Basically Trenches VS Centaura | World War I

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Differences between Centaura and Trenches
Game names : Centaura & Trenches (BETA)

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Bro can I have a shout out (I live in Northern Cetus)


Fun fact: The Centaura map shown here is Capri Fields or Gridlock, this map is widely known for the fact matches can either be very quick or last up to an hour and a half and deaths can hit five digit numbers. Usually, after exactly 60 minutes on this map, both sides start yelling at each other lore accurate insults (proved and tested)


Just to clear out some mistakes Centaura is set in Forma, and Centaura is a prequel to Dead Ahead, both games are made under the same dev. Trenches, I don't honestly know.


"Waiter! Waiter! More Cetans to be sacrificed please!" -Corvun soldier in Southern Corvus region


Fun fact: On centaura, on the map of Blackton, theres a 16 year old girl behind 3 crates, her name is Sandra, if Corvus wins, a Corvus soldier will drag her onto the woods, and start skinning her (removing her skin) and presents her as a gift for the god of sun, if you kill her, before any of both sides win, She'll avoid that destiny, if the other side wins, she wont be skinned alive, so, just in case, kill her as soon as possible so she doesn't suffer being skinned alive, also, she has a scare animation, because she thinks you'll kill her, and a voice.

All of this is Lore, found on the game's documents. 👍

(Now You can't kill her, probably because of Roblox TOS)


centaura is the only game among the trenches game that's actually depict how brutal a war can be


I remembered first time playing Centaura. The most frightened moment for me when charging through the battlefield, running through bombs and bullets, hearing screams and shooting sound. And believe me, the frontier line is the most brutal and painful place to be at.This game give me the experience I could never expect from a roblox war game


Tbh they’re two different styles of playing, trenches is more based around teamwork and centaura is just pure chaos lol


I think it's the setting of everything in Centaura that sells it. The voices of soldiers screaming in pain, the explosions in every direction, a friend dies right next to you, then it could be you next.


Centaura is about gun play and brutality, threnches is about variety of gameplay, old one trenches (not "threnches 2") had arty that can be used by players, tanks, digging trenches, fortifying them and more, for me both games are legendary, and thats hard to compare them cuz of not the same gameplay


Trenches and Centura are two very different fruit from the same tree.
Trenches is a casual war game, with an impressive building system, and some matches can get SUPER intense (not as intense as Centura, but still intense)

Centura, is just, brutal... screams... red *fog*..
. An infinite amount of *pain*...


Update: Right after the Capri valley there is a new map called "Kelson Village".It is the first team deathmatch game in centaura. For the lore, corvus just made the chlorine gas used it in that village. Both corvus and Cetus would wear gas masks when you spawn.


Trenches depicts what war looks like in soldier eyes before the war. Centaura shows what war IS


Trenches: How WW1 soldiers think the war is like before getting into the battlefield.

Entrneched: WW1 soldiers first deployment

Centaura: WW1 soldiers during in the war

Shell Shock (endgame): WW1 soldiers almost ending their duty in the war


Game really shooked me with the lore, I was not expecting that, game got me patriotic for Cetus during the Corvus invasion and when Antares attacked in the farmland area I literally became patriotic as hell, I managed to shed fear into Antare's rank and file by constantly hunting down their officers, submachine gunners, and flamethrower infantry, by the end we won, with 112 kills under my belt, it was horrific but I fought with all my valor and might, and eventually we, Cetus won, but when the next match came and I read the lore, I just stared at what I am reading, we literally lost the war and now we were on a last ditch effort to attack one last time against Antares with no chance of victory, it was demoralizing as hell, imagine fighting for what seemed like days on a single farmland, doing everything you can sniping and unleashing fear upon your enemies especially with the chat of Antares always being panicked whenever their charges fail because I snipe their officer and the rest of them and yet, none of that mattered, we lost, literally carried the team and we lost, the game told us we won the battle, but we didn't even win the war, absolutely brutal, now I got a taste of what those WW1 German soldiers felt, just disappointment and rage really from what I am reading, but just exhausted for the most part, since it's a 3 hour long match, who wouldn't get tired of that?

Centuara is absolutely amazing. It'll make you feel pride, sadness, and just pure rage when you get immersed into it, especially when you play as Cetus.


Lore of Trenches : we got a funny magical power we use in arti and frags and our souls are literally immortal so death isn't a problem.

Lore of Centaura :


bro i hopped on a centaura game thinking it would have been normal... it lasted for an an 1 hour and 30 mins with over 4000 deaths and i played through the beginning to the end. my parents we actually concerned when i walked down the stairs with the thousand yard stare


Centaura really captures the horrors of war better than most games


Of course its gonna be like this, one game is meant to just be a silly war game, meanwhile the other is meant to show you the actual horrors of war


Honestly, this could 100% be flipped if you put the super intense music over trenches and the calm and relaxing music over Centaura.
