🍜 THE ORIGINAL! Updated VIRAL keto egg noodle recipe & KETO LASAGNA SHEETS! Credit With Link

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In this video, I answered two most commonly asked questions:

1. Can you use fresh eggs?
2. How to make lasagna sheets?

Since I am starting a keto product line (keto noodles, pasta, wrappers and sauces), I can only share this easy lasagna sheet hack at this time. Hopefully, with your support, my keto products will be available to you one day! Do let me know where you live if you are interested in my products!

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Original VIRAL Keto Egg Noodle Recipe:

Keto Black Garlic Soba Noodles (Tips):

Perfect Boiled Eggs | Kenji’s Cooking Show:


Sodium Alginate - Food Grade - 4 OZ

Pure Sodium Alginate - Food Grade, 4 OZ

Pure Sodium Alginate - Food Grade, 16 OZ

PURE Calcium Chloride (1 lb) Food Safe, For Wine Making, Home Brew, & Cheese Making

Pure Calcium Lactate - Non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher Certified - 400g/14oz

Calcium Lactate Powder (500 Grams -1.1 lbs - 125 Servings)

100% Pure & Dairy Free Calcium Lactate 9 OZ

Vitamix Venturist V1200, Professional-Grade, 64 oz

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#keto #ketolasagna #ketoeggnoodles
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Anyone who actually made these noodles and says they're like spaghetti is LYING. They are terrible. The interior also does not cross-link and stays mushy while the exterior has a fungus-like texture and snap. Almost as bad as those miracle noodles from konjac. Many people with channels apparently pay people to lie in the comments to drive advertising traffic. Do NOT waste your money on this garbage. Keep looking.


Made the hard-boiled egg version yesterday and ate it with a bolognese sauce and tried the "canned chicken" variation today in homemade ramen.  

The Bolognese day was okay, but I only added 1 tbs of alginate and used the calcium lactate- and I think I softened the noodles too long in the lime/baking soda solution, cause the pasta was soft and breaking apart (not fork twirlable).

Today I swapped out the eggs for chicken. I still only used 1 tbs of alginate and also added a tbs of almond flour to the mix, but I skipped the softening step at the end. I just made sure that the noodles had a couple of minutes in the bowl with the hot soup before serving. It turned out FANTASTIC. I haven't had "real" pasta in years and long, slurp-able noodles was a food experience I have missed SO MUCH. I made this with my 2.5 year old nephew. He had a great time- it's a very kid-friendly process- and then he LOVED the noodles too! My non-keto family members all enjoyed it.

This is a winner!


Made spaghetti last night by doing the egg method, Texture, taste, and look just the same, I can’t thank you enough, this is definitely a monumental moment, that’s not getting enough recognition if you ask me.

God bless


I’m soooo happy to hear you’re making your own line of Keto products!!! Please post when they’re ready to be bought! Love your recipes 🥰🙏🏽😂


Thanks! Using whole FRESH eggs is better in my opinion...


I saw a comment on Serious Keto video stating that a molecular gastronomy student recalled using a technique where they poured the batter into a thin sheet (like on a cookie sheet…?) and used freezer to set. Then cut sheets of frozen batter and placed them in calcium solution to defrost thus obtaining the sheet noodle form. I will report back when I try. Thank you for all you do!


this noodle recipe is the most important recipe of my low carb life right now.


If there is an award for the best Keto food invention, this deserves a top prize. Amazing, and much better than Shirataki (and cheaper if you buy the ingredients in bulk). I know some have made variations, but this one appears to be the first, and the best, and you deserve credit for your creativity and hard work. Thank you for this, definitely a huge game changer to keep me on Keto.


You are a gamechanger! I'm a noodle lover and these keto egg noodles are legit. It's got that bite that noodles have and really easy to make. Thank you for using your chemistry knowledge and coming up with these keto substitutes. Looking forward to your keto line. Congratulations to what you have and will accomplish. True low carb gamechanger!!!


Ann, your noodle recipes are the TRUTH! I'll definitely support your product line once it's available - do keep us posted as soon as it's launched! 👍🏽 😋😋


I am excited you are developing a product line. I hope it's affordable because i would love to support you!


Ok I made these noodles tonight. I finally saw the recipe on the video (I was looking in the description). In the process of making these my smaller vita-mix blender died after 2 minutes so they only blended for 2 minutes tops. Then I put them in the fridge but only for about 20 minutes instead of 30 because I was running out of time..then I made the bath and noodles but they were in the fridge in the bath for maybe another 30 minutes. Afterwards I sauteed them in butter as someone suggested. Now, I was actually afraid of making these because I am Italian and I just thought it was kind of weird but you know what they actually turned out! I have to say that they are more like ramen noodles than spaghetti but still they were good. Don't listen to the naysayers..I really liked them. Update: Black Tie Kitchen's pasta is 100 times better..try those!


This was amazing! thank you so much! I used the lasagne noodles (after storing a couple days in the fridge) and they were perfect... absolutely could not tell the difference. Even after reheating the leftovers.


This is absolutely fantastic!
Pasta is what I miss most when keto and it often had me falling off the keto-train.
Game changer!
Thank you so much for your time and energy, creating amazing recipes.
I will be forever grateful.


Wow this is just amazing! You've taken Keto Low Carb to a new level. So inspiring Thanks for sharing!


This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you, I can't wait to make them! Been keto for 2 1/2 years and do miss pasta. I can't wait for your product line.


I tried for the first couple of times without the softening step, and it was very good in sauce. With the softening step, it is absolutely amazing. Removes all the leftover of that shiritaki 'gum-like' texture, which was already very mild. I DEFINITELY recommend.


Thanks so much for this updated recipe. I'm having a hard time finding egg yolk powder in our area and this is very timely. Appreciate it!!!♥️♥️♥️


I made these tonight, followed the instructions exactly as this video. I was disappointed with the texture at first because like the pinned negative comment was saying, the interior was mushy and when I bit into it, it was gross. However, I remembered that this is made of BOILED EGG! So I pan-friend it to cook the insides of the noodle. The neat thing was it never snapped! Even when I used it for chow mein and kept flipping it in order to coat the noodles and mix the veggies and chicken, it never snapped! Overall, definitely not spaghetti but so much healthier for a diabetic like me.


Thanks so much for this recipe. I made it for the first time yesterday and ate spaghetti with meaty mushroom sauce and it was delicious! My strands weren't perfect but it didn't matter in the end it was all so wonderful!
