Feature extraction for hyperspectral image classification

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Feature extraction for hyperspectral image classification
The content of the project:
1. IEEE standard reference paper
2. PowerPoint presentation
3. Screenshots
4. Software
5. Source code
6. Videos
7. ReadMe document to guide.
#Featureextraction #hyperspectral #imageclassification #PrincipalComponentAnalysis #PCA
Remote sensing hyperspectral image (HSI) contains important information of ground surface as a set of hundreds of narrow and contiguous spectral bands. For effective classification of hyperspectral images, feature reduction techniques through feature extraction and feature selection approaches are applied to improve the classification performance. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the widely used feature extraction method for dimensionality reduction. In this paper, PCA and its linear variants such as segmented-PCA (SPCA) and folded-PCA (FPCA) together with nonlinear variants kernel-PCA (KPCA) and Kernel Entropy Component Analysis (KECA) have been studied to effectively extract the features for classification task. The feature selection over the new transformed features was carried out using cumulative-variance accumulation based approach except for KECA that employs Renyi entropy based feature selection. The studied methods are compared using real hyperspectral image. The experimental result shows that the classification accuracy of KPCA (95.9245%) and KECA (95.6262%) outperforms FPCA (95.1292%). However, the FPCA provides the less space complexity.
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The content of the project:
1. IEEE standard reference paper
2. PowerPoint presentation
3. Screenshots
4. Software
5. Source code
6. Videos
7. ReadMe document to guide.
#Featureextraction #hyperspectral #imageclassification #PrincipalComponentAnalysis #PCA
Remote sensing hyperspectral image (HSI) contains important information of ground surface as a set of hundreds of narrow and contiguous spectral bands. For effective classification of hyperspectral images, feature reduction techniques through feature extraction and feature selection approaches are applied to improve the classification performance. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the widely used feature extraction method for dimensionality reduction. In this paper, PCA and its linear variants such as segmented-PCA (SPCA) and folded-PCA (FPCA) together with nonlinear variants kernel-PCA (KPCA) and Kernel Entropy Component Analysis (KECA) have been studied to effectively extract the features for classification task. The feature selection over the new transformed features was carried out using cumulative-variance accumulation based approach except for KECA that employs Renyi entropy based feature selection. The studied methods are compared using real hyperspectral image. The experimental result shows that the classification accuracy of KPCA (95.9245%) and KECA (95.6262%) outperforms FPCA (95.1292%). However, the FPCA provides the less space complexity.
Image processing projects,Image processing projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects ,Matlab assignments,Matlab assignments,Matlab assignments,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,phd projects,matlab research,matlab research,matlab research,matlab research,matlab research, matlab research,matlab research,matlab research,Matlab projects code,matlab assignments,matlab source code,matlab thesis,matlab projects in chennai,matlab projects in pondicherry,matlab projects in Bangalore,Matlab projects in kerala,matlab projects in hyderabad,matlab projects in mumbai,Matlab projects in delhi,matlab projects in australia,matlab projects in canada,matlab projects in USA,matlab projects in UK, matlab projects in europe,Image Processing Projects,Power Electronics Projects,Communication system Projects,Matlab Simulation Projects,Simulink Projects,Artificial Networks Projects,Bio Medical Projects,Fuzzy Logic Projects,Renewable Energy Projects,Signal Processing Projects,Wireless Communication Projects,Remote Sensing Matlab,Network Security Projects,Cryptography Projects,Steganography Projects,Watermarking Projects,Digital Image Processing Projects,Genetic Algorithm Projects,DIP Projects,Matlab Projects,Matlab Thesis,Matlab Projects,Matlab assignments,Matlab projects assignments,matlab projects, Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,Image processing projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects,IEEE projects, IEEE projects,IEEE projects ,Matlab assignments,Matlab assignments, matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects,matlab Phd projects