Resisting the Present Pope Is Perfectly Licit

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Thank you You are good at informing us


I know many Novus Ordo parishioners, my self included, who are very much aware of the state of the church and the pope. We pray for the pope and strive to follow the teachings of the church. When we pray for the pope, (any pope) we should not pray for the pope’s intentions. He might not have good intentions. We should pray that Our Lord guide the pope.


"...Catholic celebrities" -- hahahaha! You out rank any of them by far. Keep up the good work, Anthony. May the Holy Spirit continue to breathe wisdom into your words! 🙏


Thank you, Anthony, for educating us. Much appreciated.


HELP propagate the Faith by our GOOD EXAMPLE- to FOLLOW THE TRUTH and maintain UNITY AMONG US. Period!


Thank you for all you do! Your channel is a wealth of information!


The Baltimore Catechism states for the faithful not to follow an authority figure— Bishops- Priest- Parents who are giving bad advice. For example: if a priest tells you to go rob a bank. You are not to follow his instructions.


Fortunately, we have Catholic prophecy that guides us through these turbulent times along with the truth of the Catholic faith.


This is just what I needed to hear. Thank you!!!


God bless you Anthony. You remind me I'm still sane as I'm receiving an onslaught of abuse from my 'catholic' friends whom I've known well and prayed with for almost 30 years. Sharing your videos (and other Traditional commentaries) now brands me a 'hateful fanatic'. At first I was totally stunned but when the response became standard I realised I had entered a rather exclusive zone within the Faith. Sadly I think it wise to stop sharing and hopefully can find some people who might be curious as to why I've Returned to Tradition with the SSPX Holy Fathers. One of the greatest gifts of my life to discover the TLM has been protected in all its Reverence and Beauty. The other gift is I'm finding new friends there who are enriching my Faith and my Life.


So after the CWL convention of last week, the executive council met yesterday.  I was not happy that the pope felt it necessary to force his Climate change theme on our group, felt his manipulation of trying to control those that are vulnerable and perhaps ignorant to his agenda.  During the meeting, someone aired out that they were unhappy with our theme for the year and that perhaps they could have chosen a more religious one, to which I cried out "Thank God I am not the only one that thinks that", this comment made our table go back and forth you might say.  One lady, whom I admire for the works she does, replied that the Pope is doing the right thing, to which I replied "This years' theme was the pope's wasn't it?", to which the first lady replied "It was the Pope that came up with this theme", this is strange, as usually it is the National Council that come up with the years' theme, Pope Francis went out of his way to ensure his agenda was forced upon us.  The second lady continued saying that the pope is doing good, to which I replied "He said all religions are willed by God, then why did Jesus have to die?", to which she replied to my non belief, "There is more then one way to get to God", this went into my heart and soul and my voice beyond belief cried out "No, there are not more then one way to get to God, there is only one way and one way only, through Jesus Christ!", this came out so sudden like a flash, the table was quiet.  I then added that this is a subject that is controversial and should be left alone.  You see this subject is very touchy and cannot be discussed with those that strongly and blindly being faithful to the pope.  Pope Francis is dividing our church, Revelations is being fulfilled.


When you see how St. Peter's Square was packed today, one truly has to question how much Catholics do know, or better yet, want to know.  It's hard to swallow the truth and digest it.


"...Nonsense on stilts" -- another gem from my current favorite Catholic wordsmith. But in all seriousness, your're right: it's only when we start to really know our faith that we realize what a mess this is. Sadly, most Catholics are woefully ignorant of the truth of our faith, and thus woefully ignorant of the state of things presently. I counted myself among them until not even two years ago, when I realized that things seemed certainly suspicious. Then I realized that I was ignorant of my own faith, and once I began to study I saw that it's in danger. No, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, but Hell hath done some damage to the Church! If people don't see this, well they don't know the faith, or they are not paying attention, or both. May God save us from our own ignorance and from following an errant pope to eternal demise. 🙏


2 Timothy 4:3-4 A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths.


Keep humbly telling the truth, and helping the sheeps to weather the storm. Blind rebelliousness is bad; blind obedience is far worse.

This Pope refuses to engage with concerned Catholics, no matter their state or moderation. He is teaching things which refute Jesus & the apostles, the Church Fathers, the sensus fidelium & the unbroken teachings of the Faith.

Shall we obey God, or man? Shall we love the fullness of the Faith, or the mad modernist musings of the past century?

Look for a good parish and decent priest & people, even if it means travelling and inconvenience. Pray without ceasing, and rest in Christ’s victory and will. Learn, re-learn, and pass on the faith.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy upon us!


Priests are men like any other men in the respect that they have weaknesses and they can also be reinforced against those weaknesses.

If you are in a novus ordo Parish, it is right and just for you to support your priest and advocating the traditional Mass, traditional theology, and fighting against modernism at the parish level.

Priests have a lot of pressures put on them. It may be pressure from the Bishop, from people in the diocese office, from Parish donors or members of the parish council, from full-time or part-time staff, from volunteers, or even their peers.

If you are like me, and you go to a novus ordo Parish because a more traditional parish is more than an hour's drive, or does your home, or you have a wonderful priest, then you ought to support that priests when they do something right.

Get involved in the ministries. If good catechesis is being employed in rcia, in youth ministry, in all of the education of all the prisoners, then your Parish will have a better disposition than if you allow the 60's hippie communist to do a happy clappy job.

In my Parish, we have some really good full-time staff, some excellent priests, religious sisters, multiple deacons, and people that we have been able to help to vocations. I teach church history, rcia, and anywhere else they would like me to be used with them.

This is one of the ways the modernists I've been able to gain influence. Socialists and revolutionaries are always happy to take jobs that influence people around them.

We, as faithful and diligent Catholics, have an obligation to spread the faith, inform people's consciences, and reinforce our brothers and sisters against heresy and temptation.

That means get involved in your Parish at the grassroots level. Do something.




Thank you for taking a rightful stance. God in the person of Jesus Christ
is the True Shepherd Who will never misguide the sheep.


Thanks for that quote from Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church! It explains precisely what happened to me (and I'm sure many other Catholics in the Novus Ordo church who little by little, and then more swiftly and immediately, recognized that so much happening in the "New Order" church is just W R O N G). Once my *sense of the faith* alerted me to that, I did my due diligence and research and read the papal documents and catechisms of old (like Trent, the Nicean councils, bulls and other writings issued, especially of Popes Oius V, Leo XIII, Pius X, etc), as well as prayed fervently for the truth, and realized that I wasn't crazy or some how "off" or arrogant to view the church that I'd been born and raised into a cheap rip-off and counterfeit of the true Catholic Church, whose goodness, truth, and beauty I then began to discover. We have been cheated and betrayed, and indeed I contend that those of us who reject the "Conciliar" church as you call it are just returning or coming home to the true Church and pray that those in the counterfeit "Catholic" church would stop accusing people of "leaving" the Church (when in fact it was the likes of John XXIII and the popes who have followed him, who have left the true Church, gravely misleading the faithful who trust them) and be united together again in the _true_ One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I pray for it every single day. Just as a pray for Francis, whom I see as a prime player for the purveyors of untruth and globalism. Mother Mary, pray for us. 🙏


Thank you, Anthony, for saying that the faithful can resist this Pope. “Recognize and Resist” is a slogan within the SSPX . I have to admit that agree with the schismatic SSPV. “Recognize and Resist is futile.”

Yet, after interacting with Trads online, I am terrified of going to a TLM church. I am giving myself until the conclusion of the Amazon Synod to make my final decision. Thanks so much for doing this. 🤓
