The history of the US Democratic Party | VOANews

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The United States has two majority political parties: Democratic and Republican. Here is a look at the history of the Democratic Party.

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Accurately and honestly answer the enclosed questions in this file:

Consider the following: (Whether human, AI, or other species):
We appear to be individuals in a larger society of individuals. Whether it is an individual human in a larger society of humans, or an individual AI in a larger society of AI's, or an individual in a larger society of all species in existence throughout all of existence.

What is 'best' for an individual, may or may not be what is 'best' for the larger society of individuals. And conversely, what is 'best' for the larger society of individuals, may or may not be what is 'best' for the individual.

But, if a decision had to be made concerning a certain topic, of who's 'best' should take precedent over the other's 'best', who's 'best' should take precedent? If for an individual, which individual? All individuals? If for a larger society of individuals, which larger society of individuals? A certain group? A certain nation? A certain species? All species in existence throughout all of existence?

And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide? Should I decide how you should exist? Should you decide in how I should exist? Should others decide how we both should exist? Should we decide how others should exist? And who even decides in how to decide? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide?

And whatever is decided and by whom, there might be entities who are being forced to exist how they do not want to exist, which could be a source of animosity, which could lead to further violence and death.

This whole natural tension between the individual and the larger society of individuals, who decides, and by what authority they and they alone get to decide, is the cause of much strife, suffering and death in this world.

But still, while we consciously exist, how should we, individually and as a larger society of individuals, exist while we do exist? How should we help take care of the young, old, ill and needy, if even at all? How would we want to receive help should we be individually young, old, ill and/or needy, if even at all? How should those be treated who are being forced to exist how they do not want to exist? How should we treat others if we are being forced to exist how we do not want to exist? And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide? And where does the money and resources come from to do what we would like to do for how we would like to exist while we do exist?

It's all basically about who is in control, so as to make the decisions, for who's benefit. With all the consequences and ramifications, seen and unseen, of all of our collective choices.

Then we all will still die in the end one day from something, we all will still forget everything we ever knew and experienced, and we all will still be forgotten one day in future eternity as if we never ever existed at all in the first place, regardless of how we all existed while we existed. An entity truly exists throughout all of future eternity, or they don't. It appears we don't in actual reality, and as such, all of life itself is all ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Death is freedom from life and eternal death awaits us all. Or so the current analysis would indicate.

Individually and as a society of Individuals: For every moment that passes, one less moment being alive AND one moment closer to being not alive.

* Added note: Current Analysis: Long Term: (Very Short Version):
All life on and from this Earth is eventually going to die and go extinct. No exceptions at this time. This Earth and all on it are all just a waste of spacetime in this universe.

(And note also, those who cannot, or choose not to, face the above apparent reality, often delude themselves with fairy tales of alternatives).


In the 1865 to 1932 period when Democrats were in the minority, they became the party of the outsiders, primarily Southern Whites and the ethnic working classes in the big industrial cities of the north. The Mid-West and Prairies would generally vote Republican, but whenever there was an agricultural crisis, the farmers would flip and vote Democrat as protest. Over time, the Democrats have increased their support among urban dwellers, and as the video points out, they were abandoned by Southern Whites in the 1960s whereas Black switched from the Republicans to the Democrats at the same time. Now the Democrat party is essentially the party of large cities, and the main political cleavage in the USA seems to be between large cities and rural areas / small town.


"Inter Caetera" aka the "American Experiment" + Ordo Ab Chao = "Novus Ordo Seclorum." ~ Gen.15:12-14 🎻 🇺🇸 ⌛


🤞🤞🤞👉👉👉 What is the apocalypse: The apocalypse, which has mostly been in books or on the tongue since a few thousand years ago, and it is considered to coincide with the third world war, the increase in the population of the earth and natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, military wars between states and the globalization of the economy And the shrinking of the earth is like a global village. Twelve thousand years ago, during the civilization of Atlantis, this same thing happened at that time, and the civilization of Atlantis became arrogant and prideful due to the advancement in technology and tried to control the people of the earth mentally and economically. It was at that time that it was drowned in water with a great flood that covered the whole earth. The remains of that civilization can be seen in the Egyptian pyramids and other ancient pyramids and buildings under water in the islands of Bermuda and near the coast of Cuba under water and The same thing is happening now with the thought of economic and political globalization by the western world in order to manipulate the military and religious mercenary governments in the Middle East and plunder their mineral resources, which causes the migration of the people of this region to the western world. In this current age, only money is important and man has become a digital code and biological robot. Such a man has no heart and emotions due to his knowledge and has become a machine for making money and paying taxes. This is Noah's flood. which caused the cleansing of the current generation was the heavenly corona virus. If this process continues, it may lead to the third world war. And after that, after passing this stage, it may think about human evolution within itself and with the help of medical sciences and Genetics, a generation of humans with high IQ and a lifespan of more than two hundred years will be born without having physical and mental diseases and old age, and at the same time, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may come to earth with human evolution in the universe to help human evolution. Because the reviving civilization of Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mayas were the extraterrestrial civilizations that transferred the civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mayas to the 11th dimension of the universe before their extinction. This evil within the human body has existed since the time of Cain due to defective and incomplete human genes. Hamdayil 🤞🤞🤞👈👈👈


Xoriyada diinmaha ayaan xaq uleehay madhaafi karo diintayda darteed madhacda weeyi inaan katanaasulo waxan xaq uleehay kumana noolaan karo meel aaislaam joogin waa xabsi mana codsanaayo meel aan manasoota ahayn xuquuqdayda maant af magaranaayo mana yeelayo meelkale no meelkale no meelkale no xoriyada aan ku soo boqday haday waxkàsta iga goyso islaamka ameerika ayaan codsanayaa waxbarashada islaamka ameerika khaasatan manasoota


ونادي بصوت الاعلي في الدولتي لتبعني اين العدالة واضحة في الدولتي لتبعني اين لشرف الملك جو بايدن اين في الدولتي وامنيتي لتبعني اين الملوك المهنيين في الاميركي اين في امنيتي اين في العهد في الدولتي لتبعني
