Golden Ratio Composition Secret!

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The GOLDEN RATIO has been around for thousands of years. No one is really certain just who discovered it first. We do know the ancient Greeks used it throughout their art and architecture. The Ratio had a revival in the renaissance and this mathematical concept is a great way that artists today can improve their compositions and create PERFECT VISUAL HARMONY!

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I've known about the Golden Ratio for decades but I've never heard it described in such a clear way. Kudos. BTW, looking forward to learning how to make your handy ratio tool. Thank you for yet another awesome insight.


The artist is sharing HIS technique with us... why the HELL would anyone dislike the video????


OMG. I told you in a previous post that I am in college for Drawing. They taught me what the golden ratio was, but did not tell us how to actually use it within your art. Thank you so much. I've watched 2 of your videos and have already learned more that the entire year in school. Thank you so much. I will start using the golden ratio in everything I do.


i'm a dentist.

I design smiles; working with lab techs to make veneers for upper front teeth.

I will implement this idea of the golden proportions to my work.

When I was in dental school, I also came across this ratio in teeth, but I didn't understand where the ratio came from. Now I know.



I think we just need a new series on this channel called "The Great Chalkboardventure" with you just teaching us stuff at the chalkboard each week. This is fascinating and super helpful, thank you so much for doing it.


Great explanation! We also all come equiped with our own proportional divider. Stretch out your thumb and first two fingers (like the peace sign +thumb) and you've got yourself a 1:1.618 (roughly) porpotional divider. At 5'9" my first two fingers measure 8 cm apart, and my thumb to first finger measure 13cm, so there's that number series, too!


Andrew, you have to be watched by the Health Authority. Your enthusiasm and teaching style are


It is a blessing that I found Andrew's videos. He is a MASTER at the craft.


I just began taking a beginners painting class at a local School of Arts. The instructor was explaining the Golden Rule but I couldn't grasp the concept. After watching your video, I had a epiphany! It's amazing when you look upon nature to see that we indeed live in an orderly world! Thanks for the informative video.


I know Andrew is a busy guy so it’s unlikely that he will respond to this comment, however hear goes.
I’ve been painting for 45 years and I’m reasonably professionally successful . Watching this has blown my mind !
I’ve just walked around my gallery with a calculator and a tape measure and it’s clear to me now that I’ve been composing my paintings this way completely unconsciously for decades 😃


This is a wonderful demonstration of how and why the golden ratio is so pleasing to the eye. I'm not an artist but a photographer; composition is so important whether the viewer realizes it or not. I'll utilize these ideas when composing future images. I now see why some of them "miss the mark." Thanks.


Another excellent tutorial, well presented, your excitement is infectious. I have ADHD, the times I have had tutorials on the golden section, it never really clicked beyond a basic '2/5 x 3/5'. It has fully 'clicked' now, Thanks again.


I have been learning Painting from You tube for almost 7 years now and these 18 Minutes have been more useful then all those years combined. You are a Jem Andrew and I am Lucky to have found you on You tube..!


Mind blown. I think what makes this and your other videos so compelling is your excitement at discovery. I pray you never lose that sense of wonder. You are a wonderful teacher, not so much because you are teaching, but because you are sharing your wonder at what you have found. That is what makes great teachers. And your painting shows such skill because you are not striving for "good enough", but for perfection. Thank you!!


Thank you Andrew, this is by far the best explanation for the golden ratio I've ever seen.
I would be very interested in the tutorial for make that caliber, it seems very useful. :)


I have been confused and totally dumbfounded by the examples and write ups about the Golden Ratio. The spiral, and the other divisions. You are a beautiful teacher and I really loved watching this. In fact I wish my partner could see this video. He's not an artist but he loves maths and he's also a musician which also in some regards uses maths. Thank you for explaining this better than anyone else has, the visualisation, words and enthusiasm are fantastic. Also your painting is near daunting. It has a lot of power in that one Tisch. I feel this one is dramatic, is the same feeling you get when you look out or up at a scene in the world, like a mountain range and realize how small and insignificant you are.. Which is a strange feeling. It's beautifully devastating. 👏


15:30 "I don't know about you...but, for me, this works." No kidding! That painting is AMAZING. I love your understatement.


This is the only video I have seen which gives such an excellent explanation of how to actually use these measurements in your own artwork. Just brilliant, Andrew. Thank you🥰


Your work, both on canvas and your teaching skills in this videos are 100% amazing! Thank you for sharing this!


I've been forcing the ratio into my paintings instead of using the size of the canvas. Using the ratio to determine the size and distance of each main object within the comp. Honestly never thought of dividing up the canvas itself. Awesome!
