The BRUTAL Truth about Raiden's Rerun! Should You Pull for Her?! Genshin Impact

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In this video, I go over 35 or so things to consider for Raiden's rerun in the 2nd half of the upcoming Genshin Impact version 2.5 update! I discuss the good, the bad, and the shocking about our favorite OP electro archon, Raiden.
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Personally, C2 is a must pull for me, since I usually only get 20 seconds of playtime per day, killing a boss within the time I have is very important


"The energy time piece is twice as common as the electro goblet"
Man... time pieces have been the hardest pieces to farm for me. I have basically a lot of almost complete sets that only lack a time piece


People were really quick to call her bad due to the lack of beidou synergy early on which while that still sucks, she still works fine without it. Raiden national is both incredibly easy to play since you don't need to worry about funnelling energy and hits pretty hard even at c0.


As mentioned before whenever new character's come out. Avoid the Genshin community like the plague when deciding characters, they almost always wrong. Make your own personal decision if you like it as a character. This was seen many times for characters such as Kazuha, Kokomi and Raiden etc. Personally I ignored all the BS and pulled for all 3 and to this day now everyone is saying they are amazing so take what you will from that.


Raiden is my favorite. When I first pulled for her, she sat unused for a while. But once I figured out how to use her, she has basically not left my main team.


As someone with a C0 Raiden C0 Eula comp, I can safely say that it is NOT even close to being bad. I’ve been able to 36* every abyss ever since these two have been together.


C0 Raiden always get the job done for me. I want to have her C2 yet i want to have the Kamisato siblings, Ayaka and Ayato will make a new gameplay for me for sure. Hope evryone who want the Electro Archon will recieve her in 10 pulls.


Eula and Raiden have almost perfect synergy even at f2p levels just because of the easy superconduct, the energy generation and being able to alternate their bursts.


Having a team consisting c0 raiden and c0 eula is very viable for me. Raiden fills the time gap to kill when Eula has her burst not ready yet and provides a good battery for Eula then swapping to other eula battery to provide eula her burst until eula casts it then the cycle just continues.


I would add that her passive, reducing the cost of leveling up, is unique and very useful because it reduces the use of resin spent in mora leylines.
Im definetly pulling for her.


As c3 raiden user, may everyone can get her! Shes best at battery for entire team and quite good damager for 7 second window ;)


Getting C2 Raiden should be a no brainer for people who ever wanted to feel the power of a C6 DPS character but didn't want to spend as much money. That's how busted her C2 is. Use her with Kazuha/Bennett and C6 Sara who you are most likely going to get when going for C2 Raiden, and you got arguably the most powerful team in the game.


Over 35 things to consider, but there are only 2 that really matter: "Do you like Raiden?" and "Do you want Raiden?".


I have both c0 Eula and c0 Raiden, and they are the perfect partners. I run that same team with Zhongli for shield and phy shred, and its fairly easy to hit 20k with a single normal atk lol, with benny support it jumps to 27k 😌The team has great synergy even tho my Eula has really low ER, Raiden makes up for it (ofc Raiden shreds everything too). Constellations for either of them is a bit overkill imo, they both do some of the highest damage in the game already. I would def say c6 is not required to dominate


Having raiden against more than one opponent (floor 12 chamber 3) makes her energy recharge potential even greater. One swing of the booba sword and her burst is already back up


i have used c0 raiden and c0 eula together ever since raiden's release, and i can say this with out a shadow of a doubt, that eula and raiden even at c0 work very well together, even if they may not be able to 1 shot everything they do the job very well imo, and i am able to clear the abyss with them at 36 stars no problem. but ofc i have a biased opinion but i have done some testing of my own and can say raiden on the nationals team with xiangling, xingqiu and bennet is indeed faster at beating some parts of the abyss and is very viable, but eula and raiden team is still very good for f2p imo


Thanks for the great video, IWTL! Actually there is one thing about Raiden's ult duration that you didn't mentioned. In Genshin Impact exists such a phenomenon as a hitlag. The thing is that when a melee character hits an enemy the flow of in-game time for a moment stops. As the result duration of Raiden's ult gets prolongated for a couple of seconds. You can test it by hitting an air and a beefy monster and recording the difference in time between the cases.


a fun comp I've been loving is raiden, ningguang, zongli and Jean I find it surprisingly strong and just a great all around comp so I dont have to switch much


Completely agree that killing things too fast is an issue with c3 raiden. I usually have to purposely not fill up stacks and not use all my supports so that she dosent just oneshot the enemy and leave me with no energy recharge from the ult


IWtL was one of the very few CCs that judged Raiden correctly on release, keep that in mind.

She's a must pull in terms of meta, people who got her C1 already should go for her C2 to utterly break the character.
