Can Catholics Criticize the Pope?

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Can Catholics Criticize the Pope?

Michael Lofton considers whether Catholics can criticize the pope. To answer the question, he examines the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's document Donum Veritatis, written for theologians who have difficulty assenting to Catholic teachings. He then applies this document to the average Catholic on social media.

#catholic #pope #catholicchurch

Are you tired of all the confusion in the Catholic Church? So was I! For this reason, I decided to intensely study the Catholic Magisterium in order to discern between what people say about the Catholic Church vs. what it actually says and teaches. If you are a confused Catholic, or are discerning becoming a Catholic, Reason & Theology offers you an in-depth examination of the situation in the Catholic Church that will help make sense of the confusion.

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Tonight’s show on criticizing the Pope and/or Magisterium exemplifies why I subscribe and support you, Michael. I recommend your channel to all my friends and clients daily. Thank you for all you do, Good Sir!!


I feel that it just has become like when people criticize political parties. Is exhausting how blood thirst like it has become. (I dont even know if I expressed myself well, but you get the picture). 6:20 💣


Thanks for this clear teaching, Michael.🙏❤️ Suffer in silence? I can’t see them doing that, unfortunately.🙄


Very good. This has become a real problem. These critics only add to the burden of those that would otherwize come to the faith. Bravo. Viva cristo rey.


I am faithfull that the Synod will end and the teaching will not be changed as some radicals say. I hope they apologioze to the Pope after that.


Michael, I've recently subscribed to your channel because I really enjoy your thoughtful, balanced and comprehensive handling of questions and issues concerning our catholic faith. I do however have to state that top down communications from the Vatican are often confusing to the lay faithful who do not have the time or inclination to vet out the actual meaning of what is being communicated. For example, the recent question of "Can transexuals be Godparents". The Vatican's answer is clouded by exceptions that need even more clarification on several levels with emphasis placed on the individual priest's prudential judgement. That can leave a lot of room for error and confusion. Why not begin the response more clearly by stating that a person suffering gender dysphoria or same sex attraction can only be a Godparent if they fully intend on renouncing those lifestyles with the sincere intention of living a chaste and sacramental lifestyle as we ALL are called to ? We all fall short but what we don't need right now are perceived loopholes in Catholic teaching.


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 *📜 Guidelines for expressing concerns to the Church*
- The Magisterium provides guidelines for Catholics to express concerns about the Church constructively.
- Catholics are encouraged to bring up difficulties with teachings to magisterial authorities, aiming for resolution.
- Criticism should be evangelical in spirit, seeking to build up the Church rather than shame it.
02:25 *🚫 Avoiding mass media for theological objections*
- Turning to social or mass media for theological objections is not recommended by the Magisterium.
- Recourse to proper authority is advised for clarifying doctrinal issues.
- Theologians should engage in serious study and dialogue with a spirit of loyalty to the Church.
05:31 *🤔 Respecting and enduring theological challenges*
- In situations where theologians struggle to assent to non-infallible teachings, they may need to endure in silence.
- Catholics, especially those on social media, should exercise measured and respectful criticism.
- Constructive criticism should aim at building up the Church and trust in God's resolution.


Unfortunately, people don't understand criticism. They cross the line and start to slander
Jesus have mercy on us.


How about bishops and priests who purport themselves to be the defenders of the 'truth ' ??? 😮


Thank you.Pope Francis is a very holy man I love him dearly.He is subjected to abuse and a lack of love by those who profess to be Christians.The Church is blessed to have him.May he be blessed always.Jesus is Lord.


Faith is knowing that no matter what happens, everything is going to be okay. Just like in our personal lives, things may look bad and it may seem as though God is silent or not at work for our good. Sometimes, we can't imagine how this bad thing could possibly be allowed. Just so in the Church. But nevertheless, God works all things out for good. So, if your superiors don't listen to your concerns, if the Pope doesn't seem to take heed of what you consider to be the better course of action, you have a direct line to the Father. Pray. Pray in love for your superiors, their good, and the good of the Catholic Church. Then, don't worry about how it plays out. God will guide things the way they should go and things will come out right in the end. The end may be sooner or later, but it will come out right.


Can we criticize the Pope? My answer as a devout and faithful Catholic is YES, but ...there is always a but... with polite language and constructive way and approach. Help to improve what is problematic as the church journeys and be patient for it takes time. DO NOT think that you are smarter or holier than the Pope for, unlike you, He is the Pope, and you are NOT.


I think some criticism can be helpful to an extent, but willingly demonize the Vicar of Christ is blasphemy. Lord have mercy…


No, Catholics ought not criticize the Vicar of Christ! - ever!


Attacking the Pope is like attacking the chair of Peter. This is what will shame the Church.
We have had bad, even worse Popes in the past. The truth and everything will pass. I doesn’t take a theologian or a doctor to figure it out.
Do not disrespect The Holy Father, by calling him by name in public media, this will not help. It only brings the church to split in hall.
God Will prevail!


The fact you ask this question is evidence to your over reliance and misplaced loyalty in a fallible and broken man that Christ did not appoint over you. You give francis power which he misuses and brings reproach upon the name of God. Shame.
