Ric Flair Says Stone Cold Is The GOAT

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WWE Hall of Famer 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair joins Chris to discuss his thoughts on why he believes that 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin is the G.O.A.T. of professional wrestling.

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He retired in 03 and fans are still doing the What chant in '23🔥


It’s wild that Steve’s run was only five years. FIVE. And yet what he did during that time was unfathomable. He took the WWE from a struggling company failing against peak WCW to a billion dollar Wall Street business. He made himself a household name. He became a multimillionaire. He won 6 world championships and headlined multiple Wrestlemanias. He wrestled and beat the best in their prime from Bret Hart to HBK, the Rock, HHH, the Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Rob Van Dam, and many others. He became one of the biggest box office draws in the history of the industry. What a career. Imagine what he could’ve accomplished had he had just another 5 years.


IMO if there was no Stone Cold, we might be watching WCW right now, lol. Totally agree with Flair.


Steve Austin and The Rock were for me the best two that ever did it. They both brought something special to the business and created a lasting effect. Nothing blew the roof off more than these two


If ric says austin is the goat, that’s good enough for me


Stone Cold was my gateway. Never watched wrestling before in my life. Channel surfing and I’d land on what I eventually learned was RAW and immensely entertained by who I eventually learned was Austin.


Austin & Rock were like 2Pac & Biggie: short yet transformative careers who’s impact still reverberates throughout their respective professions to this day. Both pairs were all-time greats who we wished could’ve had longer careers but one of the few silver linings of a short career is that they never grew stale (which is a problem Cena had for a long time).


Truth be told, Ric Flair is correct. Stone Cold Steve Austin is the GOAT❤


Steve Austin’s presents elevated everyone around him. The word attitude was derived from stone colds aura.


The stars that burn twice as bright only burn half as long. That was certainly true in Steve Austin’s case. He (and Vince) made wrestling cool, made it mainstream. And the story was simple: employee Vs maniacal boss, something every working person can relate to.


Attitude era was untouchable, better than any era of wrestling.


Stone colds ability to be a fan favorite no matter what was amazing. Even as a heel people loved him. He also found the perfect character. He basically just had to be himself every single night.


5 year run but never ending memories, for me the attitude era is the greatest era in wrestling and will never be replicated..


Stone Cold saved the WWE when the company lacked good product. It was their answer to the nWo that was immensely popular at that time. Before that, Hogan made wrestling what it is today. He took the WWE away from the “smoky dark middle of nowhere arenas” and into America’s pop culture. Vince Sr. was never sold on the idea of making wrestling a global thing. He among the other territorial promoters thought the same way. They all thought that wrestling has its own fan base, its own “world” sort of speak. His son had a bigger vision of the industry that included larger venues, national coverage and a fusion between pop culture and wrestling. Hogan pioneered this vision and captivated others to follow suit.


Austin was you and me. Blue collar hard working guy that took crap off of management on the regular for being himself. We projected ourselves onto him because he actually did get to beat the tar out of the boss on the regular. We would actually tune in on mondays just to see what steve was going to do. You had to be there in that time to know what I am talking about. Video just doesnt do it justice compared to the feeling watching it live. My circle of friends and one of their dads (rip Rodger Jarrett) would wait for monday just to see what Austin was going to do next. The rest of the stars were great too, but Austin was who we wanted to be. Also you can say a lot about vince mcmahon but damn, he created an icon.


They all respect Steve because he pretty much saved the business, their jobs in WWE, he made the company a global phenomenon and without forgeting about Hulk Hogan what those 2 did is the reason the WWE is what it is today... 👏👏👏


He was the game changer in the WCW vs WWE period. Of course there were other elements such as WCW badly running their business, but in terms of storytelling and in the ring action, people wanted to see Stone Cold.


The thing is Stone Cold had not only had this meteoric rise to what we know him as but he also changed the landscape of wrestling as a whole. He changed the attitude of everybody around the business he set a new path for people where they didn't have to act super PG all the time like he definitely is the greatest of all time. There's nobody who could honestly touch him he is in a different league and stratosphere all his own.


That’s high praise from the Nature Boy. Ric is my personal favorite of all time but Austin comes close.


Rick flair is right. Stone Cold is the greatest of all time.
