Is This The Moment Tim Keller Jumped The Shark?

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Show me someone who says and does everything right and I’ll show you Jesus.

Keller has been faithful and now he’s with his greatest Hope.


I want to caution against making judgments based on short video snippets. Wisdom is not hasty to judgment, see Proverbs. I also am leery of one minute clips which aren’t continuous, but splices. We can do better as the church in our online behavior, whether you agree with Keller or not.


I dont agree with his view on this. I have also listened to many series he has preached and he articulates the essentials of the faith really well. I am grateful for his ministry.


He has talked about things that appear politically liberal, but not theologically liberal. Two completely different things. American Christians often confuse these and ended up accusing faithful pastors who hold some convictions about social justice. Theological liberalism or modernism for that matter, deny the inerrancy and therefore the trustworthiness of the Bible. That's the basis of progressive Christianity and Liberation Theology. But someone who subscribes to some ideas put forth by the politically liberal/left may uphold some ideas about women, economy, government, race can do so without jeopardizing the Gospel, and Tim Keller has not.

By the way, none of those subjects mentioned above are monolithic even within the larger liberal context. Take race, for example. While most of us don't think that it is a solution to conversely treat the minority races as superior, which I really believe Keller would agree, what Keller is doing here is simply stating a conclusion of a series of studies that show the economic disparities in correlation to race. Whether you agree with that conclusion or not, this isn't theological. Don't throw around accusations like he's a progressive pastor because of a political or socioeconomic perspective he may have.


umm....hello, he's Norwegian, he really didn't have anything to do it, and the Bible DOES NOT say that. very disappointed to hear him say this.


I don’t think you’re understanding him. Keller uses the word “complicit”, as in, the person is doing something wrong by not doing something about the injustice that benefits him. The statistic isn’t “jumping the shark”. Keller is positing that there is something about taking higher wages as someone who appears to be white that is an unequal benefit towards caucasians in America compared to African Americans. If you want to debate the finer points of social Justice, that’s fine, but don’t try to say that Keller was “jumping the shark”, just because he seems to disagree with the culture of modern day Christians in America.


im grateful this video popped up - the full talk is really informative and it challenged me. so. yeah. absolutely worth the 51mins.


Dr. Keller knows the Bible and finds the deepest insights that many scholars and pastors / teachers miss.. anybody who takes the time to study the Word would know that each and every person born into the fallen image inherited in Adam are slaves of Satan and sin, period. This means that yes all people are born into the cursed image and continue to produce the curses of sin, even the curses of our fathers. The threefold Judgment of the Cross where sin, the sin nature, and the power behind sin was judged on the Son of God Jesus Christ is the ultimate Divine solution.
What is in the rest of the conversation of which this tiny little clip is being used to judge or even condemn this man? This is the same tactic used by the mainstream propaganda machine where they take a small part out of a conversation and use it to influence and mislead thousands. I read enough of this man's books and listened to many of his sermons and I can almost guarantee that if you continue this conversation you would hear him point out what I just pointed out to you that we are all responsible for the evil that is in this world, and once we reach the age of recognition we have a choice to do something about it. And that choice is to surrender to Christ to begin the restoration to the created image, or continue in self-centered ways repeating the curses of sin, and eventually receiving the judgement that will come. Evil is colorblind and hell is an equal opportunity employer. At the same time the love of God in Jesus Christ is colorblind and heaven is an equal opportunity employer, so who do you work for? As the Bible clearly reveals and Keller pointed out in one of his sermons there are only two kinds of people in this world and only two possible destinations.


Discrediting decades of fantastic ministry from Tim Keller because of one video, which is completely taken out of context btw, even if the video poster says otherwise


This man is standing taller than all of you right now. How can it hurt you to be grateful for what you have especially when it’s more than others have. None of us got what we have or our positions on this world through our own works. It’s all Jesus.


This is the essence of Critical Race Theory...and Tim Keller is apparently on board with it.


One thing i can always count in is brothers in Christ tearing down other brothers in Christ.


I don’t see anything wrong with this clip other than to say that this principle pretty much applies to everyone. There has never been a thriving society that wasn’t built on the backs of the impoverished. This is not about hating yourself or your race, but recognizing humanity’s desperate need for a savior.


Paul felt so guilty being a Roman citizen for their crimes he got beheaded🤣


Never heard a Red Herring Bass Drop until now. Thanks, WPC


Let's play "make up red herring numbers to please the world"


Tim’s underlying point is not that we should feel guilty, but that we should see the need to help those who don’t have it as well as we do, whatever the race of the more fortunate person. For example, would he want a wealthy black to help a poor white? Yes.


This is disgusting in every way and so wrong. This is how the world thinks we're there is no redemption and there is no gospel and there is no Christ triumphing over the grave.


Tim Keller is so Truthfully Deep that his teachings is over the heads of many.


Tim was such a great man of God. He will be surely missed by the Church.
