God Is About to Stop Your Isolation If . . .

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God bless!

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Here are the steps if you're interested in my new book and the free bonus course:

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Step 3: Within 24 hours, once your proof of purchase has been verified, you will receive an email with the 100% off scholarship code for the free bonus course (along with the link to enroll in the course).

Step 5: Enjoy the book and free bonus course! And if you find the book helpful, it would be a big blessing to me if you could leave a review on Amazon. This helps other people feel more comfortable purchasing the book and learning the important truths inside of it.

God bless!


I've been extremely isolated for about 3 years now (no friends or family). I've realized how this happened is through the abuse of a narcissist. I used to have many friends and be full of life. I am the complete opposite now. This is the first time me speaking out about it and I feel my time of depressing hopelessness isolation is over. God Bless All.


I have learnt never to allow any relationship to interfere with my relationship with God.


I'm finally out of my wilderness season! And last week my long awaited blessings started rolling in! 🙌🏽🥰


I spent 8 years of isolation where my family left me and some « friends » walked away. Within this isolation season I had short intense ones where I was fully left alone with 2 kids without jobs, money, … I divorced and ended up with a lot of debts. I did not understand why I had to suffer that much. I started to look for God through Our Lord Jesus . He broke me so that I could be born again. He brought me into a very hard desert so that I could count only on him and not on my strengths. I came closer to him during that season, prayed and fasted. So he started to redirect my whole life! The process is still going on and I am now at peace because I have seen Jesus moving the mountains in my live. Never give up. Keep walking with Jesus even if things do not have any sense yet. He is at work and will use your battles for his glory and your peace & Happiness (Jeremiah 29:11).


This is so fitting for my life. I've isolated since 2017. Few social interactions, online church services, shopping delivery. I was hopeless for so long yet God loves me, encourages me to share my talents with others. Thank you


Im in the army and have been living in Alaska for 2 years now. I’ve been isolated from everyone. Friends, family, relationships. I’ve faced many trials and tribulations, but I know that each of these trials are meant to make me grow as a person and a Christian. I love and trust in God, and his good will. For anyone else in Isolation, know that you are not alone, and that Jesus loves you.❤


It's my time to come out of isolation. Thank you once again Mark. God has placed you in my life for my spiritual progression. God bless you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’ve been in the wilderness for almost 8 years. In that time I grew closer and learned to depend on God. But oh I’m so tired of being here. May God bring someone into my life


I believe that God can speak to us through the lyrics of a song, a book, another human, or through a video. I don't just believe it; I KNOW he can. Today I prayed from my heart. I prayed for the kingdom spouse I'm longing for, the blessings I'm longing for, to use my talents and to bless my kingdom spouse with all the love in my heart. I have prayed for God to take it into His hands and to open the door to what is for me.


Two people I thought were my best friends abandoned me out of nowhere this year (one struggled with jealousy and the other literally moved across country and disappeared on everyone). I have been celibate almost 10 years and I turn 31 in 2 weeks. Ive never had a boyfriend and my parents are deceased (my mother family is spread out and not close). Isolation has been my entire existence. It’s almost impossible to imagine different. I channel my grief in a godly way: through my nonprofit and my community work. And through loving the friends I do have. I mostly have everything delivered to my home and I work from home so I get tempted to never leave the house. I pray God busts me out of isolation in 2024.


Covid lock down took the girl, I thought was the one God wanted me with, away from my church. She appears every few months and my heart just breaks every time I see her. She went through a really bad / abusive marriage with a baby girl too and I was trying to give her time to heal. Covid separated us for 2+ years. I've heard she is with another guy, so I'm at a crossroads now in my life and it really sucks.Feeling like I've lost the Love of my life so needing prayers if you feel it upon your hearts for me please! Thank you God for the blessings I do have in my life, Amen!


So excited! It always amazes me how the Lord gives you topics that speak to my life right as I'm living it.


I’m finally at the part where I’m just focusing on my relationship with God. and I am finally understanding what it means and I really want to say thank you


I have just ended my own personal 7 years of tribulation. On December 31 2023 God whispered to me "From now on, you get to write your own ticket in life" and in one second, the chains that kept me bound since 2017 melted away into nothing and i became a brand new person with limitless possibilities stretched out in front of me. At 29 years old I thought my life was over and I ruined everything. At 36, God unified every stray disparate thought I had in my mind and unified them all into one great glorious purpose and freed me from my bondage. Thank you Jesus! You made me a new person with just one whisper and I am freed.


Jake's said in one of his sermons and I quote... you won't come out of your wilderness until all fear and doubt is gone!!!


I pray that God has seen my desire to isolate myself and focus on him and not in a relationship. God knows how much I wanted to stay in the last relationship I was in and I just ask him to heal me and bless me for my obedience.


I am presently in isolation. It's been for a while already. I sometimes feel as though God is angry with me. I know He isn't I just want this isolation to be over


*God of all, I pray for unity among your children. Help us to see past our differences and to love one another as you have loved us. May we work together for the betterment of our world. Amen.*


I’ve been isolated since I had my baby in 2020. Lost all friendships, family moved away and now I’m just left with my hubby and kids and his family.

I’m feeling like the isolation is about to be over bc I don’t want to be isolated anymore.

I used to love it but now I’m ready to reconnect with people and find good mom friends
