BIGGEST red flag when HIRING…

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An employee leaving a job announced is a MAJOR betrayal for the business, the business owner, and our economy as a whole.

I have no problem with people growing, moving on to new companies, etc. when it is done right…

But all too often employees start a new position fresh out of blindsiding another company they were working at… this is unacceptable.

And any employer that allows for it will also be, sooner or later, blindsided too.

Be ethical as an employee (and employer). Set higher standards 🙏🏻❤️

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Fair point on ethics but it should go both ways. Do employers give you a heads-up when they are planning to lay you off?


The issue is that not everyone can afford to risk losing their job by being like this. People have families and their first responsibility is to their family and their bills.

While it would be nice to give notice I personally couldn’t afford to suddenly be unemployed.


Tell employers to give their employees a 2 week notice before firing them as well.

Many employers have become too greedy and comfortable treating employees like disposables when those employees are humans too who need to feed & house themselves.


If they’re half in half out that’s on the employer, not the worker. The employer has all the power. Take care of your workers, then you don’t have to worry about them leaving. A job is not the same as a being in a marriage. This has to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


Employers investing into employees xDDD that was a good joke.


Yeah this guy is delusional…. No way I’m doing this bahahaha


I do work; they pay me money. If I can find someone to pay me more money, why the hell wouldn’t I?

A job isn’t a marriage. They simply aren’t comparable.


WORST ADVICE EVER! If you tell your current employer that you're looking for another job, they will FIRE your ass right on the spot and do not have to provide a reason. And if you sue them for wrongful termination, word will get around in whatever industry you work in, and no other similar company will ever hire you. Ever hear of PTO? Call in sick the day you go on the interview. No company you will ever work for feels like they owe you anything, so don't ever feel like you owe them anything. They're making more money off of you than you will ever make from them. This video is obviously propaganda created by a company or group of companies to try to catch "disloyal" employees. Or a recruiter trying to drum up business for himself. Companies do not want employees to show loyalty to them anymore, because they don't want to have to reward that loyalty. If they did, their CEO might only make $15M a year on average instead of $14.9M and their poor children might starve!


Yeah this isn’t how real life works. Sorry man. Better safe than sorry.


No its not a red flag. The red flag is if they are available immediately. I got a job based on the fact that I instisted I had to give my current employer notice


If the job is having turnover there is a very big chance there is something wrong with the job or the people not necessarily the person looking for a new job on top of that of the almost 40 years of my life that I have been in the workforce in America I have never received or seen any job ethically give someone the same courtesy when firing someone except I’ve seen many people give 2 weeks notice I myself have given my employer 2 months notice in advance and every single job I have had wether it be a starting out job like working as a cook at Pizza Hut to working at a full fledge corporation bank and infact the smaller business’s are the ones that screwed me over less with work ethics. The richest bank in my state had to let me go due to medical reasons and when asked point blank wether I left willingly or if I let them fire me for medical reasons with the possibility of rehire with doctors consent would it affect my unemployment because I need to pay my bills. The head of HR of the most rich bank in my state straight out lies to my face and said no it wouldn’t…well wouldn’t you know when I went to unemployment they said because I voluntarily left and didn’t get fired I wasn’t eligible for unemployment. So 40 years of employers treating workers terribly without any ethics im not sure why you think we should be returning the same courtesy.


If enough people tell you your viewpoint is wrong, will you reconsider it? This is the sort of opinion that comes from someone working as a recruiter, a business owner etc. and it's biased. I've moved house for a job and then been let go via an email on my day off two weeks into the job due to a financial issue that the company should have foreseen. Very rarely are employers 100% transparent about a role, their hiring practices, what they expect and what opportunities will be available to you during your employment. Posting a video like this at this point in time and in the current employment climate is pretty tone deaf.


If an employee tells that to his boss he would get fired ASAP the boss would eat him for breakfast before the employee has lunch and without a doubt the boss will not notify him suddenly kicked and thrown out


obviously that employer is not good enough that's why the employee is leaving.
No ethics in Capitalism or in this biased video that captures one side of the equation and casts a shadow on the other
