Power of Compounding Using The 8-4-3 Rule (Compound Your Interest)

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Power of Compounding Using The 8-4-3 Rule (Compound Your Interest)

What if I told you there's a simple rule that could turn your $10,000 investment into over $250,000? It's not magic, it's math. The 8-4-3 rule is a powerful concept that shows how your money can grow exponentially over time. Let's break it down and see how this could work for you.
Have you ever heard of compound interest? It's like a snowball rolling down a hill, getting bigger and bigger as it goes. That's what happens to your money when you invest it wisely. The 8-4-3 rule helps us understand this growth in three phases.
Here's the deal: You invest a little bit each month, and over time, your money grows. But it's not just about how much you save. It's about how long you let it grow. The 8-4-3 rule shows us that in the first 8 years, your money grows steadily. Then, in the next 4 years, it doubles. And in the last 3 years? That's when things get really exciting.


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i was a math teacher. we've been teaching retirement and finance math compound interest from grade 3 to grade 12. It's all those word problems that everyone hates. For NINE years, every year, you get word problems about compound interest, depreciating cars, retiring rich, living below your means, balancing bank balances, savings accounts, investments, all that. We have word problems SPECIFICALLY showing you how to retire a multimillionaire, step-by-step and why it works.

I'm not surprised at this math illiteracy at all. I taught it. NONE of this should be a surprise to anyone who sat through a math class. Even if the teacher forgot, it's the word problems at the back of the chapter of every math book. No excuse.

tried and tried to teach this, and so did most teachers. One or 2 might have forgotten, but that still leaves SEVEN teachers over seven years. The sad reality is that most kids dont give a crap. And now, years later, they make comments like "I wish they taught this in school."

They did. I did. I was there. We tried to teach you. For 9 years. Didnt listen. No one to blame but yourself.


Nobody explained this to me 15 years ago. Im getting all this news post pandemic.


$10, 000 investment with 8% annual return does not give $18, 000, it gives $10, 800 🤦🏻‍♂️


20 years and further....the initial investment can double in 4 years that is compound for 24 years.


Where you can get a steadily 8% interest


what is your math at 7:03?

with $500 a month, in 4 year with 50% return only give you $73k
