Israel Gathers to Flee Destructions on Babylon CLIP

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Joseph Smith and other leaders of the Church have placed the doctrine of gathering with the fundamental doctrines of the Church. In searching ancient or latter-day scripture, the gathering of Israel is perhaps the most common theme.

Interviewees: James F. Stoddard III, L. Hannah Stoddard

“In various dispensations there are various differences in regard to certain requirements of the Gospel. For instance, in the day of Noah, when he preached the Gospel to the antediluvian world, he was given a special commandment, to build an ark, that in case the people would reject him and the message sent unto them, that himself and all who believed on him might be saved from the destruction that awaited them.

"In this dispensation there is a principle or commandment peculiar to it. What is that? It is the gathering the people unto one place. The gathering of this people is as necessary to be observed by believers, as faith, repentance, baptism, or any other ordinance.

"It is an essential part of the Gospel of this dispensation, as much so, as the necessity of building an ark by Noah, for his deliverance, was a part of the Gospel of his dispensation. Then the world was destroyed by a flood, now it is to be destroyed by war, pestilence, famine, earthquakes, storms, and tempests, the sea rolling beyond its bounds, malarious vapors, vermin, disease, and by fire and the lightnings of God’s wrath poured out for destruction upon Babylon. The cry of the angel unto the righteous of this dispensation is, ‘Come out of her O my people, that ye partake not of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.’ . . . there is an ark prepared for such as are worthy of eternal life, in the gathering of the Saints to the chambers of the Almighty, where they shall be preserved until the indignation of God is passed.” Joseph F. Smith, Journal of Discourses, vol. 19, pp. 187-197, September 30th, 1877.

Рекомендации по теме

Very few saints will listen when it s time to flee to safety. President Kimball said, you do not need to be warned. We have told the people enough to be ready.
President Esra Taft Benson said. The saints need learn to be guided by Spirit themselves. And he wasn’t just talking about the Holy Ghost. But, the Light of Christ, in these latter days.
President Nelson, President Oakes, and President Eyring, all in women s conference one year spoke and said the Savior protects his saints by providing places of safety for the saints. But, you have to be listening to the spirit of the Lord to know when that time is. Very few saints will be listening.
