5 shadow people caught on camera

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being that we have been dealing with a shadow person in our own home , we thought it would be fitting to make a video based on how bad these can be. if you have ever had any encounter with these monsters let us know in the comments below.

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Guy #3 is a bad ass. He sees a shadow person and goes right after it. I’d probably run like hell in the other direction


At 3:12 when the gentleman went downstairs I had the exact same thing happen to me except I was downstairs and it was upstairs. Mine didn't run.. we stood their for a good minute looking towards each other. It tilted its head slightly (I could not see the body, its visibility was the same as this one) a slight shoulder and head. Based on its movements it looked curious of me or possibly a inner monolog asking "can she see me" I didn't move, I didn't say anything. I just watched it as it watched me. It was complete accident seeing it, I just arrived home. Went into my door and it was at the top of the stairs. Near my kids room. It was solid (no smokey looking and it was so black I couldn't see the beige wall behind it).. looked physical enough to cast its own shadow. I yelled at it (thinking it has to be my kids) I ran at it needing to know wtf I was looking at. It vanished.. im on a mission to figure out what this is.


4:33 mom said it's my turn to play xbox


*240p exists in 21 century*
Shadow People: Let us introduce ourselves


I lived in an apt. where the last tenant died at the front door in a heatwave.This man was crippled in life but appeared as a huge, black Shadowman at the end of my bed at night. I would sleep in my living room because I was scared of the thing.Yes, I did move out,


The dude: *playing around with his one connect camera*
Shadow guy: "mom said it's my turn on the x-box"


I've had several experiences. One of them I was exploring the basement of a church with the lights on and I was standing in the doorway of the second to last room, just popped my head in and closed the door. But as I closed the door I see a black silhouette of person standing to my right out of the corner of my eye, I had a feeling of dread as soon as I saw it. Once I turned to face it, it was gone. Needless to say I didn't stay there long! Great video though I'll look forward for more content


I constantly see shadows out of the corner of my eyes. When I'm alone I talk to them. The worst one was when I said "I see you and it's not polite to linger in doorways." The next thing I knew the jacket that was hanging on the back of the nearby door fell down. I yelled that that wasn't nice, next thing I heard was a door slamming up stairs. I went to check it out and our bathroom door that I left open (because if I'm home alone why do I have to shut the door to go) was now completely closed. I asked why it was angry but never got a response. Still see the shadow(s) so idk what they want and I'm not gonna use a ouija board to ask because knowing my luck I'll summon something worse.


I've just recently come across your videos and have watched and enjoyed them all. Looking forward to seeing your future videos!


I clearly remember when I was a little kid playing in the living room while my mom was making dinner, I saw a total black figured man, that almost looked 2Dish, coming out from my room and sticking to the wall and sliding with funny moves to the bathroom door than he disappeared. I thought that was just my mind joking around with me. Even when we moved to another apartment I kept seeing things and hearing things when I was alone, mostly kids and a woman that I sometimes mistake for my mom. I personally never was scared, I was a kid and thought that this what the mind supposes to do when you are alone. But we grow up my siblings talked things that happened to them their and my mom said that two apartments were haunted and we got comfortable in them and she and dad always had nightmares most nights. Turns out your mind shouldn't show you things, I learned that when I was lonely bored after we moved out.


People don't seem to realise that shadow people are dangerous and you should not try to communicate with it as it opens you up for attachment. The lack of knowledge on people is incredible


3:08 I can agree, it gave me the chills too. I’ve had sleep paralysis a lot of times and I have seen many Shadow people when I was 5. What that guy saw is what I saw so many years ago.


This is literally my favourite channel on YouTube at the moment. Keep up the good work! Oh and could you do another episode of "urban explorations gone wrong"? I loved this :D


I used to suffer from bad sleep paralysis which was accompanied with the overwhelming feeling/sense of a presence nearby, which isn't fun, and on occasion i'd hear breathing & footsteps, which really aint fun.
Often upon awakening but prior to full wakefulness i would regularly catch the briefest glimpse of what appeared to be 4-6 dark humanoid figures stood around the bed.

Unsettling to say the least.


I was half asleep when number 3 came on. His voice scared the crap out of me. Ohh man...


I've seen a shadow figure one time during SP. I could see it in the corner of my eye standing at the corner of my room. As soon as I shifted my eyes over to look directly at it I felt the most terrifying feeling I had ever felt in my entire life. I can only describe it as when someone jumps out and scares you except it felt like that with every heartbeat. My grandfather was a preacher (passed now) so when i broke out of the SP immediately after I went into his room and knelt down at his bed still terrified. He could tell I was frightened and he put his hand on my shoulder and started praying. I mean I've woken up (in SP) and seen approx. 6 ghostly figures standing around my bed. It felt like they were draining my life force or energy. Can't really explain, but just felt like I was getting weaker. Out of all the things I've experienced NOTHING compares to the shadow figure. I myself throw it in with the demonic class personally.


The first time I saw my shadow man I thought I was losing my mind, that was 4 years ago. I was living in VA when he first appeared, I very ill at the time to the point of almost dieing. He was with me everyday and is still with me now here in MD. I have never felt threatened by his presence and my dog isn't bothered by him in the least. I only wish I could get him on film so my family would stop thinking I'm crazy.


When I was little my mom worked until 11pm. I was home with my dad and sister they had both fell asleep. I heard my front door open and then heard someone starting to do the dishes or atleast grabbing something from the sink (our door was located in the kitchen). Obviously happy my mom was home and hoping she would make me a bedtime snack I walked downstairs to my kitchen, before i could ask for a snack I see what is a shadowy figure standing at my sink. I looked at the clock on the wall it was 9:45 there was no way it was my mom. I stood there confused until I realise what ever was at the sink is starting to turn around. I never ran up my stairs so fast in my life.


i caught one apparently waving at my cat through a window while my back was turned, i had to see what the cat was looking at . i turned around and saw it and i scared it away . i must be really creepy to scare a ghost, kinda hurts a fellas self esteem


4:51 Ghost of Carmel Maine not Ghost of Caramel Maine LOL
