3 Signs You Are Having a Spiritual Awakening (and dont know it)

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This video will show you 3 signs that you are having a spiritual awakening. Transcript below.....

This video will show you three signs that you are going through a spiritual awakening. I'll share with you ways of knowing whether you're going through that process or not and what you can expect from it. Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now this video we're going to be specifically talking about spiritual awakening and how we can know we're really going through the process like we're some signposts that we can have. What are some signs that we can have to know whether we're on that right track or not. Now. I'll say the first one I'll give away right now has to do with just simply knowing that you are watching this video now. That was one of the first signs for me is when I was going through the process was shortly after I learned meditation and I found myself just if I was online I would just start to see things about spiritual awakening.

And it was something that I never really know even came across before. Maybe I heard the words before but it never really resonated with me. So understand first thought that if you're even watching this video there's a high likelihood that in order for you to even perceive of this video you're already vibrating the quote unquote VIBRATING AT THAT UNDERSTANDING AND YOU'RE resonating with this idea and this type of experience. So that's empowering to know because you're on the path already. You may have just not known it 100 percent. But now from this point going forward you can start to integrate that more and more into your life. I remember that I was you know when I learned meditation it was something I just did because I thought it would help me with what I thought I had A.D.H.D which means it was hard for me to focus so it took Adderall and the prescription drug that they get for it.

So I took that for years and then I didn't like the side effects of adderall what you couldn't which were that you couldn't eat very much you couldn't sleep very much. Then I learned meditation and the game engine was like three days of learning meditation. I learned how to observe my thoughts rather than try to control them. And when I did that I got into this feeling that completely changed everything. I started to feel so different about who I was. I started to have very deep realizations for the correlation between my thinking and what I was experiencing in my life. So I became aware of the limitation I had around thinking I had A.D.H.D and how you know I had to go to the doctor to cure that or I had to take adderall to cure that.

How that was feeding into that reality and how I could simply change it by redefining myself instead of having. It HD. I define myself as happened a lot of energy and having to grounded in. So that's what I did from that point going for I never took Adderall again and that was I think one of the purposes you know a lot of people that I've been through a lot of pain in life have been through a lot of things in life go through a spiritual awakening. I know that even growing up I went through a lot of you may have heard me talk about this before I will go too deep into it but I went through a lot of abuse growing up from my stepmom and from that that made me go within because for years I ask myself the question why did this have to happen to me.

And years later I went through that spiritual awakening. I was able to let go of all that resistance and that I believe was one of the purposes of it. So I kind of transmuted all of that in a very powerful way. So the first sign that you are going through a spiritual awakening is that you are simply watching this video that you find yourself resonating with this kind of information and that you're starting to integrate it more into your daily life. Now the second one has to do with being able to read people and being able to see intention and everything that you do. Now what I mean by this is maybe before people would do things to you or people would say things to you and you would just listen to the words that they say.

But what happens is after a spiritual awakening you become aware of not just the practical like physical or the words themselves you become aware of the energy underneath the words....

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This video is about 3 Signs You Are Having a Spiritual Awakening
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We do attract some experiences through thought, but not thought alone. We attract experiences good and bad through our actions and what we say. Words are vibrations. Words can be powerful. Its a combination of things. Bcuz if i wanted a brand new car I would need positive thoughts AND actions to obtain it. Self fulfilling prophecys happen bcuz when the person is thinking of something, they take some sort of action or do something to make it happen, and then it comes true/ or happens.


I've always known when someone is trying to manipulate or get the better of me. The most difficult aspect of this awareness is how to react or deal with it as you can't always avoid or make these people go away. It's a daily lesson.


Still so new to all of this. I thought spiritual awakening was something I hadn't reached yet, but it sounds like it's already happening to me :) Thank you, as always, for sharing your knowledge!


hello, this is amazing. I am 17. I have these strong dreams, and working towards making them come true, however, I often catch myself being distracted by fear, negative thoughts, and other conflicts. However, I have become to realize that all those are just an illusion. I want to change the world. I will. Thank you for bringing positive energy in people's lives. I hope I can do this to the world as well. Thank you for being brave to share these stories. Thank you for being you.


I went thought a traumatic experience and thought I had PTSD but I realized as I separated myself and began to have a positive outlook in life unexplainable things started happening the only logical thing is it’s a spiritual awakening 🙂🙏🏽 I’m still on this journey but things are just clicking


I need to marry a man that is on this same kind of level as me. So amazing


This is great, I’ve definitely becoming spirituality awakened. I love that I have come across this video, I really needed a sign I was actually going in the right path.


Wow.. I choked up when you decribed where your awakening steamed from.. Mine occured from traumatic events too.


Thank you for verbalising what many of us are experiencing 🙏


Yoo I got mad chills through out my body after u said that u start reading people. And I've been doing that. Idk if this is my spirit or my head




My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6. We refused to put him on medication and supported him in every way we could, so he could integrate into every day life. He's doing very well now at 19. ADHD is just a meaningless catchall label. Everyone is unique and gifted in their own way. You're proof of this. Kudos to you.


This is super coincidental because your first experience, that you mentioned at the start is exactly what i am going through right now


There is a whole new world opening for perception is everything. Love your videos 💜


Yes when I started meditation because of anxiety i started to see the world different, i found out what i wanted to do in life, I had a vision. I am 18 years old


I had to experience absolute rock-bottom. From that position, I realized I could be better. The next day, I embraced my potential. Each experience is unique because each person is unique. The world is your oyster...


I did this spiritual awakening to better myself...but almost end up getting sobber in absorbing people 's negative energy around me😭


Great video. I have been on a path for the last year and have had no clue what it was. But the more I learn about it it does sound like a spiritual awakening. And I can't tell you how much happier and content I am with my life.


I seen inside myself when I was meditating, Saw my heart ❤️ pumping my lungs breathing, I saw😐 inside myself


This is just amazing!!! Can't express my feelings, I got goose bumps watching it. It relates to my journey of spiritual awakening.

Now that I am awakened and moved quite ahead in my journey, I decided to make this msg reach as many people as possible through my videos and blog.
