How I built these angled wardrobes safely under Covid-19 lockdown conditions

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In this build video I take you through the process of installing a bespoke wardrobe into an angled ceiling in an attic bedroom.

Focusing especially on my techniques for scribing parts tight to the wall. We were fitting up to fragile expensive wallpaper and I focused on getting a very tight fit with no caulk.

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I begin the video with talking points regarding the controversial subject of carrying out installations in people’s houses during coronavirus lockdown.

We spent the first 4 weeks of lockdown isolated and I did what I could in the workshop (at the back of my house), with staff on furlough. Now in the 5th week, out of financial necessity and in line with Government advice we have decided to keep the business going by returning to work with strict guidelines in place.

Contrary to some people’s interpretation that only key workers should carry on working, the official government advice has always been that business must continue (except for certain named types of business that create social gatherings). Those who cannot carry out their work from home can continue to work while observing social distancing and disinfecting procedures. There is clearly a need for us to be very responsible in how we carry out our duties, for the safety of all concerned.

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When all is said and done people have to work. There is no alternative or there will be no small businesses left in the UK. 👍


Hallelujah. A pro that can't cut straight with a handsaw. Thank you for being honest. Craftsmen aren't supermen afterall ! Nice install.


Hi Alistair, great video superb tool organisation don’t blame you for working you’ve got to survive 👍🏻


In same boat friend..
Totally understand..and you are going about it in a very sensible manner... hope we are all back working safe again soon x


You've been put into a position where you have to work and it looks much safer than the people going to BnQ, good vid


The eye for detail to the mm is magnificent. Wonderful stuff. Glad to see the Freebird crew getting back to work after Covid. 👍


Hi Alistair,
Great to have a build video to watch thankyou, I'm glad you've been able to start work with a precautionary approach . ballsy move putting it out on social media, well done 👍.
Also interesting design of inset and overlay fillers, panels .nice scribes


You seem to have taken extensive measures to deal with the situation and I would find hard words in a situation like these horribly rude. In the Netherlands small business owners are not exempt from government support, but even still, it is tough for small business owners. I hope and wish that you find enough business within this new normal to be able to survive. Best of luck!


Great work Alistair. I'm in full support of your decision. I have just about exhausted all the work I can do in the workshop and I feel I'm going to have to start contacting customers about installations😬 the kids need to eat


Nice to see other trades. Getting back to work. I've found the whole covid thing has scared some customers. But now that it's been a few weeks. Work has started to pick back up. Enquiry rate has increased. The only issue I've found is time taken to do the work. It's added a couple of hours fitting time to each project. I'm lucky most of my work is in large properties. So I've normally got a separate entrance to the property. And only have minimal disinfection work to do. Nice job you've left. Well done on the work and the cleaning of the property


Looks like you have gone back to your roots with this build and the video. Great detail, great tips. Need me some swanky scribeness! Best of luck mate. 👍


Lovely workmanship as ever, and those Hafele shelf supports definitely up the quality factor. Totally understand your decision to carry on working and I hope you can weather this storm.


Nice tan you have there. Nice to see you are able to work during this mess.


Thanks for sharing this Alistair, it’s one of the most useful videos I’ve ever watched, it answers so many questions.


Absolutely love it! I have to do the exact same layout for our future daughter and I have to admit that not being a woodworker, your video just made the preparation a whole lot simpler!! Thanks a million! Love how you tackle it!


Good to see you being responsible on site so as far as I’m concerned not a problem, good luck to you. I find that people are not asking for quotes at the moment, preferring instead to wait until we over some of this at least stay safe Alaister


Yep you gotta work bro. Great measures you put in place there. Wish my work place had the same


Another quality build Alistair. You have approached the safety aspect as you do with your work ethic exemplary.


Great to see you working again. Think it’s the right decision for you and well done with all the precautions. I’m in the same position as a director of a small company having fallen through the cracks of the assistance. Very useful video again thanks.


Beautiful job. Keep up the good work. I appreciate that you have adopted the common sense approach
