What Romans Really Tells Us About the Cross and How it Saves

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This stuff should be obvious to all Christians but sadly, progressives have a way of making obvious things very confusing. Here's a look at what the book of Romans teaches about Christ's penal substitution. It gives us clear support for the idea that Jesus died in our place, suffering the penalty we deserved because of sin and thereby provided a way for us to be forgiven so that God could forgive us of our sins without violating His own righteousness and justice by failing to punish sin. This is a beautiful and biblical truth that is being fought against by an increasing number of those who call themselves Bible believing followers of Jesus. Well, I'm not here to rip on them, I'm here to help those who want to see for themselves how the scripture teaches this wonderful truth about the cross.

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Hi, I have listened to your videos for 2 yrs. Thank you. I was DEVOUT mormon and so very very blinded to the cross and what it means.
3 yrs. ago I denounced 35 yrs of false gospel and gave my life to Jesus Christ, removed my temple garments and put on a small cross necklace that has never comes off.
Praise God for salvation and opening my eyes to the truth.
Thank you for all the teaching that I need so desperately.


One of the best Christian channels I’ve found yet, he takes it straight from scripture and doesn’t try to stretch anything


I was raised in a cult. Read through the book of romans with an open mind to just read it for what it said and it blew the doors off of my prison cell! I can justified freely by His grace apart from works of the law? So the guilt that I was carrying rolled from my back and I was born again to live for Him, loving Him because He first loved me... On the cross! Praise God for Jesus and thank God for you Mike. God bless!


I used to be lazy and just listen to pastors and teachers to understand scripture. But two years ago I started reading scripture on my own, asking for wisdom and understanding each day before I starting reading. And you are right, without having someone's preconceived understanding imbedded in my mind and by guidance of the Holy Spirit, His word is so easy to understand. I'm on my third time through the new testament and do not understand how these ideas come about unless people are trying to take scripture out of context to justify their beliefs or actions. Scripture confirms scripture. God bless


I couldn’t sleep one night awhile back, so I decided to listen to one of your videos on the app. I thought if I just listened and didn’t watch, I wouldn’t pay attention as closely. But I was wrong. As I listened, I felt myself waking up even more. It was a sleepless, but awesome night for me.


Thank you so much for the work that you do Pastor Winger. It means a lot that you earnestly bring the truth of Christ to those who diligently seek Him. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord's face shine upon you and give you peace.


Thank you so much for putting this series out, my small group and I are going through Romans chapter by chapter and I have been watching your sermons on each chapter beforehand. We are on chapter 3 and I started on your Roman’s 3 sermon and you mentioned this playlist and one of the couples that go (especially the husband) reject penal substitution, and I unfortunately wasn’t ready to articulate a good argument against it. I knew/know he is wrong but I didn’t know how to have a good discussion about it. So this series and your chapter by chapter sermon have and will make for some great tools. Thank you for listening to God when he causes you to do a topic.


Thank you for this study, Mike. I have always believed in penal substitution without knowing the term for it, but I got into a couple of videos recently that were really tearing it to shreds, and not having previous knowledge about theories of atonement, I found them really destabilizing. I knew what they were saying didn’t sound right, but I didn’t know how to refute what I was hearing. I didn’t realize until I started listening to this series that the videos I watched barely used Scripture, and when they did, they didn’t use it in context. To use an analogy, I feel like I got a bad case of spiritual food poisoning, and your videos are helping to settle me again. So thank you, thank you, thank you.


It's so funny we tend to want God to "let us off the hook" for our sins but will always want him the punish the evil in the world. You can't have it both ways folks 🙂


Mike... SO SO much appreciation for what you're doing and how God is using you! It's not often I come across a teaching that comes together with such a similar kind of message as to my pastor's. We're a tiny 'fellowship' because most who come to check it out are hoping for a more "seeker sensitive" place to have their emotions cranked up lol.


Amen about praying for wisdom concerning the direction that THE LORD would want you to take the ministry/channel. I'm in agreement with that and just blessed to hear you ask for it. I'd love to hear more ministers make it about what the Lord wants and not what will make them famous. I'm an "up and coming" writer of sorts, and the Lord has been dealing with me on this issue. He keeps cautioning me to make sure I don't produce content for my glory, but to seek His heart and write for His glory alone. I've been watching your videos for a month or more and am constantly impressed by your knowledge and very blessed by your obvious heart for God. Keep up the good and honest work, brother! God bless! 🙏💙


Have you done, or will you do, a video on Annihilationism vs. Eternal Torment?


Bless you brother! Thank you for your labor in the lord to deliver sound teachings. You’re excitement about the word has led me to enjoy how truly exciting God’s word is. You’ve helped me to learn to think biblically


For the Q&A, I'd love to see skeptics ask questions, because often the questions they ask rattle around in Christian's brains too from time to time!


Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Your teachings are truly edifying and I must say I am a keen follower of your videos. Thank you.


"I think in our current generation, that many of the audience will be really resistant to the idea that God righteously punishes sinners. Like just that very idea is going to sort of really bother them ... this is part of the moral degradation of our culture We think we're thinking MORALLY but we're really just thinking SELF-RIGHTEOUSLY." // This from Pastor Mike was a good thought provoking quote (starting at 15:55 minute mark) . It reminded me of when the men of Sodom came to Lot's door in Genesis 19:9 saying “Stand back! This one came in to stay here, and he keeps acting as a judge; now we will deal worse with you than with them.” Like us, Lot lived in a very immoral culture, and we see that too, especially now where right and wrong are so often confused.


“If people would study, with no commentaries, and just read the book of Romans, and really try to follow the flow of thought, you would never get caught up in a cult...” so true!!! I love this comment you made.


28:35 - really agreed with this sentiment about just reading through Romans and getting the flow of the book. Not just cults, but entire theologies have been created from cherrypicking or soundbite-reading rather than paying attention to the flow of thoughts. I'm going to get pushback for saying this, but it's the most obvious thing in the world to me that the Calvinist interpretation of Romans 8 to mean individualized predestination rather than "God's people as a whole" predestination is achieved only by ignoring the flow of the book from the first 7 chapters. The Holy Spirit doesn't spend 7 chapters primarily arguing about God adding in the Gentile people (which is a group) to then saying from left field "oh, by the way, none of you Christians have had free will" and then continue talking about God's choice to include Gentiles among His people. Looking at passages in a vacuum can support statements like that, but not holistic readings of a whole book, start to finish. Not ever, and yes, I've studied arguments, objections, and counterobjections between Calvinists and non for close to 10 years, so I'm not interested in responding to things I've already heard before. Romans 8 needs to stay in the flow of the book, and an inserted individualist view will disrupt the flow.


wow!!! I finally " get"... receive ...so much on sooo many things in all your presentations...and so many things that might be little ...or insignificant points to others.
You have the ability to make it "all" so clear ..understandable.
PERFECT ..for me because i have been so debilitated by having to start completely over in all things ' bible'... 'God'... 'Jesus'... and particularly this here main event.
I finally understand why
( born into and raised jehovahs witness...then married into and 15 yrs mormonism)
I research and listen to many teachers...
You are very easy to listen to...one teaching from you is so enriching...i can easily listen to one of your topics over...several times.
I so appreciate everything about how you present.
when you teach...you say so much and do not run in circles..nor avoid or have a lot of distractions.
I really appreciate your
quiet .. subtile..enthusiasm ...joy...genuiness...respect boldness
