Weird videos that will keep you up all night 70

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Welcome if your new! My name is Joaquin and today I react to creepy TikTok's. These unnerving clips have been going viral on YouTube Shorts and TikTok. these videos will probably keep you up all night!

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censoriong words such as "body" is very dehumanising


My son is a pilot for the airlines and several times while flying at night someone shown a laser into the cockpit which is very dangerous. Not long ago someone was shining one into the passenger area and people were freaking out. He instructed them to close their eyes and not to look at it. He said after landing they were asking him if they were going to be blind. He told them to maybe make an appointment with their doctor if they were concerned about it. The pilots have to report the incident and their location and the police will look into it. I don’t know if they ever catch anyone but it is against the law. You don’t want your pilot being blinded before landing 😵‍💫


Fun fact: tall buildings are meant to shake/wobble a bit to compensate for extreme weather conditions

If a tall buildings are stiff and rigid then the force of something like an earth quake will cause the building to take all of the shock making it more likely to start falling apart.

Earthquake prone areas will more likely have building that wobble


Want to avoid car theft? Take out the fuse to the fuel pump every time you park your car. Sure, it's a hassle if you make it a hassle. I just view it as part of parking my car.




They should not test self driving or even remote driving vehicles on public roads until they are 1000% fleshed out and bug tested...of course, this will never be the case.


After passing the turtle, they met a rabbit napping next to a tree.


I swear to GOD I heard a skinwalker one night while in Arizona. I was in Nogales, Arizona. It's a city literally right outside of Mexico. I couldn't sleep because the hotel we were in, unfortunately, the air conditioners were all being replaced, so needless to say it was hot. I went outside, it was around midnight. I remember looking up at the moon. It took me a mi item to realize that it sounded like every dog in and around the vicinity was barking and going crazy. All of a sudden it all just stopped. Than a few seconds after all the barking and howling stopped, I heard this inhuman growl or roar, I'm not sure what it was doing. I didn't stay outside after that. I immediately went back into the hotel. It was definitely one of the most scariest things I have ever experienced.


Don't leave things on the stove!!!!


That person in the subway trying to get the couch in forgot to pivot


Wahoo Hey Friendly people hope ur all OK.. ❤😊


Bears actually have pretty foamy saliva, most mammals do when they're running a lot, the issue is when they're not running and are just foaming at the mouth profusely for no reason.


2:57 don’t leave anything on your stove. It’s common sense which has been lost


The glowing water is a natural thing that is called red tide. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The water is red in the day and at night any disturbance makes the water glow. It’s a phytoplankton and they go to the coast to mate. If I remember correctly.


My mother in-law who is long since passed on from a house fire... started it because she had dementia and my father in-law put stuff on the burners and stovetop so she couldn't get to the knobs in back. He fell asleep and she turned on the burners and the place went up so fast. They couldn't get out in time because he had nailed the windows and doors shut. He kept one door open all except one nail. They found him laying in front of that door and she was standing by a window in the living room and got burned and passed 2 days later. It was so sad😢


The damn "Driverless" Car, is to "CREEPY FOR ME !!!" If I were that Cop, I know I'd Need A Large Strong Drink, when I got Home !!!


That jail story would never happen here in America. Those convicts would’ve been in a lot of trouble and caught new felony charges for leaving their cell.


Who pays the ticket when a driverless car screws up? Probably the company but i can see them laying blame on anything but themselves


14:15 was a gopher tortoise. They burrow underground and are protected in Florida and they are also pretty fast. I also went to Costa Rica for my honeymoon and can confirm howler monkeys will wake you up in the early hours with that terror fuel.


If you are losing your job to robots, then become the guy that fixes and maintains the robots.
