San Martino in Pensilis town in Molise famous for the Pampanella Pork dish.

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The Pampanella of San Martino
Typical dish of San Martino in Pensilis (Cb), pampanella is found only in Molise. Its name derives from pàmpino, that is the leaf in which the meat was once wrapped before slow cooking. It is in fact pork spiced with garlic and chilli pepper and cooked in the oven, then seasoned with vinegar. The peculiarity of its processing lies precisely in the cooking: in the phase prior to the baking, the meat is covered with wet straw paper. Procedure that gives it an unmistakable softness and enhances its flavor. According to tradition, it was prepared only for local festivals: the chariot race on 30 April in honor of San Leo and the annual fair on 30 August. Currently, it is possible to taste pampanella all year round, thanks to the skill of the few local producers, who keep the traditional recipe unchanged.
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