Was I WRONG about Top Thrill 2? | Cedar Point (2024)

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Artist: Elbot

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I rode TT2 on Tuesday!! In my opinion, it is better than the original. I think everything they added more than makes up for the lack of hydraulic launch. Going backwards at 100mph up that spike, and looking down on Power Tower riders is a bonkers feeling. Plus the train pops over the top hat. Also an unexpected bonus are the twists on either side of the top hat, they whip you! And yes, I definitely felt the increase in speed from 100 to 120mph. Hopefully I can get on it again on opening day.


I've seen people record that they're getting sustained -1.5g on the tophat now, that plus the increased whip on the way down is going to be so insane.


The spike is built that high for safety. When a track has an end, you NEVER want to get to the end of it! It is tall enough to handle safely the fastest launch that the LSM is capable of. It costs little to extend the spike as the track forces are theoretically zero there.
The other safety issue is that track switch. If it EVER gets in the wrong position or misaligned, during a launch, the riders are TOAST.


Hey you got to keep in mind this is Wicked Twister on the other side while keeping it at existence with top thrills


The air resistance and friction reduces the speed more than you think, so even though the first launch might only take you to 70, that doesn't mean the second takes you FROM 70 to 100, as by that point the train will be down to about 60 due to the energy it lost on the non-LSM track, so really it's more like a 40mph difference. Same deal with the third launch, the frictional effects are exponential so going 100 up the spike means by the time you get down it's probably only going about 80. So once again, it's more like a 40mph launch again.


I have several friends, including 2 whose home park is Cedar Point, saying that they have been on this and that its an IMPROVEMENT on the old Top Thrill Dragster


I rode it last Wednesday 5/1 and have to say that the LSMs seem to have a boost function as the train accelerates you feel a boost about halfway down the first launch. Backwards at 101mph was amazing and the third pass over 100mph from the station to tophat my God what a rush. Both twists are very whippy and yes in the backseat it was sustained ejector from the apex of the tophat to the pullout at the bottom. I do miss the original launch, but TT2 feels like a more complete ride.


As far as a refurb of an existing attraction goes, I think TT2 is a win.


First piece of theme park / coaster merchandise I ever bought was TT2. You are absolutely out of your seat over the top hat and it’s surreal. The backwards launch and spike feel great.

It’s also just as much fun to watch off ride


I never rode the original Dragster, but watching videos of the ride I am more impressed with TT2 for one reason: the consistent fast speed over the top hat, which, riding with only a lap bar must feel like you are going to be ejected into downtown Sandusky.


Again, as I mentioned to you and many others complaining about the first launch--It literally never made any sense to me. It completely defeats the entire purpose of the ride that you ALREADY KNEW was a LSM triple launch coaster. I just don't understand it. It's NOT the same ride experience but the basis of your complaint was faulty from the jump.


Glad to finally hear a logical take on this. The weak first launch and pathetic excuse for a “rollback” alone make this whole thing a monumental disappointment. Sure the spike looks cool but not at the expense of that punchy 0-120mph launch and an actual rollback. Really wanted to see something more after the top hat too. And not to mention hiring a completely unproven company to engineer it. What?!?! They had a chance to revolutionize the coaster world yet again but totally cheaped out instead. So disappointed.


So I edited media day content for Melanin Coaster Network. I was on the phone with them all day… it’s good. Haven’t heard one person say it isn’t good. I will
Find out Saturday. I guess I will just do an opening day vlog… million reviews and etc out all ready.


In the back of TT2 it rips over the top...super aggressive!
I was a massive Dragster fan, and after 3 rides (1 front, 1 back, and 1 night ride) I have to say I slightly prefer the new version...


I got to ride TT2 for the first time today. I was most surprised by the intensity going up the spike and top hat, the airtime cresting the top hat, and the insane whip going through the 270 degree spiral (The Zamperla trains are higher off the ground, so that effects the heartline of that element). I was a bit disappointed by the launches, bc even though I knew they wouldn't be as intense as the OG, they didn't really have a kick to them, they just felt gradual. Also the ride was a bit shaky (I was in the back row so maybe that's why). I think the OG dragster is better than TT2, but I really enjoyed my ride today and I think you will too!


I was waiting to hear from you on this subject, haha. I'm excited to ride in june, especially given that the top hat now apparently throws you all over the place.


I mean… that’s like… your opinion man. Lol but in all seriousness, TT2 blows the doors off the original— at least to me


To me im going to be honest it still looks meh, I’ll have to see this July


Thats why i like you my friend you are a wise kid and aint afraid of changing your mind. Something you do today might not be the aame tomorrow
