Why You SHOULDN'T Smoke a Pipe

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I started making pipes about a year ago, (Im only 16). I have greatly improved them since then, and have smoked one a few times. My brother and I actually made a blend with mint instead of using tobacco. My very limited experience has been good so far though. I've found that smoking a pipe around a campfire on the edge of a mountain lake is one of the most relaxing things you can do.


I don’t smoke, but as a kid I remember the smell of someone smoking a pipe in the bleachers at every one of my baseball games. Playing baseball was one of my favorite childhood memories, and the smell of a pipe bring me back every time I smell it. I appreciate pipe smokers.


This is just like getting into straight razor shaving, all takes time but in the end you will be acquitted with a hobby that lets you focus on the moment.


i started smoking a pipe because my family hated the smell of my cigars, (even though i smoked outside exclusively because they dont like the smell, but cigar smoke smell clings to you worse or something) but most pipe tobacco smells very nice, so they compromised and so did i and i love smoking a pipe more than cigars now actually, also you can buy wooden pipes shaped like a cigar which is cool, i love a cup of coffee and my pipe in the morning, and some spiced rum and my pipe in the evening


I don't smoke, never have, but I've always liked the smell of pipes and cigars. Sitting on a porch in a rocking chair on a cool summer's night with a pipe in my hand sounds like fun, though.


Another issue is that good classic pipe tobacco blends seem to be increasingly hard to find. People should be prepared to see their favorite blend go out of stock or be discontinued depending on the country of origin and laws there.


Another important addiction to consider is a thing called Pipe Acquisition Disorder (PAD). Too many of us start and are always on the lookout for that next great pipe, being lured in by the more affordable price of pipe tobacco. Great video.


Just getting into this hobby, actually smoked a corncob last night. I purchased a churchwarden but since this is new territory I figured going through each step with the corncob to familiarize myself with the process. I liked having to slow down and “be in the moment” and actually enjoying the experience which is something I’ve taken for granted lately.


This is possibly the best pipe smoking related video you've ever made. I turned to nasal snuff for nicotine because of this. I have 0 patience and always scorch the hell out of my mouth on pipes. Now I just smoke them once in a Blue Moon, but I must admit pipe smoking does provide the best flavors when it comes to smoking tobacco.


Excellent points. I've been smoking a pipe now for just under a year and watching your videos and a number of others have really helped me get the most enjoyment out of this hobby. You're absolutely right about having to take your time and learn about all the intricacies and nuances of pipe smoking.


One of the reasons I started smoking a pipe which I am still new to is coming from smoking cigars and the length of time it takes to smoke a full cigar. I feel I have more control over the amount of time I’m willing to dedicate to smoking a pipe is easier than a cigar. Hope this helps someone as it has helped me


I'd actually argue that if you're impatient smoking a pipe can help you learn patience. I'm a cigar smoker and it's definitely taught me to slow things down more.


All good points. It's been vastly better smoking a pipe indoors in my own space vs. freezing my ass off outside. Total game changer. As the founder of a pipe club, I encounter a lot of curious and earnest newbies that are happy to learn pipe smoking from another person--often more so than from their own research. However, most attendees end up smoking cigars or cigarettes instead😕 I personally learned a ton from your channel in 2017 when I became fascinated with pipe smoking, so thank you! One last note: it seems common among pipe smokers not to *need* to smoke, whereas it's a *problem* if a cigarette or vape smoker can't have their nicotine. I haven't had a pipe in two months and it's not an issue. My theory is that addiction is a function of the rapidity and quantity of nicotine delivery.


I agree with all except number 2, because we can become more patient if we try. Especially through smoking a pipe, or almost anything really. The reason patience is a virtue is because it is a virtue.


A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool, something to put in his mouth. —Mark Twain


I started off smoking cigars, then moved to rollups as my dad smoked roll ups, then moved to the occasional pipe, i haven't smoked a pipe for some years now as i now vape but the trouble I'm finding with vaping is you tend to vape way to much because its very quick and easy as it entices you to vape more frequently i find that its never out my hands and do it out of habbit and not because i need the nicotine or thoat hit, I've now decided to ditch the vape and go back to a pipe, i found out my old pipes and lit one up recently and its surprising how much different it is, I'm finding 2 session of a pipe a day is perfect for me and look forward to lighting up, i have a session in the morning before i go to work and one at night.


Sounds like a pretty well rounded assessment to me. Great video idea. I heavily agree with your points on pacing yourself and smoking for the experience, not just to satisfy a certain compulsion.


I made a few pipes for customers, mainly replacements for the pipe heads. It's a fun hobby to enjoy while smoking a pipe for me. Working with wood that way has always been relaxing to me. What i absolutely love is smoke some blend with blackberry leaf and some mind altering substances mixed in while sitting in my tub. I do have to say smoking anything isn't very healthy. Then again, a lot of things enjoyable aren't particularly healthy. That's why we enjoy them in moderation and that makes it a bit more special to me. This was a great video!


Who’s watching this while smoking there pipe ?


After seeing a real lung just surgically removed from a smoker, I gave up cigarettes and anything with nicotine.
