'He Chose to Be One of Us'

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Live stream worship from Agency Community Church
3:35 Passing the Peace
5:50 Welcome and Announcements
13:17 Opening Chorus and Candle Lighting
14:47 Call to Worship and Invocation
17:35 Hymn
20:37 Scripture Readings
28:10 Kids Club Program
42:42 Special Music
51:37 Message "He Chose to Be One of Us"
1:08:14 Hymn
1:10:25 Benediction
3:35 Passing the Peace
5:50 Welcome and Announcements
13:17 Opening Chorus and Candle Lighting
14:47 Call to Worship and Invocation
17:35 Hymn
20:37 Scripture Readings
28:10 Kids Club Program
42:42 Special Music
51:37 Message "He Chose to Be One of Us"
1:08:14 Hymn
1:10:25 Benediction