The Best And Worst Hot Dogs To Buy At The Grocery Store

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Even if you’re not a hot dog fan, you’ve probably found yourself hosting a barbecue or party where you’ve had to buy them at the grocery store. After you’ve had your Steve Martin-esque tantrum about buns being sold in packs of 12 while hot dogs are sold in packs of eight, you’ve probably wondered about which hot dog brand is actually the best. Should you shell out the extra money for Nathan’s Famous, or will no one taste the difference if you don’t tell them? Let’s take a look at the best and worst hot dogs to buy at the grocery store.

#HotDogs #Food #Grocery

Bar-S Classic Franks | 0:00
Jennie-O Turkey Franks | 0:53
Eckrich Cheese Franks | 1:26
Oscar Mayer Classic Beef Uncured Franks | 1:55
Ball Park Original Beef Franks | 2:37
Wellshire Sugar-Free All-Natural Beef Franks | 3:13
Sugardale Hot Dogs | 3:42
Applegate Naturals Beef Hot Dogs | 4:07
Boar's Head Uncured Beef Frankfurters | 4:40
Dietz & Watson Deli Beef Franks | 5:14
Sabrett Skinless Beef Frankfurters | 5:44
Hebrew National All Natural Uncured Beef Franks | 6:10
Nathan's Famous Angus Beef Franks | 6:39

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What do you consider to be the ultimate hot dog?


I love how they keep complaining about nutritional facts. If you’re eating a hotdog, you don’t care about nutrition.


Honorable mention: Costco's Kirkland hotdogs from their food court. Consistent quality, 100% beef, warm sesame seed bun, served in under a minute, soda included all for $1.50.


My dad was a foreman in an Oscar Mayer meat plant in the 1950s. He would NOT eat a hot dog ....and told us Why. It stuck with me for life . I'm 75 yrs old and carry on his tradition.


Hebrew National and Nathan’s are my total favs! About time I got something right!👍🏼😎


People who cook hot dogs in the microwave are the worse kind of monster out there. 😂


Also, I don't cook my hot dogs in the microwave, I either boil or grill them.


..."when your hot dog shrinks..."

Sounds like a personal problem.


The bar-s hot dogs are my go to fishing bait. A package of 8 at my local Walmart is $1.08. I use them to catch bait for bass


I always buy Hebrew franks, I love them. I have a mini old fashioned hot dog roller/cooker and they come out great every time.


My mom had to feed a family on a tight budget. We ate Bar-S, and thought it delicious -- not knowing other brands.


Hebrew National and Nathan's are the best two we've found, totally agree here.


There was 5 of us, 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.Our stove was fueled by wood and it was the heater for the house.We shared clothes and shoes, we bathed together as kids.We got an air conditioner my senior year in high school.Omg it made such a difference, we had Bar S hot dogs a lot.To be fair at least 2 times a week and we used loaf of bread not buns.Those cheap hot dogs filled our bellies up, we shared a bed and a large comforter.We made it just fine eating those unwanted hot dogs.I count my blessings that BAR S existed and was so affordable.


Guess this survey must have been taken by people that have never left the East coast. Can't believe that Vienna Beef hot dogs left off this list!


Marge: "It's mostly just snouts and entrails."
Homer: snouts."


As a kid, my family never ate out. Absolutely never, because we couldn't afford it. Mom's "go to" fast meal was a couple of cans of chili with a package of hotdogs cut up into the chili, served over a slice of bread with chopped onions on top.

I usually prefer Nathan's or Hebrew National hot dogs, but the price seemed high for something to chop into canned chili during Covid. Aldi has a pack of 8 hotdogs for 95 cents that are marked "original" that actually taste like 1960's hot dogs. Definitely better than anything I've bought from Oscar Meyer in decafes.


I worked in the meat processing for 30 yrs Smithfield Foods The best hot dog out there is by far Hebrew National made out of lean kosher cuts When other companies usually are made out of emulsified beef hearts with more additives than you want to know about


Oscar mayer used to be the best but Heinze bought the company and recipe has been drastically changed for the worst in my opinion


My wife visited her daughter in Chicago, and was introduced to Parkview hotdogs. She found a local grocery that sometimes has them. I finally tried them, and I think they're the best hotdog I've every had. They are uncured, and delicious.


I was very much a Nathan's guy until my family started buying Sabrett's. Any of your top 3 would be fine, but Sabrett is my first choice.
