Raft's Stupidest Idea

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That's what we try our best to do in this video.
My computer sure was throwing a fit by the end of everything, but it was worth it to make this monster. I'm having so much fun with Raft again, I can't wait to see what all we get up to.

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So there are two main reasons why this didn't work. First off, the game specific renders in islands debris and etc in a certain radius from the true center of your raft. IE, the first board you're on when you start out. This is why people have also had islands disappear from underneath them suddenly: Their rafts weren't tethered and floated out of render distance for the island.
The other thing is, the world doesn't actually loop around. From what people have found, the world is flat but when you reach the 'end', it teleports you back to the beginning of the world map. So it will never come back around on itself as you're just being teleported. This also is probably why it has such a hard time dealing with rafts that are longer, which is why it's recommended to not build out too far for performance reasons, and instead build up.
I hope this helps!


BTW, the island with the "help" flag has a 2% chance of spawning in and some players search for it for an eternity, so lucky you! Also really like the Raft-themed videos and perhaps also try out Stranded Deep?


Once upon a time the was a mod that allowed you to teleport to your bed. I don't know if it would even work with a 6 mile raft and you could only put the bed on one end, but it could be useful.


What I’m pretty sure happens in this game is that when you are a certain distance from a story (blue) island, that island just teleports somewhere closer, which is why you saw it change to the left of you at the beginning. The ocean just keeps going in a straight line, you don’t circle back.


i feel like df is slowly going more and more off the rail, and honestly it's great


When it was nearly 20 seconds past the hour and there wasn't a new video I panicked


According to Google, the world's circumference is 24, 902 miles. You said your raft was 6 miles, so you only need to do 4150 times that amount of work to get around the world. :D


I would love to see DF GrayStillPlays and Let's Game It Out play one of these games together


Normal person: "I wonder of you can build around the world, I'll look up how world generation works to see if it's possible."

Df: "I wonder if you can build around the world. I shall spend many hours building forward to see if I loop around"


Raft render distance is small. You can literally see where the water just ends like 100 metres infront of you. But if the game lags too much it will cause the game to reload everything (islands that were loaded in respawn, but islands that werent spawned in move on the radar)
So technically the world is infinite, but the game just reloads the islands to be in a normal distance (1.500-3000m)


4:50 my boy really found a special island just by building in a straight line while i am searching for hours not finding one


I really like this style of video, it reminds me of DF's old stardew valley content, and all his fun ideas.


I'm pretty sure that the reason the world seems to be round is just that when they get out of range of the raft origin, the islands are deleted and put back down as another island somewhere else. And if the world was simulated to be round, the developers would probably just make it so islands that go to far appear on the opposite side of the map, so the character and raft wouldn't actually be able to go around.


There is no way I just spent 13 minutes watching this entire video just to find out that he doesn't actually build around the world


Watching Fully, this reminds me of Portal, where I think the developers said the area beyond the portal is a clone of your current area, but still counted as a separate area for coding purposes. However, Astroneer takes place on a curved planet that does wrap around on itself because you are changing angles as you walk on the surface of the planet. If you were to build a Flat Surface on a Planet it would gradually become a steeper plane as the gravity pulls you toward the center of the planet.


Imagine the glory that would be a DangerouslyFunny and Let's Game It Out collab.


Erm, I'm pretty sure that the raft defines the game. The raft is 0, 0 coordinates, and the rest of the stuff just drifts by. When you anchor, you don't anchor the raft, you anchor the WORLD.

And it spawns stuff randomly. When you input a coordinate, it spawns that specific island somewhere and tells you where. Normal islands just spawn in randomly. When you rotate the steering wheel, you rotate the world.


Wouldn't be suprised if the Raft itself was totally stationary, and the Islands/quests are the things which move.

There would be no way to 'loop around' in that case. You just get further and further from the Raft's origin point.
Maybe get teleported back once you hit an edge


Thanks! I always look forward to your videos!


df the reason that the island on the rader moved in front of you is because it a part of the story and then if the game sees that you are too far away it will teleport the island near you.

no criticism but how would a game simulate a raft around the earth
