Teddy Roosevelt & Bigfoot

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Teddy Roosevelt's book The Wilderness Hunter:
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They cannot keep getting away with this, Peter Caine deserves recognition in the cryptid community. Please do a dramatic re telling of his terrifying account with a hormone enraged female sasquatch.


Sasquatch inbreeding is what produces feral beings. By the way Teddy is Bowman. Bowman was the only character without a last name or if Bowman was his last name then no first name in the tale told, and for obvious reasons. As an avid hunter he discovered a new primate and to unveil such a find as he was running for president he would have been ridiculed. So he kept it secret and revealed it after he was president. The next big thing was to establish these National Parks to recognize and protect the terrain inhabited by these hairy beings.
They are everywhere...and like the UFO discovery the goverment ridiculed and propelled the isolation of UFO witnesses. They doing the same thing to the Sasquatch phenomena.


My parents saw what they described as a bi-pedal creature that had the face of ape over 40 years ago outside of Louisville, KY going towards Taylorsville lake. Both saw it, was probably around 7Ft tall, flat face, walked on two feet, and looked right at them when it crossed the road. My dad also claims he saw one as a kid, 50+ years ago, in Louisville, hanging around outside a sewer entrance.


There's no "Wisdom River" in the area now-a-days, so he could be referring to the Big Hole River that flows through the "town" (village?) of Wisdom, Montana, or the "Wise River" that feeds into to Big Hole River further northeast of Wisdom. The head of the Big Hole River is just south of Wisdom and there is a distinct area of mountains between it and the Salmon river in Idaho (which is to the west). The head of the Wise river is by Maurice Mountain in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, and, if it were the river indicated, would designate a much larger area comprising 2 groups of mountains and the entire Wisdom Valley. If I were a betting man, I'd put money on it being the Big Hole River that flows through Wisdom. That means the mountains spoken of are in the Bitterroot Range right along the border between Idaho and Montana (roughly parallel to US Route 93). I'd say the area probably extends from "Goldstone Mountain" on the south to as far north as "N Mountain". The only mountain passes that I can discern are Goldstone Pass or maybe an un-named pass at the top of Carmen Creek that drops down into the left fork of Big Lake Creek in Montana.
EDIT: After listening to the rest of the story, my guess would be that the trappers were heading west up to Goldstone Pass. The creek there is aptly named "Bloody Dick Creek". The area is west by southwest of Black Mountain in Montana.


At this time more people in mountains of the west just like today some people become feral mentally caused sometimes other reason many accounts of this more then now because of amount actively ?


Boughman, Harking back to Old English for "one who makes floral arangements to the king".. not Bowman, Which would denote an Archer, No the floral arangers were much more valued! They may not protect your Kingdom worth their beans, But the place will smell lovely, And be tastefully decorated When the invaders overrun you!


Why are some people so ignorant, if they can't see it or touch it just can't be real


Great camera shots, and story telling.


Well, that was interesting. Nice job telling the story. New Subscriber.


I’ve never heard of a Bigfoot biting anyone. Fangs? Haven’t heard that either😂


It was a bear, or Baumsn did his partner in and then just made up the story to cover his tracks.


this story never mentioned bigfoot at all when told by roosevelt. he saw nothing and neither did the frontiersman.


I never heard of sasquatch biting people.


Technically, if genuine, the creature was not necessarily a sasquatch, but intriguing nonetheless. Oh, quality and informative video, by the way.


Hogwash. No such thing as a sasquatch or bigfoot.
