Overpriced city car or budget SUV? Toyota Aygo X review

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In a world that's nearly killed off the city car, Toyota's still plugging away with the diddy Aygo X – except the Japanese brand's desperate for us to believe that it's actually a small SUV and not a city car at all. Regardless, we sent Rebecca Jackson to the woods (again) to find out if it's any good, if it's decent to drive and if it needs a turbocharger.

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It might look a bit pricey at first but it will look like great value 15 to 20 years down the line when it's still running sweetly and all you've done is serviced it routinely and swapped a few consumables. Aygos are really great little workhorses. People don't see the bigger picture when it comes to


I swapped my 2019 Hyundai I10 for a new Aygo X last year. Whilst the I10 had a little more space, mine was terribly unreliable with electrical issues, a failed clutch release bearing and a engine fault which almost stranded me in Germany. It was also expensive to service with the dealer.
So far I'm loving the Aygo X (Edge Manual), it has a lot more kit than the Hyundai (the adaptive cruise is a brilliant feature), I prefer the higher driving position and the engine is more frugal too (61mpg over my 8, 000 miles so far). And I can rest in the peace of mind that it's a Toyota, with a very proven, if a little underpowered, engine. I've had it into Europe too, where it coped well, and I find the seats very comfortable for long journeys.


I test drove one with a CVT and really liked it – and now I feel very conflicted as an enthusiast…


Love my Aygo X Exclusive, I’ve had one every year since they came out


Folding roof is fun, we have one, done 35k faultless miles. Live in the countryside so small B roads is where we drive. Everything else is stupidity big for the countryside.


I had a manual as a hire car, and agree the drive train isn’t pleasant, making smooth progress difficult (I’ve driven a Toyota hybrid for years, love how smooth they drive). The rest of the car is great, so hoping to try the CVT version before buying one to replace a vintage Yaris 1st generation.


It looks nice, price is not too bad and sort of fuel efficient.
Add the brand name to the equation and, ...
It'll sell like mad.


Rebecca. Outstanding review from a brilliant journalist.


Country and city roads are no race tracks, so a car without a turbo is fast enough for daily driving.


It's real rival is the Suzuki Ignis, mini-SUV and cute too. I love them both


With all the reduction in these little cars being made, it looks like we are being encouraged, or should I say coerced, to go electric! Sorry, but here’s one guy that won’t be-ever! You can stick ‘em where the sun don’t shine as far as I’m concerned! I’m gonna buy a brand new combustion engine car the day before they stop selling them!


Bought the Mrs one and she loves it. Previous car was a Fiat 500E (Electric con)


Had my AygoX since new in April 2022, used as a second car for just me and my tiny dog, still under 10k miles. Also, it came with a 10 year guarantee as long as dealer services it every year, great wee thing, not being reviewed fairly heŕe for what it is designed for.


I had an Aygo X as a rental. Not a fan of the styling, like most modern cars view to the rear was deficient but it had a good large reversing screen. Comfortable seating position for the driver, good feel to the 5-speed manual box, a proper handbrake lever, extremely tight turning circle, it felt quite at home in country lanes, and it got over 55mpg - what's not to like? On the motorway you needed to change down into 4th early on a hill to hold 70mph but that's what driving is about, isn't it? (I mean, managing the power and the gears, not motorways!). YES a turbo would be fun, but it's adding an extra source of complications and probably earlier failures a few miles down the track. (For the same reason I wouldn't touch the CVT 'automatic' version, I don't care how good Toyota are, CVT is diabolical. Unless it's what Toyota misleadingly call 'eCVT' which is a different thing entirely, but I'd still go for the manual, every time).


It does have a central air vent on the top of the dashboard (no adjustable louvres) which blows a draft on my bald head (when the A/C is on). I often get up to 80 mpg on open 'A' roads with my one and down to 55 to 65 mpg in town.


You forgot to mention the Suzuki Ignis which is more spacious and better value and has a more powerful engine.


Been searching for Rebecca for a while. Happy to see this newer channel finally!!


I am running 5 days a week on Motorways around London..No problems as she explains..


Rebecca’s humour really came out here. So much more humble and likeable than Matt Watson and intelligent too, Matt got too big for his boots I feel.


Its much more philosophical review than actual review of AygoX for these types of cars(which Rebecca missed, IMO).
Toyota has wider(including Lexus) range of cars on every continent than any other manufacturer, and AygoX is just extension to this. Open the hood, check the suspension components, etc. And compare with mk8 VW Golf and you will see higher production quality still with AygoX(but built to a price point). Compare that with 10y warranty, all safety equipment as standard and great suspension and mobility in cities, its better car for intended purpose than most other cars on the road INCLUDING the price.
I live in Zagreb, Croatia and my long term speed average is 21km/h last 7, 8 years, and I travel highways quite often. Which goes to show people WANT more expensive cars but rarely they actually have engineering need for them. But I've lived with many more expensive(and less expensive cars) and reviewing them on their intended purpose compared to price they ask is how its measured.
However, 2024 Suzuki Swift up to 5 years of ownership might be more "enthusiast" choice IMO.
