Solving Cash Flows Problems with Texas Instruments BA II Calculator (CFA, MBA, FRM)

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Solving Cash Flow Problems with Texas Instruments BA II Calculator (CFA, MBA, FRM)

In this video, we will show you how to use the Texas Instruments BA II Calculator to solve different cash flow problems. More precisely, we will focus on uneven cash flow calculations. These are often needed in capital budgeting when evaluating whether a particular project is worth the investment.

As you watch the video, you will learn some major functions of the Texas Instruments BA II Calculator, for example, how to insert and delete a cash flow or how to use stored data to perform calculations more quickly.

The video is part of our series on using the Texas Instruments BA II Calculator. Once you get a grip on it, you can employ your newly acquired skills to prepare for your CFA or FRM exam, or in case you are pursuing an MBA program.

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