Dementia could start in your blood vessels - eat these foods to keep your mind sharp | Dr William Li

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55 million people suffer dementia worldwide with numbers expected to double every 20 years. Understanding the link between our heart health and brain function is critical, illuminating the profound impact that heart health has on preventing dementia.

Dr. William Li is an expert in cardiovascular and metabolic health. He reveals how caring for our heart is not just about longevity but maintaining sharp, effective brain function as we age. His groundbreaking work has impacted more than seventy diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Dr. Li is also a New York Times best-selling author.

In today’s episode, Dr. Li explains how simple lifestyle choices in diet, exercise and sleep can drastically shape our brain's health and stave off dementia.

00:00 Introduction
01:15 Quickfire questions
03:59 Understanding dementia and Alzheimer's disease
05:24 Symptoms distinguishing dementia from ageing
07:10 The role of blood vessels in brain health
08:31 How circulation affects brain function
10:07 What causes blood clots and strokes?
11:18 What is the blood-brain barrier?
11:59 The importance of maintaining healthy blood vessels
13:18 The impact of lifestyle choices on brain health
16:20 What happens in our brains when we sleep?
20:51 What is the glymphatic system?
23:54 Vascular dementia may be the most common form of dementia
25:51 The role of glucose in brain function
28:25 What causes dementia and why does it happen when we get older?
30:13 Preventing dementia with lifestyle changes
32:33 What are healthy blood vessels like?
40:36 The surprising role of EPCs in brain repair
44:17 Can you slow down or reverse dementia?
50:09 Using food as medicine
52:08 The connection between gut health and brain health
54:30 The importance of exercise for brain health
59:26 How to avoid dementia
01:04:12 The link between mental health and cardiovascular disease

📚 Dr. William Li’s books:

📚 Books from our ZOE Scientists:

Relevant studies:
A human brain vascular atlas reveals diverse mediators of Alzheimer’s risk, published in Nature

Heart-brain connections: Phenotypic and genetic insights from magnetic resonance images, published in Science

Cocoa flavanol consumption improves cognitive function, blood pressure control, and metabolic profile in elderly subjects: the Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) Study—a randomized controlled trial, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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I never drink alcohol and never smoked in my entire life! Never took drugs.... and always nourished myself with a Mediterranean diet! .... My parents were born in Italy and they always cultivated a vegetable garden as long as I can remember.... My mom was an excellent cook - as a result all of her children were beautiful and healthy! My mom prepared the most delicious platters of food.... Zuccinni, eggplant... broccoli, cabbage, ... Chicken consommé freshly made with 7 vegetables.... and served with egg noodles that she prepared .... and I have continued in her foot steps! Thank God I am still going strong and of course walking every day....I am a mature lady!❤🥊


For everyone reading this, finding the banned book called the hidden herbs by anette ray should be your top priority


Praise Jesus even I suffered mild stroke ( TIA ) and took angiogram and found out that I have a 90% 80%70%60%50%40%20% blocked arteries in my heart. My doctor told me that I might drop dead anytime. I was scheduled for CABG triple heart bypass surgery which I declined . I change my lifestyle eats organic foods take supplements keto diet exercise, stayed away from stress. Its been 5 yrs now and I am still alive and feeling better.Praise our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ he is my healer.


Fifty one years ago I was ejected from a car traveling at 70mph out the windshield. A traumatic brain injury took several years to to recover from. Praise God for the design of brain regeneration.


2 YEARS felt my brain shutting down and was alarmed I couldn't drive as was confusing the brake and really shocked me into taking drastic action. I water fast off and on for several months and clean food. overhauled my whole brain. INCREDIABLE.


I firmly believe this…while rollerblading one evening, an unknowing brain aneurysm ruptured…as I lay in the hospital bed looking out the window, I was just visualizing blading on Saturday, visualizing in my mind the moves, the music…two months later I was back jogging, nine months later I was back rollerblading! The brain definitely can regenerate!


I’m 70 and have had copd over 20 years and been on oxygen and what keeps me alive is excercise which I didn’t start until a few years ago.It makes me breathe better and I’m still learning about diet.This man is the real deal!


This is why we need to find a way to get us women in menopause help for sleep. I have perfect sleep hygiene but since menopause falling asleep and staying asleep is almost impossible without turning to meds to help sleep.


I’m 81 and 8 weeks ago I started making most of these changes related to my situation. So, I thank you. Diabetes, stage three kidney disease, fatty liver and insulin resistance. Through your discussion I could see the whole system working together and interconnected, each dependent on the others.


Thank you for inviting Dr Li back! He is one doctor I really feel trust for. He sticks to what's currently known on a topic and presents it in a way to make it easily digestible. I always love your summaries at the end Jonathan. Thank you!


Dr Li is an absolute National Treasure! All doctors should have.His positivity, kindness and expertise. He understands the "system", not just one aspect of it. He gets the totality of the human body and how they interconnect, from the tip of the toes to the top of the head. Dr Li is the future of medicine! To sum up Dr Li's healthful living: eat a plant based diet & MOVE your body!


Dr Li is by far the best at explaining complicated all things medical so the average person can understand


After 2 years of research, I believe a high nutrients anti-inflammatory diet along with low impact exercising and a low stress lifestyle is key.


Nitric Oxide & Infrared therapy seems perfect to complete this topic. The blood vessels are the most important thing in our body! thank you.


Anything William Li speaks on is spot on. Love this man!


Ohhh. After cancer, I fear dementia the most. I just want to live as long as my mind is clear.!! I will do everything possible for that.🤔💯


Excellent interview. I am not convinced about a plant based diet, but go out of my way to get plenty of flavonoids and fiber. At 80 years I need more protein and iron. I walk 3-10 miles a day most days, and work out at least 3 days a week. I am still doing successful work as a senior analyst and sail a small boat whenever I can. Major issues are worries about balance, and increasing difficulty with short term memory. Your interviews are very helpful.


The late Edgar Cayce who was the Father of Holistic Medicine, and which his research center is still in Virginia Beach, VA - The A.R.E., recommended proper posture for allowing good circulation to the brain. And every morning upon awakening, take three deep breaths or more by inhaling deeply through your nose, and then exhaling through your mouth. This helps release toxins out if your system that accumulated over night. You ca also do this throughout the day, and also be mindful of practicing regular deep breathing throughout the day. The herb Ginko is said to improve blood circulation to the central nervous system, aids in the treatment of dementia and Alzheimers. It also strengthens the blood vascular system and decreasing the possibilities of clots, therefore there is a strong possibility of strokes being prevented. Coconut oil is also shown to help prevent dementia and Alzheimers. Of course, a clean diet, exercise, an adequate sleep are also very important for a healthy brain.


Well done Zoe for having the amazing Dr. Li back on your show, it demonstrates how serious and switched on you are on latest health issues.


Dr Li, you are God's gift to the universe. I have learnt so much about health from you - not from school or doctors, ironically !
