LEGIT Record?! HOT Laps in FL5 Honda Civic Type R! // Nürburgring

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Disclaimer: the actions performed in this video are executed by professionals or individuals that consider themselves professional on a closed circuit within the local regulations.

00:00 Intro/Specs
03:14 Lap 1
12:24 Lap 2
21:08 Verdict
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Ideally I should film an extra explanatory piece for this video, but I don't have time as I am in Monza right now.
I would like to address the overheating issue and my role/responsibility in this. With modified cars or old ones, I monitor the temperature closely, even if the GoPro is blocking the direct view, I would peek over it to double check. Modern cars have plenty of safety features that would throw a big warning and reduced power mode to avoid any danger (happened on a Gen 1 Audi R8 last week actually, which you'll see later). Let alone a STOCK car should be able to handle it flawlessly. That the car only went in limp mode at over 150 degrees kinda blows my mind. The engine stutter was clearly due to low fuel because on the second lap when we reached 150+ again, the car performed without issues. After watching the video back, I think the car had a faulty thermostat, because the water temp kept rising uncontrolllably past 90 degrees. After the first lap by the way, the oil was changed at Milltek and checked for any damage - all was good. Also if the passenger/owner saw the oil temp hit over 150 himself and didn't say anything - maybe those temps are normal, I'm not a Honda expert.
All of that aside, we can clearly see NO WAY the record car was running the same gearing and maybe the boost levels. My corner exit speeds were a few km/h lower due to cold tyres and simply lack of seat time, but the final speeds and revs/gears were massively off on high speed sections such as SX, Foxhole and Kesselchen.


For all the beeping, it's kinda strange there's no beeping for when the engine get so hot.


150° Celcius for oil, this car needs definitely of a oil cooler upgrade


I used to be ICE reliability test engineer, for a french manufacturer, and i especially worked on the engine that goes in the back of a little car named AS1... The worst case taken into account for the engine design/conception, is 110°C coolant temp and 140°C oil temp, about 400h at max torque, then 600h at max power. Honestly, it is often the test that goes the most well without any issues (more problems came from the bench itself instd from the engine). At such temperatures, no ECU derating must alter performance, it must be the same as what the advertising shows. Another test consist of perform an "overheating" endurance test (100h which represent the worst customer case and/or a bad thermostat and/or in desert with high altitude (low air density/less cooling performance)), to then set the maximum torque the crankshaft bearing can handle (to go until the failure is part of the test, it is a result). So to get back the Type R, above 135-138 oil temp and 110 coolant temp, the FL5 has started to derate its output, by 20-30%. Before the fuel cut, no mechanical damage should appear (well you may have half of the power output, but it shouldnt fail). The most risky is to "break" the oil film due to low viscosity, as the dimension doesnt change (low scale regarding the oil visc), the more the oil is hot, the less the oil is viscous and so the pressure (can goes until 10-15bar, to fight against the combustion pressure that push the piston/rod to it) between the crankshaft and the bearing is low because of the highest leakage flow on both side of the bearing.
Anyway, sorry for my english, hope it lights up some of you :)


And I thought the MTM S3 was bad… I can’t wrap my head around how a PERFORMANCE car can even reach 150C+ oil temperature, nor throw a WARNING when that happens. It beeps for everything else, but for the one thing that matters the most it does not. Mindblowing.


Ex FK8 owner here. Heat management (or lack thereof) has always been the Achilles' Heel of FK8 for track use. You can add coolers but IIRC the front-facing turbo and compact engine bay packaging forced the downpipe to be right behind the radiator stack --- maybe good for emissions, but bad for track. Not surprised at all to see (almost) the same symptoms here. The stock + consumables car was already a blast to drive, until it forced me to cool down every other lap :(


"beep boop" that would get annoying quick


#1 dat shift :)
#2 seems like this needs the exact same upgrade the previous CTR needed: remove/replace all fake vents in the bumper... it needs all the air it can get.


Seems very strange that for a car that is supposed to be trackable you first need to upgrade the cooling


Ever since the FK2‘s turbo introduction these Type-R‘s had severe difficulties with temperature and overheating. FK8 wasnt much better either in that regard. Friend of mine has a black FK8 with a few hardware mods including a proper Intercooler and an Intake (i believe wagner for the intercooler and intake was eventuri too if i remember right). He‘s running about 360ish bhp with a tune.

One Lap of Hockenheim sent the oil-temp up to 150 degrees celcius too and he went out to the pits after the lap. The car smelled like it was on fire we were genuinely worried


Great driving and fast car aside, not looking at the gearing or the temp issues there’s one thing that stands out for me: the color is 10/10! Love the spec of that car. The shift beep would drive me nuts though!


Honda cars with Type-R badge were always associated with agility and endurance, you could rev them out for laps and not give a F***. Kind of sad to see this one overheat so bad..


The oil temperature is a CALCULATED value. There is no oil temp sensor in this engine. But still can't be off by 10-20 C so.. it's freakin hot.


Oil temps aside, what an amazing car to drive .


Good and informative video. prefer this kind of videos to the generic happy smile perfect world because from these you learn alot, not just egoboosting.
I drive slighly modified GR Yaris and have addressed the cooling of engine (extra oil cooler) and brakes (HRNS cooling kit + ti shims), still car has issues on hot track, especially with brake temps.
Nowadays building a economical car for commuting vs track car are so different recipes that it is very difficult to do both.
Then again, like adding super big water to air heat exhanger and manage the flow with flaps could be good choice for track cars, though haven't seen many such being used (maybe with BMW?).

Haven't driven Honda but I like how informative and clear the dash is - must be a fun car to drive and own!


It has a great color combination with the wheels. Please upgrade its cooling ASAP too 😂


150°c for any type of oil is fkn insaneeee☠️☠️🚀


In some of the footage of Misha driving the car in the parking area, the Oil pressure is hitting 70+ psi over 2000 rpm. When they were having issues with the car, the Oil pressure was never getting above 45psi even close to 8k rpm.


That new Civic Type R runs very hot on track considering it was not on a map, would invest in an intercooler and radiator.


Wow, that is really good corner speed and heavy throttle application through the Hatzenbach complex! Especially straight out of the gate on cold tyres.
Ive never seen a FWD car taking those corners so quick with so much throttle.
