5 HUGE Things I Wish I Knew Sooner in FF14

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Final Fantasy 14 new player tips. Final fantasy 14 day one things you should know


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"If you disturb a sprouts story, youll die alone" our healer in a random dungeon many years ago. Words to live by


Still a sprout but something I learned recently is if you accidentally skip cutscenes (or just want to watch them again) you can rewatch them through a book in an inn.


I've played FF14 for literallly 3k hours and somehow didn't know the difference between the enemy spell bars for stun/interrupt so well played sir! :D


For healers and bards, debuffs you can cleanse will have a white line above them


the best tip that i can tell is, in the PC, when you want to teleport to an aetheryte that is surounded by quest markers, just hold CTRL, it will bring the aetheryte to first plan and you can just click on it


The MSQ is super important, but don’t forget to unlock things (the blue missions with the gold plus sign), they will get you all sorts of new content - such as mounts and other fun stuff.


Healers: dps when you can, but also, HEAL when people need it. Tanks: Use your AOE abilities when pulling trash packs! >3 mobs? always AOE. DPS: please dont pull. Wait for tank to engage before attacking.


My biggest tip is: READ YOUR TOOL TIPS!!! You arent expected to play perfectly or optimally but you are expected to at least have a general knowledge of what your job can do and how to do it. And while there are some skills with tool tips that are a mile long and/or might not do exactly what you think they do, there are plenty of people out there willing to help and teach you! Throw a question to your dungeon party or shout in Limsa (dont shout in Limsa or do I cant stop you. May god have mercy on your soul) or look up one of the numerous guides on your job, there are tons of vids on YT and plenty of other resources to help you learn!


New player to FFXIV just joined on the Xbox open beta/free trial, thanks for the tips I will have to use them


One more thing: don't skip the Novice Hall quests. The Novice Hall is a short walk from Aleport, and the MSQ requires you to go there, but that's about it. Many new players never talk to the "Smith" NPC there, or in the adventuring guilds in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah, to do the job-specific exercises. These give you valuable information, such as a better understanding of the range of your tank's AOEs, or telling you that healers are expected to do DPS when no healing is required. You'll also get a solid set of gear to get you through your first few dungeons, and an exp bonus ring with some nice stats. the exp bonus is applied from lvl 1 to 30 and is useful for all professions except crafting and gathering. you can access these quests once you've reached lvl 15 and you don't need to go to Aleport, you can just talk to one of the "Smith" NPCs in your starting city's adventuring guild. You can complete these quests for any role (tank, healer, caster, phys. dps) and receive a job-specific set of gear and the ring, which you only get once.


I have a veteran tip that somehow a lot of people seem never to catch on: there are certain trials and raids where you cannot do damage to the boss unless you fulfill certain conditions! The classic example is Bismarck (the "Limitless Blue" trial one unlocks in HW). When you fetter the whale to the island, you CANNOT do damage to the chitin caparace unless you're on the whale's back. A lot of physical ranged and casters think they can chill on the island and do damage from there, but they're in fact doing 0 damage! You can tell you're not doing damage because besides seeing your hits go for 0 damage, they have a distinctive metallic "clink clink" sound feedback to them, and visually there's a translucent hexagon showing whenever your animations impact the boss.


Tip even a lot of vets don’t know about: there is a ferry between Limsa and Vesper Bay (the Waking Sands). Just go outside the Arcanist’s Guild/Mealvaan’s gate and talk to the ferry guy behind the counter at the bottom of the ramp.


I just started this game for the first time yesterday. I feel like I'll have a lot of fun trying to finish the hunting log thing. Gives me a nice goal to look forward to


On the item UI your equipment is usually green but if it is white it means that it is 100 percent spirit bonded and ready to get the materia from


I have 2000+ hours in game and have never seen anyone have a problem with waiting for cut scenes. However sometims the tank doesn't realise there is a first timer playing and accidentally pulls the boss while the cutscene is running, so don't be afraid to let people know at the start that you will be watching the cut scenes.


400 hours in and I didn’t know about the inventory expander 😅 thank you so much for this vid


Do Hildibrand quests, do all the 8 man and 24 man raids, log out in big cities, tell people when you are in a dungeon your first time, and realize that tanking is not hard in this game.


As a new player, you are going to find it hard to get seals in the beginning, as you will need them to 'level up' your rank in the grand company. Leveling up your grand company raises your cap on the amount of seals you can have at one time. The best way to do this is to do your grand company hunting logs! (Doing hunting logs in general is a great way to get exp up to level 30 or so) - The other way to get seals early on is the adventurer in need on leveling roulette. If you have already unlocked roulettes, when you open your duty finder it will show a role icon to the right, OR, when you click on it, it will state Adventurer in Need (role in parenthesis). It's usually tank or healer, but sometimes you'll get lucky for dps. You can also farm ARR fates for seals, but frankly, I find this to be the least efficient way to get them.


Solid advice, great video 🤗 I will say, the only thing of note about turning in your excess gear to grand companies for seals is that the lower the level, the fewer seals you get. The 2k a pop will come from current endgame (Lvl 90) gear, while anything under level 50 will net you about 150-400ish.

Always roll on gear to exchange for seals! You get relic materials, ventures to pay retainers, dark matter to repair your gear, coffers with mounts/minions from Heavensward & Stormblood. All around a great investment, and you can make a nice amount of Gil from selling duplicates ✨
