Truck Operations: Work 'The List' - Firefighter Riding Assignments

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Jonathan Patten (Arlington, Texas FD) explores the topic of truck company riding assignments and lays out basic functions as they relate to dismount procedures.

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Solid advice. All of our educational research shows that individual isolated skills have very little value in creating or maintaining cognitive ability. Linking those skills to a task creates cognitive sequencing and a context to what we are doing. Consider the ladder throw. Simply throwing a ladder is just that. But if we throw a ladder with the intention of performing EIS, consider what changes. We think about how we are placing the ladder, the entry angle, to conditions in the rescue room and compartments around the room. This changes if we are throwing a ladder to a roof, placement and situational awareness changes for the job. If our functions don’t involve the mental run through of the situational awareness associated with the motions, we are doing no more than a repetitive assembly line motion.
Do we need to actually drop canvas to make that daily stretch? No, we don’t. Doing high fidelity reps of “walk throughs” that is going through the exact motions needed to pull and deploy that line, has nearly equal value in training your body and mind to perform a given task. The best part, zero reset time. You can “mask up” exit the rig and “pull the line” without actually doing so, 3, 4, 5 times in the space of an actual pull. Create a target for the pull, around the rear of a structure, to the alpha side door, set for a u return stair etc. All in a walk through. This only works if you actually do all motions with hands and body that you would actually do to perform the job. It’s the same thing we watch our elite military members perform on CQB, off prop and without weapons. We see our Blue Angles “chair fly” demos over and over. Why? Because it works. So yes! Get your daily pull or throw. Even if you don’t have time to do a real pull or you’re a volunteer and not at the station. You can do reps to master the sequence of events wherever you are.


There more to training then what your talkimg about.
