Tooth Decay In Kids | EVERYTHING You Need To Know

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Baby teeth are weaker than adult teeth, which unfortunately makes them more susceptible to tooth decay. If a baby tooth gets a cavity, the cavity needs to be treated before it spreads down into the nerve or to the adult tooth below it. Let's talk about the causes, treatment and prevention of tooth decay in kids!




Camera: Panasonic LUMIX GH5
Lights: LimeStudio 700w
Sound: Rode GO
Editing Software: Finalcut Pro X

***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on YouTube.***

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Автор have given me more info then the dentist and pediatric dentist have given me.


Thank you so much for this video. It helped me feel a little better. I felt so terrible when I noticed that my 1 year old has tooth decay in all 4 of his top front teeth. Just when I thought I was doing everything right, juice was the cause. I know now not to allow my child to sleep with his bottle in his mouth.


My 16 month olds teeth are turning greenish gray from iron supplements. I've tried scrubbing them with a washcloth and I brush his teeth every day. What can I do to get the stain off or lessoned?


I looked this up because I went to the dentist yesterday and the woman said I had a little bit of decay in my back tooth. So I might be getting BRACES soon. Loved the vid too😊


I'm frustrated my kid's dentist says she can't do anything for my kid and just brush...what else can i do?😭 my toddler hates brushing and he'll have tantrums


Thank you for this! My son goes for dental surgery next month because his upper row of teeth needs fillings and perhaps crowns. Bad enamel as children runs in the family, but I was told by the pediatric oral surgeon that it's critical to not only make sure they have their teeth brushed twice daily but something I'd never heard was to have a firm schedule on their eating habits so they're not constantly exposing their teeth to damaging foods frequently. My son has always been a grazer, but it makes total sense so I've worked on his eating schedule more. I've still got a lot of anxiety for his procedure coming up though 😔


Thank you for sharing this helpful information. As a pediatrician, I find it valuable and appreciate your efforts in posting such informative content. keep posing


Symptoms include: nothing. 😅
Thanks for saying this!! My daughters teeth got so bad so fast with NO symptoms, other than manual inspection.


I'm at 13 and I've lost all of my baby teeth already..however during quarantine I've honestly not been taking care of myself and I fell down a lot lol- I already had one cavity before quarantine and never got it filled because everything shut down. I brush my teeth everyday (like they're barely yellow) and have a fair diet as for sugar but at this point I can tell that I have more than one now, and I'm dreading going to the dentist in two days 😭


Hi, my son who just turned one also just got diagnosed with cavities on his upper teeth. Dentist said it was caused by his undiagnosed lip tie & night time breastfeeding. Can you recommend anything that I can do at home to help besides brushing & changing his diet?


Sadly, she doesn't mention the number one way to prevent cavities: NUTRITION. Cut the sugar and carbs. Look into Weston A. Price, Ketogenic Diet or even Carnivore Diet to understand how sugar and carbs affect your teeth.


My youngest son is 7 and has yet to get a cavity. My middle daughter on the other hand has very big cavities the dentist tried to fill em but she cried and wouldn’t let them in her mouth. I been trying to get to a specialist for a year and a half and nothing. They tell me call back in 2 months because we are full. Now her back molar cracked in half and I have absolutely no idea what to do. Her dentist don’t wanna fill it the specialist is hard to get an appointment with and I’m terrified it’s going to affect her adult teeth.


Hi ! is it enough to brush my baby's teeth once daily? or how many times should I brush her?


Thank you for all your hard work on doing these videos. I do appreciate it so much watching these videos giving viewers information they havent known before. Question How do you floss a kids teeth without hurting them?


Dentist's dont do fillings anymore everyone I talk to just wants to crown all there baby teeth for about 5 grand. I did find one that did fillings for one daughter but I brought her sister about 6 months later and now he doesn't do it just a referral for crowns. We got kids everywhere around here that look like the terminator. It's a monopoly I think.

Автор it necessary to put artificial teeth to keep the space of my child who removed her Molar teeth, having 6 yes of age..


I was waiting for a video like this on kids! I started trying to brush my sons teeth when he was 1! I would give him one to bite on so he can feel it and play with it..after a while I started using tooth paste he would laugh and think I'm trying to tickle him lol although he bites me alot! Thanks for the advice Whitney 🙏


My son needs a filling on one of his back molars but he gags easily so I’m wondering if he can handle it. Are there ways the dentist can accommodate children? I’m worried they’re going to be impatient. I’m against the anesthesia route.


So freaking hard to floss a three year olds teeth.


Also it’s not always about brushing sometimes it can be underlying issues like bad bacteria in the mouth that could be genetic!
