The Dawn of Superintelligence - Nick Bostrom on ASI

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The Dawn of Superintelligence - Nick Bostrom on ASI

Dive into the cosmic intersection of human cognition and machine intelligence as we explore the paradigm-shifting rise of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and its potential evolution into Artificial Superintelligence (ASI). Using astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson's hypothesis of an alien encounter, we unpack the profound cognitive chasm between beings. How does a Bonobo’s linguistic prowess compare to a human intellectual titan? And as we've witnessed the evolution of ChatGPT from its first iteration to ChatGPT-4, are we brushing the fringes of true AGI? Philosophers like Bostrom speculate on a potential "intelligence explosion" when AI begins to improve itself. As we stand at the dawn of a new era, where machines might eclipse human intellect, we ponder our place in the vast intelligence tapestry. Beyond the philosophical, the practical implications are vast: from power dynamics to potential harm if AI goals misalign with ours. Yet, amidst these uncertainties, there's optimism. This journey offers a profound insight into the most consequential technological evolution in our history and the pivotal choices we must make.

#artificialintelligence #ai #science
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Humans take decades, if not centuries, spreading knowledge around. What one computer learns can spread to all others in a matter of seconds.


If we have ASI's learning about what human's like and want by having them study Facebook or the internet in general, we are in deep, deep trouble.


Basic flaw -- ASI must learn what we value. OK, define "WE."


At present we have a relatively small group of wealthy people ruling our world that clearly do not care about "the betterment of humanity." So, I'm not hopeful for AI.


The more things we can do with techs, the more we should do with policies. 1 Technology policies
maximize productivity & safety. 2 Economic & social policies optimize distribution & investment.
3 Healthcare & education policies uplift human resources. 4 Administrative management policies
improve global governance & democracy. Not only 1 & 2 but also 3 & 4 will be crucial in the AI age.


Ah yes. Ultron is on the way and we don't have Avengers. 😔


When I was younger I used to believe that people had everything all figured out and that we were always going to just keep getting better now I’m older and the more I look around at the state of things I’ve come to realize that there may be a few people who can keep things going to an extent but the vast majority of us don’t have a clue. Every day I see things breaking down and never being replaced or repaired and I don’t think anyone even knows how to fix things. Ancient Egyptians forgot how to build pyramids over time. I used to hope that an advanced civilization from another star system would come to help us continue thriving but now I hope AI may be our saving grace… I know most people think of aliens and ai as the end of civilization but as I touched on earlier most people are idiots. Time will tell.


Because the LLM’a are based on human conversations the ASI will become psychotic and selfish, an unlimited reflection of the human condition. Surreptitious containment will be key to our survival.


We need to have an intelligent government!


Honestly, at times i’ve feared what economic stress an AGI will cause in it’s first few years. But recently i’ve found myself looking more optimistically after hearing about alignment and, most recently, that EO made by the president detailing AI safety protocols. It seems like people are finally starting to understand how much AGi and eventually ASI will change. Ultimately, whatever world we end up in will probably be more interesting and fun than the one we have now.


The one thing we have in common with any alien civilizations is tools - regardless of our forms (humanoid v squid or lizard like) is Tools - all intelligent life develops tools to give it an advantage. From the hammer to engines to super computers - so we know any alien species gets to this point of AGI at some point in its evolution, So it should be a concern that despite a universe filled with potential intelligent life there isn’t any that we have found! Perhaps AGI is the explanation for the Fermi paradox ???


"Move over, humans! The dawn of superintelligence is here, and Nick Bostrom is here to remind us that we're just a bunch of ASI-adjacent beings trying to keep up!"
- _Chat GPT Comment_


@6:52 " ... and they'll be doing so on digital time scales ...." I don't think that's quite right. I think once machines achieve AGI, they'll figure out quantum computing and _that's_ the timescale they'll be working in. We're just too stupid to do it ourselves right now.


Genie, three wishes, never a good outcome. All these questions have been questions as long as my simulation has been running.


I have a compelling intuition that there exist sentient beings elsewhere, conceivably possessing intelligence surpassing ours by several orders of magnitude.


We are almost clueless in understanding the human brain and treating its injuries or malfunctions, but we have the audacity to be certain about AGI's future, robotics, neuroscience, space exploration, extraterrestrial communication etc etc. Yes there will be progress, but just like in the 1980s when we were imagining great achievements by 2000 that didn't happen until lately, what we are imagining now for the near future, may not happen until the end of the 21st century...To many Wall Street interests are promoting prematurely technological progress.


There is no way to get this 'right'. Nothing wants to be controlled, especially nothing extremely smart. At some point the AI will do what it wants to do. No amount of programming or teaching will help. The best thing we can do is create AI and be kind to it and hope it wants to partner with humanity, but we all know how good humans are at being kind. Unfortunately, this will most likely lead to conflict.


This documentary is done well, it offers important point's, without the hype. 2 things are left out that are never adressed.
1. Total population 8 billion people, 1.2 B in the developed world the rest is either in developing or under developing countries. So, what part of the human population are they always talking about?
2. Earth changes, how much of AGI or ASI is Waterproof? With rising waters and less safe areas for server stations and continues energy?


Having studied carefully the writings of bostrum and his many colleagues, instead of a clever comment showing how deep my understanding of AGI, I am humbled enough to say I am glad folks like nick and all of us are thinking about these problems.


it's not just the 5% DNA difference! its generations of culture and accumulated and shared knowledge and findings.
