RVD Gives Perspective On Liv Morgan Arrest #youtube #wrestling #wwe #sports

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Thank God wrestling has a resident pot head to go to in these situations lol.


If the usos can have more than one DUI i believe Liv will be good


Remember, cops can lie to us but if we lie to them it's "hindering prosecution"


Hey hey it's me it's RVD!!! You rock man!!


It is ridiculous how dirty wwe did rvd


Guaruntee they saw her leave a dispensiary/smoking a vape and took the punt on pulling her over for whatever B.S. they could think up.


I was pulled over and told I had a plate light out. So I asked the officer if I could check, and oh, it wasn’t out.

So I get back in the car and ask if there is anything else.

He says “yes, I need your license, insurance, and registration.”

I ask, “why do you need that? We just established that there was no issue with my plate lights, which is why you pulled me over.”

He goes on to tell me that once he made the stop, he has the authority to run my information to confirm I am legally who I say I am and the car is mine.

I’m confused by this, but I oblige to get this over with and wait in the car.

He comes back and tells me my license is suspended!

I ask what is it suspended for? I drive for a living all over three states doing tech work for a company. They hired me three months prior and ran my license & did a full background check. Obviously I wouldn’t be working this job if my license was suspended.

The officer goes on to tell me that since it’s in Pennsylvania, he cannot see why; but he will need to have my car towed to impound and I’ll have to find a ride home.

Immediately I tell him no, I won’t be letting that happen. I call my dad and tell him where I am at, and tell him the situation. The officer says he has to tow me, but I stall for time, and explain that I’m in a public parking spot, and the car is legally owned by two individuals. The other owner is on there way to drive me home in our car.

Five or so minutes later my dad is dropped off and he asks why I can’t drive. The officer tells him the same schtick he told me, and my dad doesn’t believe what he is hearing. My dad says, okay, well I’m here and I’m going to drive him home now. Is there anything else?

The officer writes up a ticket for “Car Equipment - Failure” for the light he originally pulled me over for… which is working by the way. My dad shakes his head in utter disbelief that this officer is going to any extent to find a reason to write a ticket, but snags the ticket, hands it to me, and takes me home.

We go to court three months later and they want to take my license & say I was unruly with the officer. I pull up audio of the whole conversation to the judge, and he throws the case out.

Don’t ever put yourself in a position that it’s your word versus a cop’s word. If you are in that position, quietly record the events happening so you can prove who is telling the truth and who is lying.

The narrative is what they try to control every time. Don’t be a victim of a poor justice system trying to keep a cash flow coming in at any costs


When I was young I loved wrestling and I was like Oooh Oooh I love Rob Van Dan and my sister was like whose that and then I saw it was Rob Van Dam haha and she was like u cursed it was so funny ?


Tell her go to court, fight the charges and the cops probably won’t come to court. BOOM CASE DISMISSED.


Well, if you are high and drive, you can still get a DUI cause you're impaired.. so if you're gonna drink or smoke weed, don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle just that simple


Fighting Demons do it in 🤔Private place😎


Yeah not a big deal today compared to when him and Sabu got pulled over with back in 06


Shit the police where im from are crooked af. Hit me with a dui told the judge that i refused the test and breath test which i didnt and they didn't even ask. It was all over my girlfriends ex jealous af 😂😂. We got them back good though...


Every report is speculating. I'm just glad you aren't rob.


for alll you mouth breathers. Show me where she was arrested for DUI. For all the idiots out there, watch Riot Squad road trip.


Either way no matter what you think, you can’t put yourself in those kinds of situations. Even if she isn’t guilty, why are you out this late? Are you at the bar? Like what’s going on where you need to be out late at night? Nothing good is going on late at night
