own G3x pedal, which I bought expecting to be similar as the patches have the same look and parameters. Also, I would point out that using the Zoom R8 in usb mode connected to a computer provides a very quick way of sending and receiving wav files to the unit after editing them in a DAW. Is this the same in the R12, do you know?


Hi Gaz...hope all is going well for you? I was wondering do you know how many effects / FX can you select from on the ZOOM R20? I can't seem to find a number for how many effects anywhere online. I was wondering how would you compare the ZOOM R20 effects to a TC HELICON vocal effects processor, if you've used TC HELICON vocal effects processors before? Thanks for your very helpful easy to understand insight.
