My Defense of Divine Simplicity
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In recent years there has been a retrieval of classical theism, including such doctrines as divine simplicity, divine aseity, and divine impassibility. But many evangelicals are still wary of these doctrines. Here I offer a defense of divine simplicity and explain why it is important, with special focus on its historical articulation.
Truth Unites is a mixture of apologetics and theology, with an irenic focus.
Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai.
My books:
Truth Unites is a mixture of apologetics and theology, with an irenic focus.
Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai.
My books:
My Defense of Divine Simplicity
What About Avicenna's Defense of Divine Simplicity?
The Modal Collapse Objection to Divine Simplicity
Why Believe in Divine Simplicity?
Answering an Objection to Divine Simplicity
Divine Simplicity Q&A w/ William Lane Craig + Ryan Mullins
Divine Simplicity in Orthodox Theology
Richard Dawkins Refuted on Divine Simplicity
Adult Sunday School. WCF Chapter 2
How Divine Simply Leads to Modal Collapse | #shorts #philosophyofreligion #apologetics
Why Would Someone Hold to Divine Simplicity? (w/ Ryan Mullins)
Is Divine Simplicity True? Joe Schmid (@Majesty of Reason) Vs. Fr. Gregory Pine Debate
The Trinity and Divine Simplicity w/ Dr. James Dolezal
Examining Divine Simplicity (with Dr. Ryan Mullins) (Ep. #122)
Is Divine Simplicity True? (with Steven Nemes) (Ep. #108)
Proving Christianity 2: Divine Simplicity
Divine Simplicity with Dr. Nathan Greeley
The Essence-Energies Distinction: A Protestant Reflection
Is Divine Simplicity True?
Trinity / Divine Simplicity
On Modal Collapse and the Traditional Thomists (clip)
An Introduction to Divine Simplicity (w/ Fr. Gregory Pine)
Divine Simplicity: Plantinga, Properties, Persona Galatica
Grandma's Doctrine of Divine Simplicity