The Girl That Killed Her Friend To Sleep With Her Boyfriend | Anna Uncovered

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Imagine losing your life and being in jail for the rest of your life for a guy that doesn't even care about you


Ladies please, please if a guy is cheating on you, DONT CONFRONT THE WOMAN, don't harm her or anything. Leave the reship and let her have that dusty cause you deserve better and a good man or woman will show you that one day...but taking someone's life and risking yours in the process all for someone that doesn't care about you isn't worth're special, loved, admired and wanted so don't let a douchebag tell you otherwise..


That’s honestly so sad, over a boy who pretended to care about both of them just for him not to give a shit at all smh.
Prayers for both families.


Dude..they were never friends wtf are u talking about


This title is misleading and you know it. They weren’t friends, they were sleeping with the same loser.


This is obviously more messed up than it sounds. All for a boy that wasn't even worth ANY one of their energies. This is why I teach my oldest girl to be careful of her company and to never chase a male for attention.


This is such a tragedy! And to make it worse when Sara got stabbed she called that loser Josh saying it hurts! Even as she was dying he was on her mind and that scumbag got in court and dissed her saying she was just friends with benefits! That is wrong on every level. RIP Sara I wish this didn’t happen!


Ladies please remember NO MAN is worth your effort or life if HE cannot do the same for you.
Remember this girl's life the next time some ugly guy tries to play you.


They were never friends, they were both dating Joshua. Please stop with the clickbait titles it’s disrespectful to everyone involved.


The fight wasn't about the dude.
It was all about their egos.


Sad thing is I don't think he feels any kind of remorse for this happening over him. He seems like a narcissist. He probably had other women that he was probably.actually claiming.


She should've never left a voice mail saying she'll murder her that made Rachel's situation 10 times worse


Those voicemails were the nail in the coffin for Rachel…

HOWEVER, I have seen this story many times, and although I am super sympathetic to Sarah’s passing and her family’s grief, I don’t like how this situation is being printed to only make Rachel look bad.

First of all, I am not here for the story being told that Sarah was so scared and sad when Rachel was texting and threatening her because Sarah was doing the same thing. If we are going to tell the story, let’s tell it the right way.

Both Rachel and Sarah were at fault for this! Sarah came to Rachael looking for a fight when Rachel was minding her. Sarah hopped off the car with a group of girls; I’m not saying Rachael grabbing a knife was a smart idea (because it wasn’t ) but being approached by a group of girls will give me the idea that she may have possibly thought she was going to be jumped. This situation is extremely unfortunate, but I am not putting all the blame on Rachel. She made it very bad decision but she’s not 100% to blame!


Rachel showing remorse for what she did, at least gives me some hope for her growth. The one person who hasn't shown remorse is Josh. Josh was addicted to the attention and the fight over him. I hope he feels guilty. Because in the end, it's because of him that two girl's lives were destroyed. He's a disgusting man and he doesn't deserve any girlfriend.


Sounds like self defense to me on the part of Rachel and Rachel wasn't friends with Sarah. They were always enemies.


a real man gonna make your life peaceful


I am actually very familiar with this case as this happened about 25 minutes from my house and they definitely were not friends in any way shape or form they were two young woman they were both being cheated on by the same guy and being led into chaos by this guy for his amusement all he wanted was to be able to sleep with both of these girls and watch them fight over him….


Two princesses Fighting over a toad. Make no sense.


No part of the story does neither girl claim they were friends...please edit the title


The saddest part was that everyone was shocked when he said he was just sleeping with them, but both girls knew he was playing them. But I'm guessing he was gaslighting them both. Abs sadly there is nothing he could have been charged with.
