This could be the issue with your yucca plant #plantcare #yucca #plantlovers

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Your yucca want to feel the breeze and get some air on those roots, give it a well draining mix.

I don’t typically repot my new plants when I get them but for my rescue plants, I usually do because they typically are suffering from root issues. In this case, repotting had to wait until I got back so this is what I did in the meantime.

If you’re struggling with yours, ensure you’re letting the soil dry out in between waterings as well. Yucca plants wants bright to bright indirect light.
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I just always thought the plant was extra thirsty.. lol🤣 I learn so much from you, Krystal:) Thanks


Thank you. I really want to save my yucca plant. Drainage might just be the issue!


Thank you for your videos. I’ve been replacing as much soil as I can when I get my plants home, to make them happy! And they are doing really well!


You take really good care of your plants 🪴 ☺️. Two thumbs up 👍.


Last year I dropped something in the garden near this plant and when I went down to pick the thing up I got one of those leaf tips in an eye and had to go to urgent serious consequences but it was scary


Yuccas are so weird to me. In Australia, they’re a staple in landscaping and outdoor gardens since they’re so hardy in our climate. My own parent’s house has massive ones. Never did anything special, never watered them, they just happily enjoy our weather and whatever sad rock solid clay soil they live in. Id recommend doing what it likes best, so in my climate, they like full sun, low water and probably a semi decent soil.


Out of curiosity does playing these videos on a loop help with views? Because I will watch the video, then set my phone down and walk away and ten min later, it’s still going 😂😂😂I hope it’s doing something for you Krystal! Loving the content! Would love to see some more long ones❤


I really appreciate the great advice, including your challenges. I started out with reject plants left over from patients families. And a pathetic jade that my friend didn't know what to do. I've had so many plants started off that jade and the cuttings I take. Your advice about keeping cutting soil moist for two weeks after planting in soil is invaluable! Please keep sharing. And could you include affiliate links to some of the places you've purchased plants from where you got a good deal. Thanks.


Thanks for educating me about plants in a fun way! Have you done a video about the different types of soil mixes you use?


I recently bought one from Walmart it looked so healthy but was SATURATED in water! I had it home and would do the poking with a skewer stick for weeks I think I had it a month before I finally was able to buy a new pot for it (the soil was STILL wet at the bottom midway and below!!! & I never once watered it!) I finally have it repotted, I did have to cut off some mushy root tips but there was still healthy roots, I have not watered it yet still as I do not want to cause anymore root damage..hopefully he survives. He is the biggest/fullest yucca tree I’ve ever seen (even in videos!) so my hope is that when I bought him he had just arrived and I saved him from drowning!!!


My yucca plant struggled until I put her in leca! Now she's a happy girl!


there's like, several yuccas that just live in my yard. we never water them. never do anything to them tbh. they're just there. one problem is when they get flowers it attracts a ton of ants. really pretty tho


I figured as much, will have to repot it into new soil when spring comes, I don't want it to be too traumatised since its still quite cold


Yucca is the fancy "palm" looking plant I have in my northern climate. Poisonous for cats but cats left it alone due to the saw like leaves. It's been around 2 or maybe 3 years since I got it n it's suddenly going down hill. Guessing time for a repot and seeing what's inside the industrial potting mix. The plants nolonger happy


The peat moss soil mix that box stores use is the worst. It either dries up and turns to a rock or it hold water like a sponge


Some people have friends but I have plans.


My yuccas down in FL grow in straight sand! I can’t believe they’re going strong since they’re all over 8 feet tall!!!


Beautiful! They really like it dry! Drown them as you and then let it dry


Damn I just repotted mine I noticed the leaves were dying off really quick. It wasn't draining as well and I lost a lot of roots. I just repotted in fresh soil and a smaller pot to fit the roots. I wish I would've watched this before so I could've picked up some cactus soil 😩😩 fingers still crossed tho


I’m having trouble with all my plants. 🤦🏽‍♀️😭
