Transnistria: Moldova's breakaway region in the shadow of war in Ukraine • FRANCE 24 English

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With the war in #Ukraine now in its 100th day, we focus on the situation in #Transnistria, a small breakaway region of #Moldova on Ukraine’s south-western border. Western countries suspect the region of acting as a rear base for the Russian military. The separatist enclave, which has claimed its independence since the fall of the Soviet Union, is located near the strategic Ukrainian port city of Odesa on the Black Sea. Our reporter Lauriane Dherbecourt gained rare access to Transnistria, which for now refuses to take part in the conflict in Ukraine. She discovered a land whose people are torn between East and West.

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If Putler has his way, Moldova won’t have a say in what happens to them either. I would recommend that you do not portray Transnistria as a victim. After all, they have more troops than the Moldovans.


Transnistria seems a little like North Korea. An isolated communist state stuck in the past from 30-40 years ago.


Transnistria, a Romanian territory which was broken into 2 pieces R.Moldova and then further Transnistria. Romanians do not even dream of ever getting that land back, the Romanians left there were Russified long ago or else deported to Siberia and the ones that are still there to this date are called Moldovans. The ones who did not cooperate with the Soviets were murdered. That's one thing Transnistrians will never ever tell you.


Transnistria is Russian in all shape and forms. It has Russian troops stationed there. There is no "suspicion" of them backing is a fact, that they are.


You should also have taken interviews from Moldovans(Romanians) who were forced to flee in 1992, and also the ones that are still there in Transnistria and are banned to speak their native tongue - Romanian.


one sided russian propaganda, so french


Putler will keep his Soviet claws anywhere he can.


Why can't people let them be? I'm western American, but I don't know why
We have fuk with everyone's life thinking every one wants to live like us!
If the people want to live in the so called past let them! That security guard
goes home after work to an attractive wife, eats dinner, watches news, and
a decent looking apt. I saw nice automobiles Toyota's etc. hell I'm kinda
jealous, wish I had enough money to move. Unfortunately here in the good
United States we can't afford gas or food if there is any on the shelf! Well
I better stop before I get banned, so much for the 1st amendment!


A good report. Transnistria or Pridnestrovie as we call it can be a bridge between West and East dealing with everyone as peaceful nation. Ask me if you want to know some additional info - I am from this region


Yeah that text message definitely feels authentic. Let me tell you how I know that it's fake. Because nobody here has a strong enough identity of moldovan I feel like fighting and become a terrorist for that ideology. If you would say glory to Great Romania it would be more believable. Has about 35% of people here believe that we should reunify with Romania.


It is funy how also Russia didnt acknowledge trans-nistria as a country so why the love for russia? :) that's a part of Moldova, and yes Moldova used to be a big chunk of Romania till the russian imperialist took it by force, i as a romanian i hate Russia and hate everrything it means -aggresor, all its history


I would recommend you to come to visit Transistria, people there are amazing, since there not so much tourists, you will get treated like a special person.


Thanks France News 24 for sharing other side of the border’s news. We want to know about Russian supporters view as well. We want to know about both party's thought.


I have a suggestion, why don't these peoples Tranistria can relocate to Crimea so they can live close to their pal Russia and let Ukraine have that territory, it like a fair land trade. After that Ukraine can make deal with Moldova. Every body win and won't have a conflict🤓. That part of land very hostile and dangerous for both Ukraine and Moldova if Russia somehow reach it hand😳


What is it an enclave of? Is it possible journalists still don't know what that word means?


Same thing if western see the Russia side of view may also unpalatable


Meanwhile, every European country is still secretly trading with Russia lmao


I like Transnistria. Nice place with plenty of opportunities if you have a bit of cash and are good with languages.


Security guard in a restaurant!! Probably tells you everything you need to know about this place!


How is she an English teacher when she doesn't know the English words for things she is trying to use and her English is soooo bad? The level of education there is so bad and it's so convenient for the Russian Federation. But totally fine them going to the motherland, however I'm willing to bet they will go to Europe after their stay in Northern Moldova :D the Mom seems less brainwashed than the daughter. And, they love Russia, but it's Moldova paying their gas bill, what the hell, shouldn't Russia take care of "it's people"?
