✅ How & When To Sign Up for Medicare (old)

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How To Sign Up for Medicare 2020 - Medicare Part B & Medicare Part A (plus When)
How to Sign Up for Medicare Part B and Medicare Part A. Enroll in Medicare / Medicare enrollment when New to Medicare. In this video, we review how to sign up for Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. By the end of this video presentation, you will know how to sign up for Medicare, When to sign up for Medicare and whether or not you qualify to sign up for Medicare online.
First; when you sign up for Medicare what are you signing up for?
When you first sign up for Medicare you will be signing up for Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B.
Medicare Part A is that part of your Medicare health insurance that is used when you are an inpatient in a medical facility like a hospital, nursing facility or hospice. Or, if you are unable to travel and must have home healthcare. That is all covered under Medicare Part A. I am not going to go into detail about the different parts of Medicare in this video, or discuss copays and deductibles. That’s for a separate video.
What I want you to know for this video is that
1. Medicare Part A is hospital inpatient insurance only. It is not the Medicare coverage you use when you visit a doctor.
2. This is also the Medicare you paid for out of payroll taxes. That’s that 1.45% tax that comes out of your paycheck. That pays for Medicare Part A.
3. As long as you or your spouse paid that tax for at least 10-years, you qualify for Medicare Part A and your Medicare Part A is free. No additional costs.
You are not required to sign up for Medicare Part A when you turn 65 and there are no late penalties if you qualify for Medicare Part A.
Because your Medicare Part A it is already paid for, there is no reason not to sign up for Medicare Part A when you are eligible. It does not interfere with other health insurance and it cost you nothing to have it.
Medicare Part B is health insurance for Outpatient and Physician services. This is the health insurance you use when you visit a doctor or get tests done.
Medicare Part B is not free and it was not paid for by your Medicare payroll tax. You have a monthly premium for Medicare Part B. That monthly premium is based on your income. It’s based on your adjusted gross income as of 2-years ago.
That’s the What. Now we get into the when and how.
First understand that Medicare rules are meant to apply to everyone. Everyone should
Medicare rule #1: you have a 7-month window to sign up for Medicare. That window is based on the month of your birthday. It includes the month of your birthday, the three calendar months before your birthday and the three calendar months after your birthday.
Medicare rule #2: Medicare starts the first day of the month you turn 65.
That applies to everyone.
This Medicare Guide is often referred to as a Medicare supplement buyers guide: