I Tried to Survive 100 Days in an INFINITE DESERT in Hardcore Minecraft!

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In today's video, I try to suvive 100 Minecraft Days in a Desert Only world. Will I be able to survive, or will I succumb to the desert? You never know over here on this chanel.
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Background Songs:
Lena Raine - otherside

Silent Partner - Right Place, Right Time

Media Right Productions - Jazz In Paris

Lena Raine - Pigstep (Stereo Mix)
#minecraft #hardcore #letsplay
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Hi all! Just wanted to mention something quickly. In my last 100 days video, I mentioned that my next one would be in modded Minecraft. I tried, but my computer kept crashing whenever I'd try to play, so modded may have to wait a little while. Anyways, thanks for watching and have a great day :)


You're my favourite Minecraft YouTuber now pls don't talk to minors


Mud brick actually is a cool idea in a desert world. The early civilizations of Mesopotamia made their buildings entirely out of mud bricks. They didn’t have much wood or a reliable way to harvest and move a ton of stone yet, but they had a whole lot of mud off the Tigris and Euphrates. I think it’s neat.


Frametext at 7:12 "not really, but I'm not going to re-record like 3 seconds of audio. Instead, I'll just flash this text on screen for a few frames."
Took me 0, 25 speed and two tries, it were indeed, a few (2) frames 😂
Edit: lush caves CAN spawn under deserts, but it is dependent on the hidden humidity value of the biomes. I found about 50-50 lush caves and dripstone caves underneath my 4000 block desert, i looked it up over at Chunkbase. So a good rule of thump is that lush caves spawn near oceans and dripstone ones are usually farther inland 😊 I'm building my desert city/kingdom atm as well there, bordering 4000x1000 blocks of mangrove swamp. (Yes i searched for ages until i found that seed) 😂

EDIT: Here is the Seed, because someone was asking in the comments about it, and I just copied my answer to them, for everyone who wants to know as well!

"And my base is at the desert well at -4930 / 63 / -1468, between both the relatively near villages.
In that map are also places where three spawners could be used for a multi farm and still be in spawing range of the player, as well as slimechunks bordering each other for four or rarely five times even, if you want a slime factory 😂
The Mangrove swamp starts in the right lower corner at around X -3500 Z 650 and spans at some places for 900 or so blocks in width, interchanging here and there with the desert or bordering "normal" biomes, and stretching up to the left upper corner until around X-7600 Z-2250.
Have fun if you should happen to try the map out and let me know! 😊 Have a good one"


COD zombies was the shiz. I played it with my friends all the time. We kept chuckling at Richtophen’s voice lines. We had a whole strategy to get to higher levers in the map and get all the colas. Good times.


Love the video. Would love to see a 200 days, especially with a few more live audio clips along with the voice over. I feel like your live reaction to things would be extra amusing 😊


First off, awesome video! I love hardcore 100 days videos, and I especially love that this one is so chill and has so many building segments (it's very relaxing- nothing against the people who are fighting the warden by Day 40, but that's not my jam- I like building segments and meta rambling and actually taking the time to get diamond before entering the nether instead of just using some weird superhuman speedrunning strats). A few highlights: you found a fossil!!! I've only ever heard of those before- I'm definitely putting in my vote for a 200 days, because I want to see the full project. Your buildings in general look very nice- especially the animal farm. I totally sympathize with the lack of spruce! I will say that you might be able to find saplings in weaponsmith village houses, but the only option is oak, and I don't think that spruce spawns in trial chambers, so I wish you all the luck with the wandering pennypincher. Also finding multiple spawners and never doing anything is very relatable lol. Oh, and I just have to say it- I always plant beetroot. Beets are my favorite vegetable irl and it makes me angry that Mojang did them so dirty (where's my golden beetroot!) so I always plant them and then I end up just making red dye and trading it to a shepherd villager. Or making borscht (excuse me, beetroot soup), because despite not stacking and giving you fewer hearts than just eating the beets, it warms my heart. Anyway, thanks for the video and I hope you're doing well! <3


I'd love to see another 100 days in the desert. The building designs were *chefs kiss* perfect imo. Wanna see more of it.


I rarely seem to find youtubers who voices seem calm, and lawrd have I found one today. I cannot wrap my head around how you manage to keep my full attention 😭🗣️


200 days, please!!! This was so much fun to watch and I’d love to see you build more in this world 🔥🔥🔥


Big W and kudos for this brother for caring about other Ytr's popularity by trying not to copy their idea while trying to make himself some money.


And people thought Babaloo sounded like Dream! lol

I guess we found his third channel lol


"It's one pen, Michael, how much could it cost? Six dollars?" - Shrammy


I hope your channel grows big some day❤


Me: Just existing and listening to this for entertainment and the random build tips.
You: "...cause I'm not, really, getting angry at anyone that exists...anymore.


I did not know about the fortune tool thing with potatoes and carrots! Now that I've heard it again I have a vague recollection that it works with wheat and beats, but only gives more seed yield.


I'm totally in LOVE with your build! Stupid Youtube, never saw this video, till NOW! It's been out a month. You're such a great builder!! Definitely reminds me of something FWhip would build. It's beautiful, and visually appears to have serious lore to it. I'd TOTALLY love to watch you do another 100 days in this world video. That bit with the having to cure your villagers gave me quite the heart palpitations, but, yeah man, hats off! Great job! I ALWAYS avoid desserts. They're so barren and just, well, UGLY, I have always hated even the idea of building in one. You made quite the oasis. Going to subscribe! Thx for the inspiration man!


thanks for the vid bro, the cod talk was funny and nostalgic!


I love this kind of 100 days. Exploring, building and learning while playing. Im waiting for the 200 days! 😊


Ngl was impressed by the bridge liked how you incorporated the whole desert vibe with this video 🤝🏼
